Ape's paradon

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Ape, Apr 17, 2018.

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Ape's paradon
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 17, 2018 at 11:40 AM
  2. Ape
    Sep 15, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    Ape Previously known as StaceysServices

    Ape's paradon

    • Your profile link:Samsam
    • Report/post/reason that got you banned:Samsam
    • Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: n/a
    • Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now:n/a
    • Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

      It seems to be close to 2 years now since it all happened. I skilled on Runescape and I met a person through skilling, we started talking in-game. After a while, I told him if he knew what Sythe was, and I told him about the website and that it was possible to make a lot of money doing services.
    I let him use my account since he did not have an account, and I had known him for a few months at that time and thought I could trust him which turnt out to be a stupid idea. and I do regret it.

    I do regret that I did not pardon earlier and that it turnt out the way it did. I am not sure how much the person scammed, and I have a different ISP now so it's not possible to check the IP audit. I have one banned person on my IP audit but that is because I use the school wifi which has around 400 students.

    I'd also would like to know the scams he did, and I agree to pay if a staff member says I have to, because of my stupidy almost 2 years ago now letting a person use my account.


    I am not associated with the dreamchaser guy though, and the ip audit got linked to me because he logged into the account. It's probably no way for me to prove that thought.

    I feel like I have learned from my stupid mistake, and just want to be as open as I can about it

    edit: I do not want the accounts unbanned that already are banned because I do not remember the passwords of the accounts, and I am not sure if the user has access to them. This is just to finish something that should have been a long time ago.

    ape is me
    leif (not sure about that one)
    Undercover Boss
    Click here (I think? can't remember that one but)

    Not Dreamchaser thought. I always used the same passwords for Sythe, and do not remember which accounts I let him use. He was from the UK as far as I remember.

    I also helped him sell an account that he recovered, it was stupid trusting someone online that you met on Runescape. The account was saussau. It was never made a scam report on it though, and the user is banned now.

    I was new to the Forums and never had expected something like this to happen so I gave up on it, and came back around 7 months ago. It was stupid not bringing it up when I joined.

    Also please note: I am not posting this paradon because I think I will get 'caught' evading like many has recently, I just want to clear up in something that should have been done years ago now.

    I have learned since then and never have let anyone else use this account.
    • Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?:Yes
    • Previous pardon link(s) if applicable:Samsam paradon
    ^ King likes this.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 18, 2018 at 7:02 AM
  4. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Ape's paradon

    User: Ape - Ban evading
    User: Samsam - Ban evading
    User: Billytheboy - Ban evading
    User: Frog1 - Evading TWC multiple times/ban evasion

    Possibly also you?
    User: Dreamchaser - Ban evading
    User: leif - Ban evading
    User: Undercover Boss - Not banned
    User: Saussau - Not banned
    User: Click here - Not banned

    Linked skype usernames:

    Linked email addresses: [this will be deleted when thread is approved]

    Ban reasons I could find so far:
    - Self-vouching on @leif
    - Sharing Sythe accounts with a friend

    No TWC's were linked on your old accounts.
    Had to dig deeper to find @Dreamchaser's TWC: Suspicious Activity - Dreamchaser
    Previous pardon with most information: [1-5]Samsam paradon /

    Funny mistake you keep making is calling it a "paradon" while it's called a "pardon". Either way, anything else to add to this? I could not find any scams, so make sure you think before confirming with me this is all. Feel free to confirm with me via Skype/Discord.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2018
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 18, 2018 at 7:52 AM
  6. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Ape's paradon

    Ape confirms he sold an account for someone he shared Sythe accounts with someone he met online which recovered the account eventually.
    There are the scam accusations and he's willing to refund all of this out of his own pocket even though he claims he did not have the recovery details, meaning his friend recovered it.
  7. Unread #4 - Apr 19, 2018 at 12:22 PM
  8. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

  9. Unread #5 - Apr 19, 2018 at 4:38 PM
  10. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

< Username: BABOBOYS - requesting a pardon for scamming | NBD16 requesting a pardon for scam. >

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