Imagine covid giving you a ticket

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by blakeblood9, Sep 1, 2020.

Imagine covid giving you a ticket
  1. Unread #1 - Sep 1, 2020 at 1:15 AM
  2. blakeblood9
    Oct 27, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    blakeblood9 Forum Addict

    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    First before I start with the small story. This is the United states laws.

    ill try to make it short

    so I sold a car, POS needed like 4-5 things fixed at the time, just a headache.
    Posted it for $400 bucks still drove and everything.
    girl comes looks at it, willing to buy and repair it.
    asked when she could switch the title she said right after this.
    Signed title, end of story.

    *FAST FORWARD 6 MONTHS, thru the clan wars teleport*

    got ticket in the mail for parking.
    Decided to ignore it as it seemed like a mistake or something.
    2 weeks later brought ticket to the court house, they gave me a court date to fight for it

    working 2 jobs x adult life got wrapped around shit ton of stuff to do. Miss labeled the wrong date for the court trail on my calendar. Went day after realizing i fucked up. Went to the desk and lady made me fill out a whole withdrawl of plea... then day later whole court system shut down.

    Me thinking the ticket hasn't gone thru because im withdrawling plea to show someone else bought that car, Facebook messages included.

    My license was actually suspended the whole time, now i have an additional suspended license ticket, the parking ticket i paid for to get it over with since court house STILL CLOSED. aka im still suspended if i dont. Also had to pay reinstatement fee.

    it's nothing big I dont care about the money or amount but this is such a fucking headache over someone not paying $40 for a title. fuck me, hoping someone reads this and learns from my mistake. If selling car $100, $10,000 even $250,000 lamborghini. Please bring that person to dmv even if its 60-120 minute wait because now i got hours of bullshit to deal with that i could of avoided. Covid being a cherry on top

    TLDR: sold car, dude never swapped title, got parking ticket from him, it suspended my license, got another suspended license ticket, also will have to pay reinstatement fees. Gonna take days and hours waiting to get this fixed.
  3. Unread #2 - Sep 1, 2020 at 8:45 PM
  4. MAGZ
    Sep 7, 2019
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    MAGZ Nothing has to go here tbh.

    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    Damn, I am sorry for your loss. Sounds like a very tedious and annoying experience. I hope it all goes well once everything is back opened up.
  5. Unread #3 - Sep 2, 2020 at 12:07 AM
  6. Shredderbeam
    Jan 26, 2006
    Sythe Gold:

    Shredderbeam Hero

    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but I couldn't help but focus on two details:

    1). You got a ticket through the US Postal Service, and you decided to ignore it
    2). An actual US court of law gave you a specific date in court, yet you mislabeled it on your calendar

    I'm sorry, your situation sucks, but...did you grow up in the US? Did you have any idea of the consequences of 1 and 2?
    ^ owned likes this.
  7. Unread #4 - Sep 2, 2020 at 11:07 PM
  8. blakeblood9
    Oct 27, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    blakeblood9 Forum Addict

    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    1. erm... idk if illegal or not but i switched appartments and was waiting til 21 to update my ID so i didn't need to update my ID twice and pay 2 fees. probably jew mistake

    2. Yeah unfortunately I was hustling 3 jobs at the time and getting roughly 5-6 hours or less of sleep everynight because all i cared about was hours and ubering for hours after til I felt really sleeping getting fat tips from drunks lmao.

    Obvisouly knew the consquences but i figured if unapproved withdrawl of plea for a ticket not even for me. Would clearly show on the case, if pleaing unguility, and can explain the $50 ticket someone got under my name while covid shut down completely everything so im like dude still haven't heard a word about getting that solved. So not sure why mail would even be sent if that was in the court system.

    But fair enough not denying anything, kinda russian roullette, at least traffic lawyers are cheap, probably slither me out everything with the world being an innconvenice, and also before the fact I already did call a lawyer about the situation who told me to pay off the ticket and once withdrawl court trail comes, then they'll write a check back. So i did pay the ticket as well. But yep lmfao, really put myself in a hole.
    >not changing address, to save money
    >meh knowing if the court process went thru before shut down.
    >working to the point of forgetting life in general completely cut off from parents a lot of friends and constantly get fast subway/gas stations no time to shop and cook actually grocies. Just to be able to invest more like a crackhead at a casino slot.
    >paying ticket thinking all is good
    >court house still shut down lol

    hopefully you had a laugh and maybe a dumbass, with my unlucky not giving a F situation and yes i worked multiple jobs without ever getting pulled over and actually better yet I got pulled over for a fabulous "BraZZers" plate cover hiding tiny bit of the tag. Yep im a clown, all is good now tho but ffs.
  9. Unread #5 - Sep 2, 2020 at 11:30 PM
  10. Shredderbeam
    Jan 26, 2006
    Sythe Gold:

    Shredderbeam Hero

    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    "Jew mistake"? It doesn't if you're Jewish or not my dude, that's a shitty thing to say, and a dumb mistake to make.

    I'm sorry you've been through that, and I sympathize, I really do, just...learn how to use a calendar.
  11. Unread #6 - Sep 4, 2020 at 3:02 AM
  12. ob7ivion
    Feb 11, 2013
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    Imagine covid giving you a ticket

    Expected a final bang plot twist by you saying something like "and then a few days ago I found out I'm covid positive" or something like that LOL. Whoops.

    Anyway, chin up dood!
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