Duel/Coin False Ban

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Duelv2, Oct 18, 2016.

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Duel/Coin False Ban
  1. Unread #1 - Oct 18, 2016 at 8:15 AM
  2. Duelv2
    Oct 18, 2016
    Sythe Gold:

    Duelv2 Newcomer

    Duel/Coin False Ban


    First of I want to say that I have been false reported and banned for scamming year ago Reported Post by yohojo as you can see here yohojo got pmed by random skype and only skype I linked to my swapping thread was duel.sythe *Duels Middle Man Service**Free**Trusted* so that was pretty unfair reason to ban me anyone can make fake skype name and pm sythe members.Yohojo should of read my thread and check if real person pmed him,. After that I tried getting unbanned but I was really pissed off because of unfair ban and just created new account without knowing that its against the rules to create new account if your old one is banned and got banned on that one aswell.Reason why I am posting this with new account is because Superfluos told me I should make a appeal in this section with my old account but I cant remember any single pw or recovery info of my banned account because all this happend year ago only way is that you guys maybe check my IP and just compare with my banned accounts or there is loads of high users on sythe that can confirm that I am real Duel or Coin.Also all of this happend year ago thats main reason why I cant remember or recover my banned account.All I would like now is to be member of sythe again.

    - BANNED NAMES I DO REMEMBER [ Duel , C0in ]
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
  3. Unread #2 - Oct 25, 2016 at 11:22 PM
  4. Superfluous
    Jul 5, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
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    Superfluous Rainbet.com Casino & Sportsbook
    Crabby Retired Global Moderator

    Duel/Coin False Ban

    sorry for the delay. not sure why people don't do these...

    i agree that the original ban was wrongly placed, but you did evade the ban so you'll need to pardon. sorry to keep sending you through hoops. on the bright side, i can't see the pardon failing unless there's some part of the story we're not seeing here, which i don't think is the case

    good luck!
< Wrongfully Banned | Precautionary Ban Reversal >

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