All herbs/unfinished potions Occult Tormented Magic fang Blowpipe Anguish Torture Serpentine helm Dragon Warhammer Primordial Boots basilisk jaw...
Items I'm looking for Dfs Arcane Prayer Scroll Imbued heart Supplies I'm looking to buy in bulk Herbs Pots Food Ores Planks Bolts Darts Runes...
Timer has begun on deironing down to a UGIM then going to normie. Dont have the time to play iron anymore so looking to sell my bigger ticket...
Buying 6 armour seeds
Offer on any items in bulk. Prices are what I'm looking for. Selling the following big items: BOFA - 500m MASORI TOP - 700m ANCESTRAL BOTTOM -...
feeler to trade an enh :) currently its made into a saeldor, can make into bowfa for convenience as well, looking to trade specifically looking...
I am looking for a few items for my group. We’ve got an empty slot for someone to trade items over or an alt to join your group if you prefer....
25m Coins - 2x 494k Blood Runes - 500 each 59k Death Runes - 350 each 32k Soul Runes - 300 each 52k Chaos Runes - 100 each 11k Nature Runes -...
EDIT: ALL SOLD Selling Items from my GIM bank. Please only reply if you are interested in buying the majority of the items here, not looking to...
Deironing and selling the following items: Bowfa Full crystal All zenyte jewelry DWH BGS DHL Zammy hasta All Zulrah items Hydra leather Basilisk...
I looking for ugim items. firstly im after: 4x Dexterous prayer scrolls and arcane 4x avernic hilts 4x Acb 1x dwh 2x rapier reources all herb...
Hey i want too sell/trade ugim items i have items like - kodai wand - bandos chest plate - bowfa - blade of saeldor - 13 crystal armour seeds -...
hey :) looking for any unranked gim that currently own dagonhai pieces and would like to discuss a sale. pm me here to talk further thanks!!!
2 scythe of virturs for sale to a ugim. Message me with an offer of OSRS gp for 1 or both.
PRICE DROP Skip the 100hr grinds and buy from me instead! Twisted Bow 2.8b Scythe 1.6b Ancestral Top 280m Ancestral Bottom 250m Elder Maul 60m...
Selling all or part of the bank. I'd prefer one transaction, so you'll get a bigger discount. Big ticket items: Twisted Bow 3.5b Scythe 2b Rapier...
This is the most extensive list of ugim items to be sold on I ALSO BUY MOST GIM ITEMS SO FEEL FREE TO ADD ME ON DISC!! I have 2...