READ THIS FIRST! Dispute Rules and Template

Discussion in 'Dispute a Ban, DNT or TWC' started by Andy, May 5, 2021.

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READ THIS FIRST! Dispute Rules and Template
  1. Unread #1 - May 5, 2021 at 11:40 AM
  2. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Andy - For all your OSRS needs

    READ THIS FIRST! Dispute Rules and Template

    This forum is for disputing TWCs, DNTs, bans, and other decisions made by staff. For more information on these ranks and why they are handed out please see The Official Rules.

    If you are unsure as to why you were given a TWC or DNT clicking on the rank will show you the reason it was given.

    Dispute Rules
    1. Your dispute must use the proper template found below unless you are disputing a home IP TWC. Disputes must also be posted from your home IP. No proxies or VPNs allowed.
    2. Please include your Sythe name and what you are disputing in your thread title.
    3. Decisions made on disputes are final, you may not dispute the outcome of a dispute.
    4. Not being aware of the rule you broke is not a valid excuse. Sythe members are expected to have read the rules.
    5. Disputing infractions is not allowed in this section. PM the staff member that infracted you instead.
    6. If you are disputing a decision of any kind, please do so within one month of that decision being issued unless told otherwise. Staff reserve the right to deny any dispute that is posted after this window has elapsed.
    7. TWC disputes (aside from home IP TWCs) require 5 staff support votes for TWC removal. However, if your TWC dispute accumulates five votes of no support, it will result in denial.
    Link to/reason for TWC/DNT/Ban:
    Link to your vouches:
    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you disagree with the decision:
    Link to previous disputes:
    Anything else you wish to say:
    ^ Mattybbrah, Gladiator and Devil like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2023
< No Home IP - Trade with caution (TWC) | >

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