Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by KillSteal1991, Sep 21, 2023.

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Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices
  1. Unread #1 - Sep 21, 2023 at 5:57 PM
  2. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Scammer's profile link: Dices
    Amount scammed: $1,000
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: 641065281585938442 (d7ces)
    Proof that it's their Discord:

    Asking him to PM me (look at the timestamp):

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    His Sythe PM (look at the timestamp..(Yes, he misspelled his own name. He isn't the brightest, clearly)):

    I can also send in a screen recording of me copying/pasting his Discord ID

    Explanation of the trade:

    Dices (Gabe) reached out to me selling a 5.6b account, claiming that he knew the OO, blah blah blah. We originally agreed on around $2,000, but then informed me that the account was permanently muted (Imgur: The magic of the Internet), so we agreed on $1,000. I paid him through Zelle, so I know his full name and mobile number, and address.

    A couple months pass, I get the account to 5.8b after Necro hits, as well as complete the comp T requirements (he accused me of having the account piloted, but that wasn't the case at all. 100% self played. On Sunday 9/17 I get kicked out of the game, and realize that my Jagex account was disabled ( A few minutes later I get an email, notifying me that the character was moved off of my Jagex Account, and onto another (

    Fast forward to today, I've given him a week to work with his "friend' in Brazil to attempt to get the account back, but it's going nowhere at this point. He is claiming that the account is still in the process of being recovered, but it doesn't take a week to do that. Now he's accusing me of trying to 'hustle' him (, so we're really getting nowhere. He is going to claim that I changed the email of my Jagex account to 'simulate' an unwanted recovery. Not only do I not know if that's possible, but if it was it would not result in the Jagex Account being disabled.

    He is under the impression that just because his "friend" said that he didn't recover it, that he is just off the hook from any sort of responsibility for selling an account for $1,000 that I no longer have access to, and life should just go on. At a bare minimum, his account should be placed in "Trade with Caution" status as it's crystal clear that he conducts his business as though he is not responsible for any sort of recovery from accounts that he's profited off of, and that his sellers can wind up with their money gone and nothing to show for it, yet he tells them they are "100%" getting refunds for recovered accounts.

    Other relevant trade screenshots:

    He gave me his word that he would refund me "personally" if anything happened to the account, which he clearly lied about:

    An earlier conversation (before money was exchanged) where he tells me that he would 100% refund me if it gets recovered:

    I am more than happy to provide any screenshots with timestamps.

    Proof of payment:

    Him telling me his Zelle information:


    Me sending him $1,000 (in increments, including a test payment)

    ^ John60 and Buyaccs69 like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - Sep 21, 2023 at 7:28 PM
  4. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    ^ Buyaccs69 likes this.
  5. Unread #3 - Sep 21, 2023 at 7:37 PM
  6. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Does this not constitute as a verbal agreement of the outcome of a recovery...? He mentioned on several occasions that he would refund me if the account was ever recovered, as I mentioned in my OP:

    He gave me his word that he would refund me "personally" if anything happened to the account, which he clearly lied about:

    An earlier conversation (before money was exchanged) where he tells me that he would 100% refund me if it gets recovered:
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  7. Unread #4 - Sep 21, 2023 at 7:54 PM
  8. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Dices you are responsible for the account for up to 2 years if there wasn't a set timeframe agreed upon regardless. It also appears you mentioned things reflected above such as refunding if anything were to happen to the account.

    You will need to refund @KillSteal1991
    ^ Devil and Buyaccs69 like this.
  9. Unread #5 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:14 PM
  10. Dices
    Dec 28, 2020
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    I would love to being able to fully refund @KillSteal1991, but it is very hard to do so when he asked for all information's regarding the account. Killsteal also made over $1000 worth of bond pruchases on the account, creating legitimacy within his own IP adress. There is a possibility where KillSteal might've had the account scammed from him due to his own poor judgement. He contacted me regarding account services before but it is uncertain that he did in fact use such. It is also very weird to me that he is claiming that the account has been recovered but the original owner himself cannot do so. I am in an awkward spot, I sold him an account that I purchased from someone else who also bought from someone else. If I was to fully refund him for the $1000 I'd just end up down the money I paid for it. Which I made zero to non profit on this account. Nevertheless, once a Jagex Launcher has only one character added to it, it is still possible to change its email on Jagex website which then results in the email of character transfer. Also the account is currently being played on, as displayed on rune metrics it has not have changed neither its rsn or clan which is also sus. I don't think this account was recovered at all, and somehow killsteal is making it sound like it was. I've sold a lot of accounts here, and this is the first time someone is making a report against me, very unusual. If I end up being banned from this report, it is what it is. Whoever did purchase an account from me, rest assured that your accounts will remain safe. I have no reason to Steal.

    Also, my TOS.

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  11. Unread #6 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:19 PM
  12. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Firstly, this "TOS" is completely out of context, sent to/from God knows who over 10 months ago. I never saw this TOS and it was never given to me prior to the sale. What I do have is PROOF from YOU that you ARE and WILL BE responsible for recoveries.

    You also said yourself that your "Friend" would refund you in the event of a recovery, and you would then refund me. I also have a screenshot of that if needed.

    "Whoever did purchase an account from me, rest assured that your accounts will remain safe. I have no reason to Steal."

    lmao dude, I purchased an account from you, for $1,000. And here I am completely held out to dry. What are you even talking about?
    ^ Livelio likes this.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
  13. Unread #7 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:19 PM
  14. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Do you have anything showing him accepting your TOS? Simply having TOS in a miscellaneous discord is not sufficient.
  15. Unread #8 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:25 PM
  16. Dices
    Dec 28, 2020
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    My discord has the TOS posted there, not sure.

    You tell me the account was recovered, the original owner and the guy that sold me it tells me otherwise. You could've very much done so with the KeyChain provided by me to you + all your Paypal receipts involving bond purchases.

    Very hard to tell who has or do not have the account as of now.

    It's been reported to me that the original owner has not received a message back from Jagex Regarding the accounts recovery status submitted recently.

    I asked for time, you did give me some but not enough until I can try everything to get the account back. Until I get to the bottom of this I can't really do anything about it.

    You could very much still have the account, which then if I were to send you $1000 You would then have my money and the account.

    I am really lost here, but yeah. Also very busy irl, I'll type more later as required.
  17. Unread #9 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:27 PM
  18. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Dices You will need to refund @KillSteal1991 - there's nothing provided to support @KillSteal1991 still has the account and unfortunately you are responsible for the accounts you sell, regardless who you bought it from and regardless who that individual may have bought it from. There's no TOS accepted here as well which makes you liable by default for up to 2 years for this account.

    You've been given a precautionary DNT at this time.
  19. Unread #10 - Sep 21, 2023 at 8:47 PM
  20. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Thank you, @Kanye

    @Dices, you said yourself, you make more money "trading legitimately than scamming", so this should be a no brainer for you to chalk this up to the cost of doing business and refund your buyer. You can refund me with Zelle.
    ^ Buyaccs69 likes this.
  21. Unread #11 - Sep 23, 2023 at 11:12 AM
  22. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Kanye - Is there a timeline for @Dices to refund me before he is banned? He's been radio silence since Thursday. Both here and on Discord.
  23. Unread #12 - Sep 24, 2023 at 7:54 AM
  24. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Dices Any updates? I see you’ve been on today.
  25. Unread #13 - Sep 24, 2023 at 10:54 PM
  26. Dices
    Dec 28, 2020
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    The account he claims was recovered is still playing with the same rsn, same clan etc... Original owner has been unable to recover the account I sold... Nevertheless, I am not even sure if the account he is sending a screenshot of is the account I sold. I sold the account as a name login, and he then added it to an email (jagex account) which I have no idea what it is. I don't think this account was recovered at all... and as I said that email regarding character transfer, you get that by simply changing Jagex account's email... Truthfully, I don't see how I can be held responsible as hypothetically he could've sold the account and perhaps is now trying to have it recovered, or he was scammed by selling the account elsewhere. I gave him all the information regarding the account that was provided to me (keychain), he then proceeded to make multiple purchases in his own IP address, which could significantly rise account ownership to that IP. Nevertheless, I don't see myself responsible for the whereabouts of the acc, nor am I responsible of refunding anything due to insignificant amounts of screenshots regarding the account... I don't even know if the Killsteal91 is the account I sold, nor can I verify due to it having a different login now... Furthermore, I have suspicions that he is trying to fabricate fake evidence to perhaps retrieve money. To add a little more to this, the account was created in 08, 16 years later, it is somewhat hard to recover the account due to the guy who created it is now also living in a completely different state in the country where the account was created in, a lot of old receipts were lost due to inactive email address/weird third country payment methods, etc... I can't see myself being in the same page as him, as the account he is claiming to be banned could be any account other than the one I sold.
  27. Unread #14 - Sep 24, 2023 at 11:07 PM
  28. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Dude, you are trying to pull every excuse out of your hat as you possibly can. You have no shred of evidence to support anything you are saying, which I'm here providing legit evidence that I no longer have access to the account. The account that you sold me is in the leaderboards, there is no question that this is the same account that I purchased from you. I posted a screenshot of said account getting transferred off of my Jagex email account, resulting in that Jagex Account also being disabled.

    What kind idiot would try to 'scam' you by sending you a thousand dollars for an account and then praying that you would send it back after a mod tells you to? You aren't even making f*cking sense.

    The fact that the OO can't recover it has nothing to do with this, this is your responsibility. You chose to make money off an account, and you're responsible for the buyer getting screwed over. You clearly shouldn't be selling RS accounts if this is how you handle this. I'm so glad that anyone you try to sell an account to on this site can click into this thread and see how pathetic you are.
    ^ Livelio and Buyaccs69 like this.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2023
  29. Unread #15 - Sep 25, 2023 at 5:23 AM
  30. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    You will need to refund OP as stated numerous times before.
    ^ Dices, owned, Buyaccs69 and 4 others like this.
  31. Unread #16 - Sep 25, 2023 at 9:30 AM
  32. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Dices - I sent you a request for $1,000 on Zelle.
    ^ Buyaccs69 likes this.
  33. Unread #17 - Sep 25, 2023 at 2:56 PM
  34. Dices
    Dec 28, 2020
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    Nonsense. the account was never recovered.
  35. Unread #18 - Sep 25, 2023 at 2:59 PM
  36. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    At this point in time we've got OP providing screenshots and him stating concerns that the account is recovered. You've provided numerous scenarios of what you think happened but nothing to support what you believe happened.

    Regardless, you are responsible for the accounts you sell. It appears you/the previous owner/the previous owner before that aren't successful/able to help, which again comes down to the fact that you are responsible for the accounts you sell. Given no TOS was accepted you have liability for two years on this account. Given that you are unable to re-secure the account to provide back to OP that makes you liable for the refund.
    ^ Apollo, Neer, GoldForPP and 5 others like this.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  37. Unread #19 - Sep 27, 2023 at 5:01 PM
  38. Kanye
    Aug 2, 2016
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    Two Factor Authentication User March Madness (2) Summer 2022 Summer 2024 Verified Ironman Ursaring Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus Gohan has AIDS

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    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

  39. Unread #20 - Sep 28, 2023 at 8:45 AM
  40. KillSteal1991
    Jul 18, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
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    killsteal4real (Old - KillSteal#9246)

    KillSteal1991 Active Member

    Account Recovered After Purchasing From Dices

    @Kanye I have heard nothing from him.
< resolved | ThePizzaMan - off site scam. >

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