Scammed by Foxgold

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by rainman19, Jul 3, 2023.

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Scammed by Foxgold
  1. Unread #1 - Jul 3, 2023 at 2:28 PM
  2. rainman19
    Jun 6, 2023
    Sythe Gold:

    rainman19 Newcomer

    Scammed by Foxgold

    Scammer's profile link: Foxgold | Sell & Trade Game Items | OSRS Gold | ELO (
    Amount scammed: Circa 500 USD
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: coolio#8848 + 1059040979501449308
    Proof that it's their Discord: GIF - Album on Imgur (Not sure on how to get the quality higher, I'd like to have higher quality GIFs)

    Explanation of the trade:

    I had been scouting for an RS3 Ironman account, looking at Foxgold's thread I noticed that he was selling some Runescape 3 accounts, but no ironman directly in his thread, however he did mention:

    "Not interested in any of the accounts listed? make sure to ask, as I have more unlisted that I will list in future that you could buy. This is common."

    So I did just that, and he told me he did have an almost maxed Ironman for sale, which was exactly what I was looking for. I paid him the price he came up with, around 500 USD in BTC. He said he would give me the log-in credentials after payment, immediatly after I paid him the 500 USD, he sent me credentials which were incorrect, and could not be logged in with.

    I was okay with this, I figured he could've sent me the wrong credentials by accident, all good, I told him about it, no need to start a fight over this.

    The whole conversation of our discord history is in a GIF.

    Whole Discord conversation:

    I still hope we can resolve this, as I did not want to do this in the first place, which is why I waited 4 days to resolved it with Foxgold himself.
  3. Unread #2 - Jul 3, 2023 at 3:57 PM
  4. Foxgold
    May 28, 2022
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Foxgold Forum Addict

    Scammed by Foxgold

    Not sure if he included the whole convo on Imgur didn't check.

    Anyway, the login is [email protected] prior to being on a jagex account, he moved to jagex account and told me it was incorrect.

    After this I screenshot it not working when I try and reset the password, and he tells me its correct.

    I tried again and it worked, so I sent an appeal and had just assumed perhaps Jagex could've took partial database offline which is a problem many had over a year ago and couldn't login for days.

    I did receive a reply being denied, the username is completely random and not what I made, as you can check for yourself by sending a ticket with random info it will be denied and tell you the current username.

    This username is level 3, brand new account.

    Of course I'm in a position where I'm not wanting to lose out because the account isn't recoverable, its on a jagex account.
  5. Unread #3 - Jul 3, 2023 at 4:22 PM
  6. rainman19
    Jun 6, 2023
    Sythe Gold:

    rainman19 Newcomer

    Scammed by Foxgold

    I’m not entirely sure with regards to how Jagex Accounts work, but wouldn’t you receive an e-mail on [email protected] confirming that it has been paired to a Jagex account? I’d assume this is what would happen.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
  7. Unread #4 - Jul 3, 2023 at 4:28 PM
  8. Foxgold
    May 28, 2022
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Foxgold Forum Addict

    Scammed by Foxgold

    I've sold a decent amount of accounts no issue.

    This is the first problem i've ever had, ever. Jagex accounts are done completely through the account settings and I don't believe I received an email, though I could check if I did. And anyone can check this for themselves too.

    I obviously got tricked into the false potential something could've been off and he didn't know you could check the current RSN, so he thought he'd get a refund.

    I know this doesn't happen often, in my case it's the first time. But this community is full of scammers. I largely respect Sythe rules and i'd be let down if anything came from this.

    But of course, it's up to the moderators.

    Just know it could happen to anyone, and there is no real evidence. This right here is enough to prevent anyone from trying because all it takes is someone to try and scam you or not like you.
  9. Unread #5 - Jul 3, 2023 at 4:52 PM
  10. rainman19
    Jun 6, 2023
    Sythe Gold:

    rainman19 Newcomer

    Scammed by Foxgold

    Appreciate the reply! I’m not looking for a refund, and I won’t ask for one whatever the outcome might be. I’ve checked the only Jagex Account I have and it doesn’t have the account on there. All I’d like is to resolve the issue and see where things might have gone wrong. The reason I made this thread is be able to talk to you again, since all my Discord messages were being ignored for multiple days.

    When you sent me the account details I tried logging in and it said that I entered the incorrect details, I thought to myself, Okay no need to panic, could just be a mistake. So I patiently waited for multiple days and you would inform me once you knew more regarding the account recovery request, but I never got a reply from you.
  11. Unread #6 - Jul 4, 2023 at 11:17 PM
  12. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow

    Andy - For all your OSRS needs

    Scammed by Foxgold

    I'm going to apply a DNT to both users here as a precaution until we get to the bottom of things.

    Was there any ToS agreement here? If so could you please provide it?

    Also @Foxgold, are you the original owner of this account?
    ^ rainman19 and Bordercollie127 like this.
  13. Unread #7 - Jul 5, 2023 at 11:04 AM
  14. Foxgold
    May 28, 2022
    Sythe Gold:
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    Foxgold Forum Addict

    Scammed by Foxgold

    ToS on my account sales thread.

    Not the original owner. It was connected to my email address though. (There is no way the original owner could've done it) but this is fine, as he knew. I am an account reseller

    I don't know what to say or how to prove. He's acting like he doesn't want a refund. If you analyse the situation absolutely this can happen to anyone, even if they're $2000 Donor.

    I'd appreciate having DNT removed. I don't know how I can get to the bottom of it as I know that he's most definitely not telling the truth. I cannot recover the account via Jagex Account recovery since it is on a Jagex account.

    The one idea I can suggest, is the posting of evidence of me trying to see if it's on a Jagex account and recover it. This was after trying normally, and finding out a new account had been created to replace the old email as the login had changed to a Jagex account.

    They clearly stated that they don't btw, unless its clearly hacked. In this case the party was probably intelligent enough to use a proxy. This was started largely over JMods talking about it, Reddit/Twitter and I believe even the official news page.

    But in actuality the best thing this will prove, is that the account is on a Jagex account.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  15. Unread #8 - Jul 5, 2023 at 11:25 AM
  16. Foxgold
    May 28, 2022
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Foxgold Forum Addict

    Scammed by Foxgold

    When he was asking for my help I did take it upon myself to check when I received a wrongful account deny with a different username belonging to a level 3. Of course Jagex provides copy paste replies to appeals, but they do not give accounts back to people through Jagex account, unless its clearly hacked, stated 1000 times by JMods.

    Check the RSN old arc dog, it has the same stats as in the picture of the account I sold him.

    He is lying, or his discord/PC is hacked, as I deal with accounts all the time, sell many, and hold crypto and lots of gold without any issue. This is the furthest I can go into detail, as Jagex aren't going to co-operate.

    I have donor and quite a nice building of rep, so I'd hope I don't lose the account to DNT. I appreciate and understand your decision however. Just note that it is something anyone can make up, so its like I built this knowing I'd eventually get a problem due to probability of scammers. And for what evidence there is it's probably in my favour.



  17. Unread #9 - Jul 5, 2023 at 4:45 PM
  18. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow

    Andy - For all your OSRS needs

    Scammed by Foxgold

    Hello @Foxgold, please reach out to me on Discord, you can find it in the top right of this post.
    ^ Pirate and Bordercollie127 like this.
  19. Unread #10 - Jul 20, 2023 at 4:59 AM
  20. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Hoover CoolHam Battleship Champion Team Fight Tactician Rupee Detective Member of the Month Winner Homosex Two Factor Authentication User
    Pokémon Trainer Poképedia Nitro Booster (3) St. Patrick's Day 2024 Shitting Rainbow

    Andy - For all your OSRS needs

    Scammed by Foxgold

    User has stopped responding, they'll keep their DNT and I've banned them for 3 months.

    @rainman19 I've lifted your DNT.
    ^ Bordercollie127, rainman19 and Dbuffed like this.
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