[CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

Discussion in 'Community Input' started by Bolt, Nov 4, 2018.


Which are your 3 favorite spooky stories?

Poll closed Nov 11, 2018.
  1. Story #1

  2. Story #2

  3. Story #3

  4. Story #4

  5. Story #5

  6. Story #6

  7. Story #7

  8. Story #8

  9. Story #9

  10. Story #10

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[CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 4, 2018 at 4:56 PM
  2. Bolt
    Mar 15, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    Bolt Click here to trade with me!

    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!



    Here are the top ten Spooky Stories that the CDT has received.

    Original thread: [CDT] Halloween Spooky Story Competition 2018 [Ends 10/31/2018 @ 11 PM EST]

    Please vote for your top three Spooky Stories that you believe stand out.

    Voting will end on: 11/11/2018 @ 1:00 PM EST

    The Halloween Story :

    My parents and i decided to move houses, we chose to get a new house build from scratch.
    The project of our new house was delayed and our own house has already been sold.
    So we had to hire a house for a while.
    Once moved in to our hired house 2 weeks go by.
    When you're in a completely new house you're not familier with all the new sounds you hear.
    But every night when i was laying in my bed i kept hearing the same thing over and over again which scared me.
    It was like someone was walking across the wooden floors downstairs in the living room. It terrified me, i tried to sleep through it but it kept me awake every single time.
    I hear it say "you broke the promise, you must die".
    The next day i decided to tell this to my parents.
    At first they would not believe me, but eventually we went and have a chat with the owner of the house, maybe he knew something about this.
    We called him to ask if we could come around to talk with him about this.
    He said that it was ok for us to come by,
    We explained him what had happend and if he had experienced this before.
    He told us that his wife died in the house, he made a promise to his wife to always stay in the house and to never leave her alone.
    5 years after his wife died, he got in a new relationship with another woman. He told us from that point he was hearing sounds.
    That she was walking in the house at the middle of the night. Saying the things that we explained. That's the reason they moved to another house.
    2 hours past and we have talked about the situation so we decided to go back to our house.
    It was bed time, i took a quick shower and jumped in my bed.
    Once i almost fell a sleep i felt some sort of present in my room.
    I was scared to open my eyes, but still i decided to open them.
    Once i did, i felt 2 cold hands grabbing my throat. I looked up and there she was.
    A black dress, long hands and nails, her eyes were almost comming out like a baked egg.
    I couldn't move, i couldn't say anything.
    She came closer to my ear and with her scary voice she said to me, i will kill you and your parents if my husband don't come to this house once more and bury me properly.
    She let go of my throat, and said "you better keep that promise". And she went away.
    The next day i immediatly called up the owner of this house. YOU HAVE TO COME TO THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW!
    When the owner arrived i screamed at him, where did you bury your wife.
    He said that he burried her under this house.
    I told him to give her a proper funeral, so he did.
    He gave her a proper funeral, and gave a speech telling her he is sorry that he broke his promise to her.
    The next night i was laying in bed, i did not hear any sounds. No walking in the living room no nothing.
    I woke up in the morning and there is a letter on my desk.
    Thank you for keeping that promise, i can rest in peace now.

    Once upon a time there was a priest of a small village. Villagers liked priest very much because his sermons were a lot more interesting than normal sermons which were filled with monotonic speak about bible and God. Although priest was pious and kind person he had a dark secret. He had wife and daughter and they lived on a big estate near the church. It was very common on the 19th century that people used to have servant girl on their household and so was it also on the priests house. But this priest had an affair with the servant girl, eventually after many months servant girl became pregnant. This was shock for a priest because he was a holy man and didn't want to lose his job and reputation. Priest decided to murder the servant girl because he didn't want to reveal their relationship to anyone. On a foggy morning when the servant girl went to milk the cows, priest was waiting with digging fork in the barn. He stabbed the servant girl multiple times and buried the body to near cemetery. After few weeks villagers noticed that on the cemetery there was an open and empty grave but no gravestone. Priest tried to explain that perhaps there was moles which dig these holes to the ground, eventually villagers believed the priest and filled the hole. However on the next morning priest's wife announced that her husband was disappeared during the night. Manhunt lasted for days and eventually priest's body was found on the same hole that was just filled few days ago. The priest had no external signs of violence but instead of his clerical clothing he was wearing a servant girl dress. Villagers couldn't never explain what had happened but one thing was sure: That their faith was never restored again.

    There was something drawing her into the forest, something she couldn’t quite describe, something she didn’t even really want to think about. She heard the voice in her head, crying out to her, waking her up in the middle of the night. “Emma, come to me, come to us,” the light voice would chant into her ear, before the tone went from fluttery to dangerous, deep and menacing, a growl within it.

    It wasn’t something she could control, and instead of remaining in her bed, sheets pulled up to her chin, body warm and cosy and safe, she took off into the night. She was quick, feet patting against the ground, toes cold and sore, but that didn’t matter. The voice was telling her to come, to move it, and Emma had no choice but to listen. She could no longer control her legs, or her whole body, really, and she simply ran to the forest. It was a twenty minute journey with a covered up moon above her, clouds hiding most of the light, no stars in the sky, a cold, goose bumps inducing breeze in the air.

    Emma ran fast, heart beating fast, eyes wide open, determined to get to the forest as quick as she could. She looked terrifying, a crazy look in her eyes, her blonde hair a mess as she ran faster and faster, strands getting all tussled from the wind. Her feet began to turn black from all the dirt she was stepping on, the bottom of her white dress seeing a similar pattern of filth.

    When she reached the forest she stood before it with a wide smile. Not a happy smile, not an excited one… But one that looked strange. It looked off, like it didn’t quite belong to her. The smile belonged to someone else, like someone was forcing it, pulling at her skin so she would feign a too wide grin. Her smile was terribly big, almost all her teeth showing, the crazy look in her eyes still very much apparent.

    “I’m so glad you made it,” said that sweet voice again, no anger present. “I’m so glad you listened to me, that you came to me. What a sweet girl you are, following my instructions, and if you come into the forest, right to the middle, I promise to give you your reward.” The voice ended softly, a calmness in the air.

    There was almost no noise at all except for the gusts and gusts of wind picking up the leaves and grass, causing them to rustle in the night. It didn’t take long for Emma to bolt into the forest, panting loudly, chest heaving as she made her way into the centre of the cluster of trees. She was fast, eyes stuck ahead of her, so determined to find the owner of the voice, to claim her reward, whatever that may be. Again she had no control over her body, her mind suddenly telling her to bolt, run as fast as you can, find the voice, find out what they want from you.

    The large trees around Emma loomed over her, and the further she went into the forest, it seemed the bigger they got. They crowded around her, blocking her off from any and all escape, the space between the trees getting tighter and tighter. Emma would have been worried about not being able to breathe if she wasn’t so keen on finding the voice. A soft light was suddenly in front of her, glowing gently, calmly, causing Emma to suddenly stop in her tracks, almost falling to the ground at the sudden stop.

    “You found me,” said the voice. The glowing light suddenly moved, floating in the air, settling in front of Emma a moment later. “I knew you would. Are you ready for your reward?”

    “Yes,” whispered Emma, quickly, not wanting to keep them waiting.

    A cackling was soon heard, loud and deep, ferocious sounding, a sound that would normally make Emma’s legs shake. The girl suddenly felt some pressure on her chest, like someone was pushing against it with their bare hands, pressing down harshly, eagerly, angrily. Emma gasped, about to take a step back when the light before her turned into something… Someone. A woman stood before Emma, eyes dark, an evil grin on her face, skin all pale and practically grey. Her hair was pitch black, looking all scratchy and hard, like straw, like she hadn’t washed it in years. Her mouth snapped open wider, revealing an even bigger smile, an almost black looking tongue as the cackling sound grew louder.

    Emma suddenly realised where she was, a whimper leaving her mouth as she looked above her, taking in the sight of the tall trees, her eyes settling on the startling woman in front of her. Emma screamed, eyes wide as the woman carried on laughing, evil in the air as the woman suddenly turned back into a light: but this time it was dark, not glowing like before. The woman pushed her way into Emma’s mouth, making the girl choke, tears filling up her eyes as she struggled to breathe. She fell to the ground, knees buckling, hands gripping the cold grass as she did her best to remain alert, to fight off whatever the hell just forced their way inside of her.

    It was too hard, though, too hard for Emma to concentrate, to keep her bearings, to battle the monster that just took control of her life…


    She stood up slowly, wearily, eyes shut as she turned around and walked back the way she came from. It felt so weird to walk again, to feel the grass beneath her feet, to feel the rush of cold wind on her skin. She didn’t even mind the cold, this cold, at least. This was nothing compared to down there. As her eyes snapped open she grinned before cackling, skipping through the forest, on her way to her new home and family... They were in for a treat.

    There was once a 'hardcore ironman' named Pendulum
    Though, this elite title comes with a conundrum
    Only the best of the best may live on to tell the tale
    Unfortunately for him, this ends with him hiding his tail

    Music looping...
    Wind blowing...
    Desert sizzling...
    Harpy swarm buzzing...
    Light diming...

    Blood splatter covering the screen
    Muffled, choked, and a silenced scream
    Heart stopping, tearing into shreads
    Heavy chested, mind blank, the darkness spreads...

    The Grim Reaper claims another lonely soul
    "I'm better than everyone at RS undisputed," Wrong - "No" says a poll
    The icon is now fading into a gray
    His hardcore status too, vanishes - by the way...

    Lumbridge calls thy name
    Young one, it's time to log out of the game...
    Defeated, lost and exhausted
    In his chair, seat back, eyeballs deep in their sockets...

    Home alone, door creaking, windows vibrating
    A distant growl arises, begins humming
    Heavy and slow stomps approaching
    Knock knock...
    Knock knock...
    Big eyes and fluffy ears meeting
    It's.. it's.. a furry prowling.

    It was a brisk october night in the backwoods of Kade's parents farm house. The weather was just warm enough to go exploring one last time before winter's freeze. Jack decided to grab his loyal dog, Jackson, and set off on the trail behind his house that led to his best friend Allie's house. Kade met with Allie and the two decided to go exploring deep in the heart of the woods. Kade and Allie stumpled upon what appeared to be an old abanadonded house. Allie took the lead and looked back at Kade, noticing that he was hesistating to come in. Kade did not want to seem scared so he reached down and patted Jackson on the head and scurried ahead. It wasn't long into the house before Kade realized something wasn't right. He whispered out to Allie, but no response. From the other end of the house he heard a sudden shriek. "Kade! Kade help me!" Kade quickly realized it was Allie's voice. Everytime Kade heard a creak or a sudden movement in the dark ahead, he would reach down and Jackson would lick his hand reassuring him everything was ok. Kade quitely tried to navigate his way through the dark to find Allie and get out of there. Despite his efforts to find Allie, there was no response aside from Jackson licking Kade's hand after every quiet attempt Kade would make to call out for Allie. Kade suddenly saw a flash of light from around the corner, coming from an old dusty window. He ran to the window, threw it up and quickly climbed out. Kade jumped back onto his feet and ran around to the front of the house and came across a bone chilling sight. Hanging from the porch light was Jackson, who had been cut open. On the front door written in Jackson's blood. "People can lick too."

    A thunder strikes as I grab the chair. I set it down.

    As I climb it, my leg twitches and I fall into the rotten dusty floor. The bruise oozes with green blood. Again. Soon the green, gelatinous, visceral fluid turns back into the thick dark red oil. I don't have much time.

    I get up as I hear them. Squeaking, growling, screaming, outside they wander. Towards the shack, they walk. The noise of the fall, the light of the lamp, I was careless. They will get to me, but it doesn't matter. Not anymore.

    I climb the chair, I grab the rope. Another thunder strikes as a thought comes to me... Care.

    Care was put in this rope. And with care I tie it to the ceiling. The rain starts again, muffling the sound of those outside. Things, undeads, walkers. Soulless wanderers with no desires, no thoughts. No care.

    I kick the lamp. It falls on the trail, on the gas. It spreads in no time, the fire. The flames. It gets to the walls, soaked in gasoline on the inner side. Soaked in rain water on the other side. The outer side... And I think.

    The rain, the water, the life hits them. The dead. As the flames, the smoke, the gas on the inside... I'm the last one. I can feel it. And I have no hope.


    A portrait falls on the floor, the glass shatters. Burning in the fire, my face turns into dust. And so does hers...

    I regain my conscience. Did I pass out? My last thought, I lost it! But I still stand on the chair, the portrait still burns! The coal dust behind the shattered glass, was it a picture? I'm losing it, I feel like screaming. And I do, but I growl. Uncontrollably.

    I open my eyes, but only one opens. I can't control the other, I can't feel it. It pops. Like a bubble gum.

    My vision blurs as I barely see the green fluid oozing. It smells. It rots. I look at my hand with what remains of my other eye's vision. How old I am again? I am turning, I know it. The fire approaches, I have to be quick.

    Not that it matters.

    I somehow get the rope around my neck. They break the window. Or was it the fire? The smoke fills the room. Their shadows. Cast by the moonlight. By the fire. Through the smoke. My head hurts.

    I can barely think. If I go before I turn, will I turn? Did I turn already? Am I one of them? Will I be!? I kick the chair... The last effort.

    I can't see. I can't feel. I can't think. Did it work? Is it working? Will it? I don't know.

    I can't know.

    Mary and James were out doing there own thing on October 31st while the children were out trick-or-treating. Mary and James had been friends for years. Recently dating. They had been walking around the big neighborhood that gave out the best candy bars. We weren’t in the midst of all the action with the children and candy. We were just in the vicinity. I probably should have mentioned that although Mary and James are a couple and longtime friends, Mary cheated on James with his best friend Paul Denino. This get together, James planned for the two of them was a ruse. Towards the end of the evening and the end of Halloween, Mary and James pass by a cemetery. They decided to go into it and walk around. Mary wasn’t the type to be scared with the paranormal. As they were walking through the graveyard, they reached the last grave which was surprisingly empty as every other grave was filled with a body. Mary turned around after seeing the pre-dug hole that she was slowly but quickly realizing was for her. She turned around to James with a 12 gauge to her gullet. He said “I hope that Paul Denino dick was worth it.” He did the arm thing with his left hand, while professionally grasping the shotgun handle with his right hand. Then, with no hesitation, he pulled the trigger. This was the 4th girl James had done this to. And it wouldn’t be the last….

    A Scary Tale of the Ghostly Hospital Shift.

    In 2013 I was working night duty in a surgical ward of a well-known hospital in London. The staff told me that I look extremely tired and they feel I must go lay down for a few minutes and might feel better after that. I was indeed very tired and did as they say. I went to the cubical where there were 4 patients’ beds in. There was no patients in the cubical that night. I went and lay down on the first bed as you came in the room. We usually put the sickest patients of the ward in that specific bed, because it is the closest to the nurses’ station. As I lay down on right side, facing the door, so I can see if someone came in, I almost immediately start slumbering down. I suddenly experience something that puzzled me up to today. It is easy to make it off as a dream, but it doesn’t feel like a dream. As I drift off into a sleep I became aware of many whispering voices around me. The ward was quiet and we were only 3 staff members on duty. At first I thought the staff is pulling a prank on me, but as I open my eyes and look into the room, I was so surprised to what I saw. Around my bed stood a crowd of transparent humans in long robes, like sleeping robes of the olden days. Some robes appear dirty white to baize and some light blue in colour. They all shouted at me and start pointing a finger at me. Some even press with their pointer finger on my body. They press on my forehead cheeks and nose. On my shoulder and back, all over my legs and bum. It wasn’t painful at all, in fact if feel soft and I got the feeling that it feel ghost like. They were all shouting at me and it sounds like someone shout from a far distance. Even those stood next to my head and shout in my ear, sounds distant yet I can judge to the sound they are closer than those at my feet. I tried to guess how many they were, but it was difficult because they were a few rows and those at the back pusses their arms between those in the front, just to put their finger on my body. It was more than 13 at least. They all screamed basic the same thing: “It is because of you people, that we are dead today! You people killed us! It’s because of you that we are dead!” I thought by myself, how am I going to rest with this lot going on like this? I got up and they all disappear like popping balloons. As I come back to the doctors and nurses’ stations, the guys were surprised and said: “You were gone only 5 minutes, why are you not sleeping? As I told them what happen, nobody went into that room for the rest of the night.

    Thanks and I hope you enjoyed my tale! I got my inspiration from a story my sister once told me who works in and around hospitals for the mentally ill.

    Good luck out there....

    I was working in the office. All of a sudden somebody ticked on my shoulder. I looked behind me and I jumped out of my chair, I was scared. It was my colleague with a very scary mask on. The other colleague next to me was laughing because he was already in on the joke. I kind of laughed it off and continued my task, because I still had to do loads of work. That day I decided to stay a bit longer to finish my remaining tasks. All the other colleagues left, they wished me a happy halloween. It was a quarter to nine. I was almost finished with my tasks. I got ready to leave. All of a sudden, I heard a door closing downstairs. I got frightened but I still went down to look what it was. I saw an open window, and I thought by myself that it would have been the wind through the window that had closed the door. I closed the window and went upstairs to pack up my stuff. I was about to leave my office but then the phone on my desk started ringing. I thought by myself: "shall I pick up the phone or leave it be?" I decided to gather up all my courage and answer the phone.

    A hazy voice started talking, "I can see you" he said. I asked with a shaking voice: "Who is this?!". He already hang up the phone. I started breathing heavily. I decided to rush downstairs to the front door of the building. I tried to open the door but it was locked! I looked behind me and saw a vague appearance walking down the stairs. "What should I do??" I ran to the nearest office and locked the door and hid myself under a desk. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Suddenly it was quiet. I didn't hear anything. My breath caught my throat and my heart started beating rapidly. Then I heard something banging on the door. A voice said: "I know that you're in here". I crawled towards the window and managed to open it. It was a very narrow window, but I still tried to squeeze myself through it. I got stuck mid-way. Then I heard the door open, something grabbed me by the foot and pulled me back inside. I turned around and saw a face that was covered in blood, you could see the left part of his jaw hanging beneath his head. I screamed and all of a sudden I woke up. "It was all a dream" I thought. Until I heard someone laughing from under my bed.. The End

    Blood demon

    Blood I want blood the blood demon says. The devil says calm down solider Halloween will be here soon. It’s the only day I allow my blood demon soldiers to go out and hunt in the world for blood. Do not hurt any animals take vengeance on the humans (they have the most hate) they have the best of bloods "human blood”. One day till Halloween the blood demon sneaks out and goes hunting for human blood. The fear in humans makes the blood pounce hard. He sneaks in the dark comes up to three humans by a gas station. They are filling up gas. The blood demon gets closer and closer arrrrrrrrrrg human blood he shouts! The three humans are scared and don’t know what to do they start to run, faster and faster they go. But no human can outrun a blood demon. He catches one human drinks his blood but he’s enough for the human to service, he’s goes for the 2nd and 3rd human. The blood demons’ level is full of blood. He returns to his master devil. The devil notices his blood demon is very satisfied he’s going crazy. The devil asks what happened the blood demon smiles and says I’m ready for Halloween, I'm ready for that human blood.

    Moral of the story" stay home on Halloween you don’t know what’s out there" you have been warned!!!
    ^ Zulu and BlackBlasses like this.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 4, 2018 at 5:11 PM
  4. BlackBlasses
    Apr 4, 2016
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Great entries. I'll be voting soon.

    For those who are too lazy to read, we will add voiced versions, if we receive them in the next few days.
    ^ Bogdan and WantaCookie like this.
  5. Unread #3 - Nov 4, 2018 at 7:30 PM
  6. WantaCookie
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  7. Unread #4 - Nov 5, 2018 at 2:22 PM
  8. Zulu
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    For $3 @BlackBlasses will fly out to you and read you the stories in front of your fireplace with hot cocoa and Carmel popcorn. :eek:

    Lmao, voted gl everyone
    ^ BlackBlasses likes this.
  9. Unread #5 - Nov 5, 2018 at 3:30 PM
  10. www
    Oct 21, 2017
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Gl these are creepy af monkaS
    ^ BlackBlasses likes this.
  11. Unread #6 - Nov 6, 2018 at 4:20 AM
  12. Pendulum
    Jul 13, 2012
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Oh really.
    ^ BlackBlasses likes this.
  13. Unread #7 - Nov 9, 2018 at 7:37 AM
  14. Bolt
    Mar 15, 2018
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    Bolt Click here to trade with me!

    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    im 2 spooky 4 u pendy
    ^ Safe likes this.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  15. Unread #8 - Nov 9, 2018 at 8:57 AM
  16. Lord Eridor
    Oct 28, 2018
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Love them all haha, some gave me the chills!

    However is self voting allowed ;)? good luck everyone!
    ^ Safe and BlackBlasses like this.
  17. Unread #9 - Nov 9, 2018 at 9:15 AM
  18. BlackBlasses
    Apr 4, 2016
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    It's really a question of your morality, as we don't have a way to check.
    ^ Bolt and Safe like this.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  19. Unread #10 - Nov 11, 2018 at 9:47 AM
  20. Psychic Ball
    Jun 29, 2018
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    Dope entries. I definitely vibe #6. I wonder who will come out on top at the end.
  21. Unread #11 - Nov 11, 2018 at 1:59 PM
  22. Safe
    Dec 25, 2016
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    [CDT] Vote for Sythe's 2018 Spooky Story COMPETITION!

    @BlackBlasses Is this event over now? or how many hours are left.
    ^ BlackBlasses likes this.
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