[Pending paypal fund release]

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Chaquitidor, Feb 15, 2022.

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[Pending paypal fund release]
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 15, 2022 at 3:45 PM
  2. Chaquitidor

    Chaquitidor Guest

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Scammer's profile link: One

    Amount scammed: $300

    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: 931589199256248370

    Proof that it's their Discord: Screen capture - a13486712bfee7291cb94d232573051e - Gyazo

    Explanation of the trade:

    Hello everyone,

    (I would like to preface this by saying my original discord account with a majority of the early conversations with Onesome was deleted, so he would need to grab some of what I reference if he is even willing to.)

    Over the past week, I've been having Onesome accept payments VIA PayPal for me in what's called a "GroupBuy". These GroupBuy's accept payments from people much like a go-fund-me. There is a set goal and when that set goal is reached I release files to the community, in this specific case it was a group buy for 3 Juice WRLD songs for $7,000.

    If you would like an example of a Juice WRLD groupbuy there is currently one going on for $20,000. The link is here - (EXAMPLE) https://discord.gg/9Na2f8TG

    Juice WRLD GroupBuy Information (EXAMPLE) - Screenshot - 39d4c56ae1862eb8ecdb4e20841b61f1 - Gyazo

    Since the total amount is very large it does sometimes take a while to get there. The groupbuy takes multiple payment methods to get that done; these are Cashapp, Venmo, Crypto, and of course the most lucrative PayPal. When listing out the payment information, we list one for each payment method. This is to easily keep track of payments as TONS of payments come in.

    Groupbuy Payment Info (EXAMPLE) - Screenshot - 6a6dd345e962761781b4cd9d0f5f9107 - Gyazo

    Since the groupbuy is open to the public, we allow everyone to chip in as long as it is a $5 minimum. With this in mind, I understand that it is best to have a verified PayPal. I didn’t have one so I went about and asked around. Onesome came to me and told me he would hold the payments for a 30% fee and guarantee that the account wouldn’t get locked. I explained to him the process of how groupbuys worked, and he assured me he was the PayPal expert. I made sure he knew payments came from a multitude of places and at random times.

    I honestly have no idea how PayPal works. I know it is a disaster to navigate around and accounts are constantly closed. The whole reason I used this service was to guarantee I’d receive my money and avoid the headaches of navigating PayPal. Onesome didn’t provide me any rules or restrictions nor was I advised on how payments should be sent to his PayPal account.

    At the beginning of the GroupBuy, I asked Onesome for a PayPal email, in which he provided two emails. As stated before, we only use one email at a time in the groupbuy for tracking reasons. Once I uploaded the email to the server, it did take quite a bit for payments to start rolling in.

    Over the first week, Onesome received ~ $180 (This is an estimate) and at that point, the groupbuy was only around $4,000/$7,000. Onesome sent the money over to me in BTC with no issue, with a 30% fee of course. There was only an issue with one payment, in which someone sent $20 with a note of “Sex”. I immediately resolved the problem with Onesome and told him to refund the user who sent that money. Which he did… That was the end of that.

    Come 2/13 and 2/14 payments began to pick up. In total ~ $430 was sent to Onesome’s PayPal account after the first payout to me. I contacted Onesome several times on 2/14 but he said he was busy, understood it was Valentine's day. The payments were having no problem earlier in the day, so had this been dealt with quick the money could’ve been off the account before the lock… Screenshot - 3d7950fffdeb28b1a1bd774f39e2287e - Gyazo

    After being told I would receive the funds in the morning and when he was available I woke up to a message saying that the account had been locked… Screenshot - baa63c29437d6a65f21a33b8efea0090 - Gyazo

    At this point, Onesome began to blame me for the closing of his PayPal account. Saying that because payments were sent from multiple places and with notes, it got his PayPal account closed. My issue is that I was never told this, and I was paying him to deal with PayPal and the headaches that come with it.

    I asked Onesome to pay me the $300 that I am owed. Since the $430 was in his account, he promised me he would be able to handle any issues. If there were any issues, like the one $20 payment there would’ve been addressed immediately. Onesome continued to tell me that the ban was my fault and anyone with common sense would know that.

    Onesome said he would only provide one solution to the problem. That is if I want to see the money that Onesome lost, I would need to continue to use his services. Except instead of me having to pay a 30% fee to him, I won’t pay any fee until that percentage gap payment covers what he originally owes me. Onesome admits he owes me money but is forcing me to continue to use his failing services in order to get the rest of my money. He already lost my money once and is going to make me risk more money in order to get what I’m owed.

    Onesome refuses to deal with this issue unless it's with the solution he provided.
    Screenshot - 34a16833aab205d4cd1019ca1cc73aa0 - Gyazo

    How they scammed:

    Onesome failed to provide the promised PayPal holding service and lost the funds while providing such service even after guaranteeing such a thing would not happen. Once service failed the provider then blamed the customer for the service failing.

    Other relevant trade screenshots:

    Screenshots of owed PayPal transactions - imgur.com
  3. Unread #2 - Feb 16, 2022 at 11:58 AM
  4. One
    Nov 4, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Gohan has AIDS

    One Previously known as bellic
    bellic Donor

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    I have seen the dispute and am creating a proper reply to this. In awaitance of my reply/ a resolution by sythe mods I can send a security deposit to any moderator/administrator.
    ^ Dbuffed, Link and Sweatr like this.
  5. Unread #3 - Feb 17, 2022 at 4:21 PM
  6. One
    Nov 4, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Gohan has AIDS

    One Previously known as bellic
    bellic Donor

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    I have been trusted and still get trusted with 1000's, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands on a daily basis. I have no problem with sending the exact amount to a moderator in awaitance of resolution.

    @Chase can you clarify which messages you refer to from original discord account. As I have been using my new discord for a month now. (previous one got closed) So I think the information regarding this case is in our current conversations? Correct me if I am wrong.


    When there is a problem, there should be worked towards a mutual solution. Even from this simple question you can see how his attitude is very poorly towards any reasonable effort to sort any of this.

    Let's start with the following statement regarding "Onesome came to me " & "guarantee that the account wouldn’t get locked"


    I have never and would never made claims a paypal account will NEVER get locked/ closed. As you can see I did state I would give a good account. As you can see the account is from 2021. This account is aged and has received tons of payments in the past. The biggest issues with paypal arise from newer accounts. Closure of older accounts is caused by violations a.k.a. breaking their terms. Even big goldsites swap Paypal accounts now and then cause of bans.


    Additional confirmation of the account being "strong" can be seen by the account taking here 10 payments, zero problems. (these are payments from chase)
    However here the first problem arised. Notes were used on the payments, more specifically the worst one "sex". I showed my anger towards this note with a very clear GIF.


    Selling "sex services" is a violation of paypal their terms.


    Chase keeps stating he is clueless about Paypal, how it works and so on. However if we take a look at the discord group that he mentioned we can clearly see that they are aware of the harm that can be caused by using notes attached to paypal payments.


    "I honestly have no idea how PayPal works. I know it is a disaster to navigate around and accounts are constantly closed."

    ->From this statement we could potentially deduct he himself has had MULTIPLE paypals in the past or someone he knows did. This knowledge should be a big enough of a sign to be careful. In dutch law we have this term/law were you should act as a "goede huisvader". This means for example if your friend lends you his car, you should not drive any different with it than you would do with your own car.

    "Onesome didn’t provide me any rules or restrictions nor was I advised on how payments should be sent to his PayPal account."

    ->He had received TWO emails from me, from my point of view it was clear that I preferred the usage of two emails instead of one. "use both" & "start with" This brings us back to the "goede huisvader", he could have started using the second email after the first set of payments. Not to mention that he never verified with me if it was still okay to use either emails on that later the timeframe (second batch of payments)

    "When listing out the payment information, we list one for each payment method. This is to easily keep track of payments as TONS of payments come in."

    Once they change the original email in the discord they have, the clients would have started sending to the other email.

    But okay back to the payments:

    Chase uses the word "past week", regarding all of the payments. However on the 8TH of february I check with him why are there no payments?
    ONLY on the 13TH I get notified by FIRST payments, upon which I ask him how much is sent.
    He doesnt know, this to me already shows a lack of professionalism. But whatever.
    Here I tell him what was received, I even overpaid him. As one payment was not from him.
    I tell him I paid to much and he correctly pays back. This should show that I did not have any intention to pull any scam.

    "Onesome sent the money over to me in BTC with no issue, with a 30% fee of course. There was only an issue with one payment, in which someone sent $20 with a note of “Sex”. I immediately resolved the problem with Onesome and told him to refund the user who sent that money."

    -> Brings us back to the note problem, if there is one time a wrong note lets say sex and I refund it. Paypal can see it as someone wrongly sending. But if you keep getting payments with notes mentioning certain services then it is pretty obvious services are being sold. Once again a violation of paypal terms, BECAUSE all payments are sent as family and friends.

    Now we arrive to second batch of payments:
    "2/13 and 2/14 payments began to pick up" as stated by Chase
    Chase mentions "few payments" -> I would not refer to 11 payments as a few.
    Once again at no point he thought to ask me if it was still okay to send payments to any email.

    As Chase sated I was out on Valentine"s day. He sent screenshots,on discord (I checked on my phone but it is likely the same on computer) the view will be 1-2 screenshots. I saw a message from him and am like okay I will check when I have time its only a few. I was not aware a few means 11 payments.

    $430 was sent to Onesome’s he said he was busy "money could’ve been off the account before the lock…"
    ->Dollar payments = 10$ 10$ 238$ = 258$
    Pound payments = £35.27 £10 £35.27 £7.05 £5 £3.52 (this one is pending) = £96.11
    As can be seen in screenshot below it was agreed he covers FX fees.
    calculation with google and normally fx fee on paypal is 5%, correct if I am wrong
    258 + 124.36 =382.36
    -> so we are talking about 382.36$ instead of the mentioned 430$. After the agreed fee of 30% this makes a total of :

    "Onesome began to blame me for the closing of his PayPal account. Saying that because payments were sent from multiple places and with notes, it got his PayPal account closed. My issue is that I was never told this, and I was paying him to deal with PayPal and the headaches that come with it."

    ->After first batch of payments he was clearly informed about notes.

    "Onesome continued to tell me that the ban was my fault and anyone with common sense would know that."

    -> "goede huisvader" principle

    "only provide one solution to the problem. That is if I want to see the money that Onesome lost, I would need to continue to use his services." "Onesome admits he owes me money but is forcing me to continue to use his failing services in order to get the rest of my money. He already lost my money once and is going to make me risk more money in order to get what I’m owed."

    -> I provided him with a solution which in my eyes was the best solution. Are there other better solutions? Maybe, this was what I came up with. Chase was very displeased and rather quickly starting calling me a scammer you have to pay now and so on.

    Screenshots of once I realised the account got closed and a few payments meant 11.

    It is very easy to put the blame on one person and not offer any solutions, which is exactly what you did @Chase. For the moderators, all payments are third party payments. That means payments of first batch and second batch have a chargeback risk for 180 days. For the coming 6 months all these previous payments can be chargebacked whilst funds are stuck on this account.

    Additional note: Chase keeps talking about big amounts 7000/20000 groupfunding.
    ->Would you expect for a large amount to be done with fivers?
    ^ owned likes this.
  7. Unread #4 - Feb 17, 2022 at 11:01 PM
  8. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Onesome is trying to not post screenshots of my original discord account, pretending to not understand that my old account was deleted. The tag is still @Chase#2017 and is in mutual servers with him. Just him denying this fact and acting like I just contacted him from this account is just simply showing how deceptive he is trying to be. Not only that but he is posting pictures that don't follow Sythe guidelines. He needs to post his entire screen if he is posting a screenshot, I just find it ironic coming from someone who told me I need to follow the Sythe rules they don't do it themselves.

    First let me invalidate your “goede huisvader”. Renting a car leaves the car in the renter's hands, they have full control over the vehicle. You set all the restrictions before the renter leaves and once that car leaves your lot it's in full hands of the renter. If something happens to the car while the renter is renting it, they are liable. This case is completely different, I didn’t rent your PayPal account, nor did I ever have full control or access to it. If I did I would’ve transferred the money before it got locked, I know that much. Instead what you did was render a service, didn’t tell me what I could or couldn’t do and even as the stuff you didn’t like was going on you didn’t tell me. Only one incident regarding the “Sex” payment.

    “When there is a problem, there should be worked towards a mutual solution. Even from this simple question, you can see how his attitude is very poorly towards any reasonable effort to sort any of this.”

    Talk about irony, Onesome pretty much told me it's his way or the highway. Thus the reason I opened a scam report. He told me he’d bet me $1000 that he would win this scam report and encourage me to open it. I told him I will open it but I don’t even expect him to keep his word as he couldn’t keep his word for his services. I tried to resolve the issue in multiple Runescape-related servers. Onesome has been banned from one of them and now has a DWC (Deal with caution) in the other.

    Onesome keeps failing to understand that I advised him beforehand that it was a group-funded project. As many people know group funded projects are all about taking tons of money from lots of people, this isn’t a complicated concept. He keeps trying to explain to me that 10 payments is too many, but in all honesty, I was expecting him to be able to handle 100+ payments. As I said I don’t know anything about PayPal.

    Here in his own screenshot, you can see be explaining the process to him - https://img.sythe.org/$SYJHS+Z50oKuvwlAbDsUuWh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vVmppd0IyMi5wbmc

    Onesome also says that he wouldn’t ever say nor back up claims stating his account wouldn't get closed. Onesome was the one who reached out to me, and as a person who likes his money in good positions. I wouldn’t agree to pay someone 30%, let them hold onto my money as well just for them to lose it with no liability… That's not how anyone who handles money handles money, if you lose the money in the armored truck you’re paying for the money YOU lost. That's exactly what happened, Onesomes armored truck couldn’t withstand what was coming even though he said it could. I understand his frustration in losing the account but it's not my fault…

    Next, I would like to address the single payment with an issue. Onesome has provided multiple pictures and is saying that the notes cause problems. Yet there is only one payment that is a clear violation of PayPal notes, and that payment was immediately dealt with. If Onesome had any real issues with any of the other payments coming through he should’ve told me.

    "I honestly have no idea how PayPal works. I know it is a disaster to navigate around and accounts are constantly closed."

    This is a true statement, and it has nothing to do with anything in the past. I rather just not deal with PayPal, it's widely known online and in these communities PayPal cause problems. I don’t deal with them so I know nothing about them, this is the whole reason I had him do it.

    Onesome keeps saying that I didn’t advise him that more payments were coming after the first batch, this is true. I also didn’t render his services useless at this point as the group buy hadn’t been complete. These payments were coming into the same email even after the first payout and Onesome had no problems with it when they were coming in. If he wanted me to switch emails or if he was confused that I was still using his services then why was he so willing to pay me out at the end of the night with no problems? It wasn’t until his PayPal account closed did real issues arose. If Onesome wanted payments to come into a different email he could’ve easily told me, I was very reactive to the things he said during this entire process.

    As for the single overpayment, I did pay him back as soon as he told me of such a thing. In reality, though, I’m sure there were a decent amount of payments sent to Onesome’s PayPal before the first payout that I didn’t even claim. I know this because one of the staff in our server accidentally deleted all of the paid screenshots in the channel and we had no way to access any of them. So I let whatever was sent to that PayPal account stay in it and only claimed what I had a picture for.

    PayPal holds the money for 180 days and then the money can be paid out to a bank account. It was under my assumption that such a service would be run on an account where if anything went wrong the money would still be able to be pulled. Meaning that the person who is holding the money would be able to pay out the owed money and still receive what they are owed.

    “I provided him with a solution which in my eyes was the best solution. Are there other better solutions? Maybe, this was what I came up with. Chase was very displeased and rather quickly started calling me a scammer you have to pay now and so on.”

    Your other quote goes against this because you said yourself this was the only deal you were willing to make and wasn’t going to change it. Does it seem like you were the one displeased rather quickly? I was still willing to work out a solution, and everyone on all the servers advised you to do the same. Instead, you told everyone you were right and you wanted to be banned if they disagreed. So you were banned…

    Additional note: Chase keeps talking about big amounts 7000/20000 groupfunding.

    ->Would you expect for a large amount to be done with fivers?

    To answer this question, the payment we get the most is $5. It's a low entry number and we encourage people to donate in what's called $5 trains. If you took the time to look through the server you would’ve seen that. So yes, the group buy IS done with mainly fivers. Then we have a GOAT or two come donate a large amount at once, but again YES it is mainly completed by fivers.

    Onesome mentions how the new groubuy is mentioning for no one to put anything in the notes. Not only did I advise them to do this after what happened with Onesome, but also I am not running this GB so it has nothing to do with me it was just an example to show a lot more.

    Onesome failed his services to hold onto my money properly, the only issue that arose before the PayPal lock was dealt with. When multiple payments came through, there was no issue saying there were too many payments. He was ready to pay me, and I’m not even sure anymore payments came in after the $238 and he replied after the $238. So if there was any issue he should’ve addressed it then. He is liable for my money in his account, that is why I am paying him to do such a thing. Forcing me to use services that have already failed to see any of MY money is a joke and is a scam. He failed once and blamed it on me, who is to say it won’t happen again?
  9. Unread #5 - Feb 18, 2022 at 12:53 AM
  10. video
    Dec 22, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    In Memory of Jon Phanpy Donphan Rakashrug Gooby Detective Sythe's 10th Anniversary Valentine's Day 2015 Halloween 2015
    Christmas 2015 Easter 2016 (2) Paper Trading Competition Participant <3 n4n0 Verified Bronze Pokémon Trainer Nitro Booster (2) Verified Ironman Poképedia (2)
    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
    Sythe Veteran Knight video Donor Retired Administrator

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Paypal is a shit payment processor for a reason. No one's fault this account is locked since you both agreed to this, the account being locked was inevitable. @One can you show how much is locked in the balance?

    @Chaquitidor if you have proof One promised the account wouldn't be locked that would be helpful
  11. Unread #6 - Feb 18, 2022 at 7:07 AM
  12. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    I've explained 2 times now. The account that I originally had the ENTIRE conversation with Onesome about his services was deleted. As I stated twice now, I cannot provide ANY screenshots from that account. THE ONLY WAY is for Onesome to provide them, which as I if you look I said in the first scam report post that he probably wouldn't be willing to do such a thing. Then he played to stupid acting as if he didn't understand what I said, so I told him the name of the account in latest response. The account has a different PFP, so you will be able to tell the messages are from the other account. Yet again, I suspect he won't post any pictures from that account because it will make his case fall apart.

    THAT ACCOUNT THAT I LOST IS "Chase#2017" it still hasn't been fully deleted by discord yet, he can still view the messages. I wish I had access to those pictures of this would be a close shut case. I wouldn't entrust someone with my money if they had any risk of losing it, not having PayPal is general is an option for me.

    https://i.gyazo.com/90cbeaf4a18986a4977904ffb1c6f52d.png - Here I've attached a photo of the email when my account got deleted. Before I decided to use Onesome's services we had talked about them on this account.

    Video, I'm confused to what I agreed too? I agreed to use his services in which he'd secure my money. I wasn't told any rules, yet I'm told I ruined everything. Does Onesome hold no liability for my money? Does his service run with no liability? If so why does he charge 30%, I'm paying 30% for the security no? If there was any problems Onesome should've told me like he did with the one payment. He waited till it was all over to tell me and then blamed it on me. Even though I was messaging him AFTER he says he got all the payments he said ruined his account and he didn't say anything to me about it then. Not till his account got locked were there any issues... Plus if he had done anything in a timely manner the money could've been withdrawn no?
  13. Unread #7 - Feb 18, 2022 at 7:13 AM
  14. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Also I told him everything beforehand, how everything worked. He is the PayPal expert not me, had he foreseen any issue he should've told me. Instead he took on the job, and truly it seems he did no due diligence. I'm sure his "goede huisvader" principal should include due diligence no? I didn't agree to his PayPal account getting locked, I agreed for him to be able to accept payments for me and pay me out. If you could tell the account becoming locked was inevitable how could he not? Is it not his fault? He made false promises because either he didn't truly understand the situation, wasn't paying attention, or just wanted the money.

    His service failed, what did I do wrong? All I did was hire him, he failed and now I lose everything?
  15. Unread #8 - Feb 18, 2022 at 11:33 PM
  16. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    I've come back once more because there were a few things bothering me.

    Onesome first posts the END of the conversation to make it seem like I wasn't willing to work with him to come up with a solution. The FIRSTS screenshots he posted were THE END of the conversation, where I am now refusing to deal with him in private PM's and everything is being deal with on this thread regarding this.

    "When there is a problem, there should be worked towards a mutual solution. Even from this simple question you can see how his attitude is very poorly towards any reasonable effort to sort any of this." This is Onesomes own quote, yet if you look at the times of the screenshots you can see he actually cut me off and wasn't willing to work with me first.

    Onesome not willing to work with me FIRST and telling me its his way or the highway. - https://img.sythe.org/$eINEDznwz2sVqLusOcz+TWh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vNHZQVm96bC5wbmc (Look at the dates!)

    Now this next picture is after Onesome told me to open a Sythe thread and bet me $1,000 that he would win.
    - https://img.sythe.org/$hYmeY/oL3uPISjC+nWCSrmh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vQzZ5dkVSMy5wbmc

    You can see now he is willing to talk, because I'm backing up everything I've said.

    The next thing I'd like to address is that Onesome called me unprofessional for accidentally taking another payment from him. I would actually say that this makes him the unprofessional one, he sent payments without any confirmation he sent either someone else's money or his own but still without hesitation What else does he do without any confirmation? Is he not keep tracking of the payments coming into the PayPal, and if the Payment that came into his PayPal was from someone else who is to say it was my payments that actually messed up his PayPal account? How is he not managing the PayPal account, why is it also my responsibility to handle the other payments that I have no knowledge on. I understand I should've provided him receipts for them, and I did for a majority of them... Unfortunately as I said the screenshots got deleted for some PayPal payments, but I assure you if anyone benefited from that it was Onesome. Onesome is the money handler in this case, and so far everything he's shown... He wasn't handling it properly at all in the case of this account.
  17. Unread #9 - Feb 18, 2022 at 11:45 PM
  18. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Also please make Onesome post the full context/view of these conversations as requested in the Sythe guidelines.


    Cut-off photos like these are misguided, though I probably would've agreed to TX fee's for all transactions... You can see that is in regards to ONE payments, because onesome clearly states "HE" and this is in regards to the 238.00 payment. Onesome is trying to twist what's actually happening in the photos, this is not me agreeing to a TX fee for all of them just this one specifically. There are many other tricks that Onesome is trying to play in appeal, but I think the truth shall prevail... or at least I hope. I call call out every falsehood I see, and I will paint the image very clearly. Please take deeper looks into what he has said so far, there are self-contradictions and just falsehoods.

    I will admit I reused some of his photos for ease, but I will gladly go back and grab the full context myself for the photos I used in the morning.
  19. Unread #10 - Feb 19, 2022 at 2:05 PM
  20. One
    Nov 4, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Gohan has AIDS

    One Previously known as bellic
    bellic Donor

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    "Onesome is trying to not post screenshots of my original discord account, pretending to not understand that my old account was deleted. The tag is still @Chase#2017 and is in mutual servers with him. Just him denying this fact and acting like I just contacted him from this account is just simply showing how deceptive he is trying to be. Not only that but he is posting pictures that don't follow Sythe guidelines. He needs to post his entire screen if he is posting a screenshot, I just find it ironic coming from someone who told me I need to follow the Sythe rules they don't do it themselves."

    -> "deceptive and denying" I clearly asked you about this, now you have finally given the discord tag.


    FULL conversation with Chase#2017 :
    No agreement was made here.

    "Only one incident regarding the “Sex” payment."

    -> Any note refering to any sort of service is a bad payment as the payment is family and friends. Paypal does not allow payments for goods or services to made as family and friends. If they catch on to this, it is a breach of their terms thus resulting in a closure of the paypal account. But I have already stated this in my prior post and am now just repeating myself.

    “When there is a problem, there should be worked towards a mutual solution. Even from this simple question, you can see how his attitude is very poorly towards any reasonable effort to sort any of this.”
    ->The only one being heavily toxic is you, they have a term for it "passive-aggressive"

    This can be seen by just looking at these very constructive conversations you send me on Discord.

    "Talk about irony, Onesome pretty much told me it's his way or the highway. Thus the reason I opened a scam report. He told me he’d bet me $1000 that he would win this scam report and encourage me to open it. I told him I will open it but I don’t even expect him to keep his word as he couldn’t keep his word for his services. I tried to resolve the issue in multiple Runescape-related servers. Onesome has been banned from one of them and now has a DWC (Deal with caution) in the other."

    ->A sythe report is a way of mediation for a dispute. To me it was clear that we would not be able to solve the matter between the both of us. I even encouraged you to make the report to get this resolved...


    "Onesome keeps failing to understand that I advised him beforehand that it was a group-funded project. As many people know group funded projects are all about taking tons of money from lots of people, this isn’t a complicated concept. He keeps trying to explain to me that 10 payments is too many, but in all honesty, I was expecting him to be able to handle 100+ payments. As I said I don’t know anything about PayPal."

    ->"don’t know anything about PayPal." <-> "As many people know" It's ironic how you keep stating you have no knowledge about paypal but you expect the whole world to have knowlegde about groupbuys.

    "Here in his own screenshot, you can see be explaining the process to him -"

    ->"how many payments is it" NO AMOUNT was mentioned as vague as it gets
    one person -> alone
    two people -> a pair
    Starting from three we can talk about a group.

    "Next, I would like to address the single payment with an issue. Onesome has provided multiple pictures and is saying that the notes cause problems. Yet there is only one payment that is a clear violation of PayPal notes, and that payment was immediately dealt with. If Onesome had any real issues with any of the other payments coming through he should’ve told me."

    ->I am really repeating myself a lot. Explain to me how a payment, made family and friends, with a note referring to a service is not a violation of paypal terms? The sex payment was the worse because you can obviously NOT sell sex services through paypal. A food note can be seen as more grey, maybe friends went to a restaurant and shared food, one person paid the bill and the others are paying back. However as the senders can be internationally it is rather are to have a brasilian, a russian, an european and so on share a food bill. The more of these rare occurences there are the more it becomes clear to paypal that there is a violation of terms.

    "Onesome keeps saying that I didn’t advise him that more payments were coming after the first batch, this is true. I also didn’t render his services useless at this point as the group buy hadn’t been complete. These payments were coming into the same email even after the first payout and Onesome had no problems with it when they were coming in. If he wanted me to switch emails or if he was confused that I was still using his services then why was he so willing to pay me out at the end of the night with no problems? It wasn’t until his PayPal account closed did real issues arose. If Onesome wanted payments to come into a different email he could’ve easily told me, I was very reactive to the things he said during this entire process."

    ->You can not always put the blame on another person, sometimes you have to look in the mirror and think for yourself. What went wrong there, what could have been done differently.I am used to people asking "can I still use this email, is it still valid" For this case arguments can be made where I could have more anticipated BUT same goes for you. And that is what is so disturbing all you do is blame on someone else. There was not a problem with the first batch, because those payments were expected and the email was ready for it. For me the "contract" had ended once the payout was made in. As in if you needed to take more emails you would again ask to which email to pay and a "new contract" would have been started.

    "I’m sure there were a decent amount of payments sent to Onesome’s PayPal before the first payout that I didn’t even claim. "

    ->I have no problem screensharing the paypal account so payments can be verified and once again proven that you keep making these statements that are totally false.

    "Your other quote goes against this because you said yourself this was the only deal you were willing to make and wasn’t going to change it. Does it seem like you were the one displeased rather quickly? I was still willing to work out a solution, and everyone on all the servers advised you to do the same. Instead, you told everyone you were right and you wanted to be banned if they disagreed. So you were banned…"

    ->Kindly provide us with evidence of you being CONSTRUCTIVE to find common grounds for solutions.

    "To answer this question, the payment we get the most is $5. It's a low entry number and we encourage people to donate in what's called $5 trains. If you took the time to look through the server you would’ve seen that. So yes, the group buy IS done with mainly fivers. Then we have a GOAT or two come donate a large amount at once, but again YES it is mainly completed by fivers."

    -> "If you took the time to look through the server you would’ve seen that." Before the sythe dispute I was never given this info NOR did I have access to this server. Which can be proven by my join date... @video I can not show my join date as he apperently must have banned me from that server.

    EDIT: the server got closed, apperently they always do it once a groupbuy is finished. So I did not get banned.

    ^ Wuu2lol likes this.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2022
  21. Unread #11 - Feb 19, 2022 at 3:00 PM
  22. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    "deceptive and denying" I clearly asked you about this, now you have finally given the discord tag.

    You've dealt with me before, we've been in servers before together. You could've asked a myriad of people, they all know who I am and who you are. They are also fully aware of the situation, might I remind you? You've already been banned from on discord server, and have a deal with caution rank currently.

    I admit that taunting Onesome in PM's isn't the best, but he initiated the taunting. I shouldn't have sent him those messages on discord, but I've become increasingly frustrated with the situation. Scamming is no joking matter, and after he wanted to make a bet on whether he'd get banned or not. I could tell that this just seemed like a game to him. I have no reputation on this forum, and I understand Onesome is trusted. Personally, I couldn't believe what Onesome was trying to pull off on me. He's been dealt with in two servers already, but he is still wanting an unbiased opinion.

    In the first initial images. You can see Onesome comes to be offering his services, I didn't go to him. You can also see on this account I also explained to him how it would work. So I've not explained the entire process to him multiple times. I also advised him that he probably didn't want to deal with these kids.

    https://img.sythe.org/$Co97IdJJbDVF5zD/ObBEaWh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vS0hyTlFSWi5wbmc - In this image he provides here. He says he knows its "aids" and thus the 30% fee, so as you can see here. He is literally telling me that he has it handled, and that is why there is a 30% fee. I feel like this should close the case no?

    Onesome is clearly not following Sythe guidelines either after I've already pointed out that he is cropping his photos. He goes again and posts more cropped photos. Also AGAIN he posts the most recent messages first, to make it seem as if they were sent before he scammed me. I will like to make it clear, I was willing to work with Onesome. Onesome made it EXTREMELY clear to me that he was only going to provide his ONE solution. We tried to work it out with other staff members of these servers.

    Here you can see Onesome talking to one of the staff members of the server he was banned from for scamming me. - https://img.sythe.org/$UwJxO8tA0VIN5EYnziHepmh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vTG1GWkVBTC5wbmc

    This is also the same exact chat in which Onesome said he was willing to bet me $1,000 that he would win this scam report. So if he is also willing to provide that photo that'd be amazing, but that would require him to show the full context of the conversation... Which would make his argument fall apart. He was willing to get banned from servers because of his restitute for his own made solution, which is just furthering the hole I'm in and a true scam.

    "->A sythe report is a way of mediation for a dispute. To me it was clear that we would not be able to solve the matter between the both of us. I even encouraged you to make the report to get this resolved..."

    He didn't encourage me to make a Sythe report, he was saying that we were all wrong. He is trying to prove a point, but in reality he just scammed. I can't quite remember if I mentioned Sythe first or him, but he was willing to put money on a scam report ($1000), all I'm trying to do is resolve the issue.

    "don’t know anything about PayPal." <-> "As many people know" It's ironic how you keep stating you have no knowledge about PayPal but you expect the whole world to have knowledge about groupbuys.

    Onesome is trying to claim that I didn't explain to him the process of groupbuys, or the fact that there would be a large amount of funds coming through. I've said to him multiple times its groupfunded, and maybe I don't expect him to know how a groupbuy works but I'm sure he knows how a GoFundme works. One person can come in and finish the entire thing, or it can take weeks of people only donating $5. I've made this explicitly clear on BOTH accounts when talking to him.


    In this image, I am explaining the current status of the groupbuy, as with groupbuys there is no true way to predict the payments. I told him beforehand that the payments will be coming in from lots of different places, I warned him so many times. He simply either wasn't ready or thought this would be an easy money opportunity and failed.

    Next, I'd like to address the $20 payment for the last and final time. It was refunded, this was the only payment Onesome ever brought up any issues about. Had he wanted me to stop using this email, he should've told me to stop once another payment came through to that email. No other payments had any other problems on the notes, and he had already confirmed that more money came through to the account. This one $20 payment was dealt with immediately and had you brought up any more issues they would've been dealt with immediately as well. It was your lack of awareness that cost you your own account. If you want to provide a service like this, you need to layout the ground rules beforehand. Just as I spent countless minutes explaining to you how the groupbuys work.

    "You can not always put the blame on another person, sometimes you have to look in the mirror and think for yourself. What went wrong there, what could have been done differently.I am used to people asking "can I still use this email, is it still valid" For this case arguments can be made where I could have more anticipated BUT same goes for you. And that is what is so disturbing all you do is blame on someone else. There was not a problem with the first batch, because those payments were expected and the email was ready for it. For me the "contract" had ended once the payout was made in. As in if you needed to take more emails you would again ask to which email to pay and a "new contract" would have been started."

    Listen, if you had any problems with me continuing to send payments to that email you should've told me. You had no problem with me sending payments to that email still because you didn't say anything and you were already ready to pay me out again. You literally told me you were busy and you would pay me out the balance that was in the account, you were just too busy shagging a girl to do your job.

    "->I have no problem screensharing the paypal account so payments can be verified and once again proven that you keep making these statements that are totally false."

    If he really wants to take this route, I will message every member of all the previous groupbuy and ask them to send me all the payments sent to that email. I've backed up everything I've said, and if necessary I will back this up too. It was just an additional statement, but I'm sure of it because one user claimed he never received his paid rank in the groupbuy server because I never verified his PayPal payment as I did all the others.

    "Kindly provide us with evidence of you being CONSTRUCTIVE to find common grounds for solutions."

    I was trying to be constructive in the groupchat with Miniz (an admin of a Runescape related server me and Onesome are part of), but even Miniz and everyone in that server would vouch that you were the only unwilling to be constructive. Everyone was asking you to just pay up what you owed, instead I had to get moderators involved in the because you gave me no choice. I was the one trying to work with you and YOU told me its either your way or no way. Please stop lying...

    "If you took the time to look through the server you would’ve seen that." Before the sythe dispute I was never given this info NOR did I have access to this server. Which can be proven by my join date... @video I can not show my join date as he apperently must have banned me from that server."

    I didn't ban anyone from any server, its clear to me that Onesome cannot read. The servers posted in my first post WAS AN EXAMPLE SERVER. I've already addressed that, and I also stated that it wasn't my server. So it is becoming more and more apparent to me that Onesome isn't reading. LET ME REPEAT, I did not ban Onesome from the Keep It server. That server was closed by discord and a new one has been opened. This server is not run by me, but the server follows a very similar structure to what mine was, thus the reason I even posted it. So Onesome didn't even read me explaining that it wasn't my server but immediately says I banned him.

    For ease of access, I will put that new server here - https://discord.gg/vR6QeHq2

    As for my server groupbuy, the server has since been closed. Once groupbuys are over there is no need for the server the songs are posted and the server is closed. That is why I must go and ask all users who donated by PayPal manually now.

    Thank you everyone for your time, I know this has been another long one. I am truly sorry for taking people's time looking to get this resolved soon, but as the small guy against a user like this. I must put my all into every post, so I hope everyone understands.
  23. Unread #12 - Feb 20, 2022 at 7:50 AM
  24. One
    Nov 4, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Gohan has AIDS

    One Previously known as bellic
    bellic Donor

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    1. I am a scammer
    2. Everyone thinks I am a scammer
    3. I am hiding and fabricating evidence
    4. I do not want this resolved

    These are the main topics I keep getting from you.

    1. I have no problem putting the money in safety with a moderator or admin.
    2. Lets pick your you deal with caution example
    "imo not a scam but a misunderstanding"
    For context Mod Weath owns RSTC V5 and is the one who applied the DWC to me. This comment was made AFTER I received DWC.

    Regarding the other group I got banned from, this specific person made that decision. He was able to make a decision in 10-15minutes? Without even looking at evidence. Unlike what happens now on sythe. Does this look like a constructive mediation conversation?

    3. Whatever needs to be shown I have no problem with it. Screensharing and so on. All we see from you is lack of evidence and stating I have all the evidences. And once I upload it's all fabricated. Why keep requesting evidence from me if you already know it's gonna be fabricated anyways.

    4. As you mentioned we are in these two specific communities, contrary to what you have said the opinions are divided in those groups. As this specific matter is nor black nor white. Hence why I have stated in the past and will state it again whatever the outcome is I will abide to it.

    "I was trying to be constructive in the groupchat with Miniz (an admin of a Runescape related server me and Onesome are part of), but even Miniz and everyone in that server would vouch that you were the only unwilling to be constructive. Everyone was asking you to just pay up what you owed, instead I had to get moderators involved in the because you gave me no choice. I was the one trying to work with you and YOU told me its either your way or no way. Please stop lying..."

    -> How exactly does this prove being constructive? Do you mind posting the screenshots of said group where you went full out and called me a scammer? Because you thought "let's keep calling him a scammer so he will panic and pay me".

    "please stop lying" -> You make a lot of claims but never back them up with evidence.

    @video Let me know if you need additional information from me. I feel like I have said everything now that I wanted to say.
    ^ Alibabas Gold, Rustyy93, Juws and 2 others like this.
  25. Unread #13 - Feb 20, 2022 at 1:29 PM
  26. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    It doesn't matter what you continue to post, your pictures fail to follow Sythe guidelines. So once you go and fix your pictures, and show the full context of every situation I will have NO PROBLEMS.

    https://img.sythe.org/$/Fs5QxiSO86g2A0MRHj9DWh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vRm1DcFZwSS5wbmc - Again this picture doesn't show full context. He can show the entire groupchat with Miniz if he wants. He will refuse to, it will show he refused to cooperate and insisted he wasn't scamming. There was an entire server just telling him to stop, but again as I said he wanted to be banned.

    "Regarding the other group I got banned from, this specific person made that decision. He was able to make a decision in 10-15minutes? Without even looking at evidence. Unlike what happens now on sythe. Does this look like a constructive mediation conversation?"

    You always go and post the end of the conversation first, and refuse to put the part where you refuse to cooperate. You did talk to Miniz in the groupchat, and you did explain your side of the story. He did hear you out, and Miniz also talked to one of your mentors/friends from your E-whore community. You even told Miniz to ask that person what he thinks of the situation since you value his opinion too, and this person also said you scammed me and you've been scummy lately. You know this is also true because Miniz added you back to a groupchat to show you a picture of what this guy "Up" said.

    https://img.sythe.org/$J1sSUHssArkTtr40Qves5mh0dHBzOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vTllrejBvaC5wbmc - This is the DWC server. From Onesome's angle...

    This is it from mine. He was given a DWC so it affects him more and everyone in the server can see.

    Here is a Onesome acting up in the server he was banned from -

    https://i.gyazo.com/2263bd6a51bb621dd35132c9765675f5.mp4 - Showing the server in a live video. (FULL CONTEXT)


    I will always provide full context for the photos, and Onesome will refuse too. Any admins that have viewed his evidence, please make him resubmit everything following Sythe guidelines and you will see his case fall apart.

    "-> How exactly does this prove being constructive? Do you mind posting the screenshots of said group where you went full out and called me a scammer? Because you thought "let's keep calling him a scammer so he will panic and pay me".

    "please stop lying" -> You make a lot of claims but never back them up with evidence."

    Again this just proves that Onesome doesn't read. I'm no longer in the groupchat with him and Miniz, he also KNOWS that. That is why he didn't provide FULL CONTEXT off those photos, because that is the same place where he is lying about what has truly happened. I don't need even need to use my own evidence to prove he is lying, I can use his evidence that he has provided. Even if its out of context, the narrative that he is trying to tell in those screenshots isn't the full narrative of the entire conversation. I can grab the screenshots myself if he adds me back to the conversations with Miniz, I know there are TWO of them.

    "Whatever needs to be shown I have no problem with it. Screensharing and so on. All we see from you is lack of evidence and stating I have all the evidences. And once I upload it's all fabricated. Why keep requesting evidence from me if you already know it's gonna be fabricated anyways."

    Thank goodness you have said this, please screenshare the following and upload the ENITERITY here:
    - The entire conversation between me and you on Chase#2017
    - The entire conversation between me and you on Chaqui#2017
    - Both groupchats with Miniz on the day you scammed.

    4. As you mentioned we are in these two specific communities, contrary to what you have said the opinions are divided in those groups. As this specific matter is nor black nor white. Hence why I have stated in the past and will state it again whatever the outcome is I will abide to it.

    The opinions aren't divided, no one could believe you'd scam $300 and just not pay. Your reputation does hold up well, and you have made friends that didn't want to see you banned over $300. The rules come first nonetheless, if anyone had any real problems they would've advocated for you much harder during the process of you getting banned. You've been banned and no one has advocated for you to get unbanned, everyone clearly understand what you did.

    @video Please make him stick to what he says, and make him screenshare what I've requested. I want full transparency through this entire process, but so far he has done everything to make it so that it is not. Specifically cutting pictures to tailor his narrative that a full context picture would immediately show that it is not what he said. I don't understand why he consistently thinks it okay to post picture out of Sythe guidelines? I've asked 3 times now, and yet he has been able to post them again and again. I don't have access to my old account or I would be showing EVERYTHING as I have done already.

    Thank you.
  27. Unread #14 - Feb 20, 2022 at 1:46 PM
  28. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    This is taken directly from the Report a Scammer post guidelines.
    1. Do not chop off the sides of your Discord conversation. (Example)
  29. Unread #15 - Feb 21, 2022 at 1:58 AM
  30. video
    Dec 22, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    In Memory of Jon Phanpy Donphan Rakashrug Gooby Detective Sythe's 10th Anniversary Valentine's Day 2015 Halloween 2015
    Christmas 2015 Easter 2016 (2) Paper Trading Competition Participant <3 n4n0 Verified Bronze Pokémon Trainer Nitro Booster (2) Verified Ironman Poképedia (2)
    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
    Sythe Veteran Knight video Donor Retired Administrator

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    It's unfortunate the paypal was closed before all the money was taken off but that isn't anyone's fault. $267.65 (amount edited) is owed to Chaquitidor, if One wants to be nice and pay this early he can otherwise he's welcome to wait until paypal releases the funds. Chaquitidor please take pictures of important conversations you have on discord in case your account gets deleted again. If you want to claim something was said it's up to you to prove that, it's not on the other person to "disprove" it.

    If One has not paid you in 6 months from the time of the paypal lock please make a new report
    ^ Devil and Dbuffed like this.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
  31. Unread #16 - Feb 21, 2022 at 7:03 AM
  32. Chaquitidor
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Chaquitidor Newcomer

    [Pending paypal fund release]

    Hello, after's Video's response to the thread here - [Pending paypal fund release]

    Onesome messaged me on Discord asking for my BTC address and told me to post it on the Sythe thread, since the thread is locked I'm posting this one to post my address and have the situation fully dealt with on the thread. I'm sure this is what Onesome wants as well prompting me to post my address on the thread :).

    My BTC address is - 3Cje9uWZfco5XP4VBBrZFHwwRTbvT3qPKZ
< [Resolved] | Reporting Matthew123 for blatant racism >

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