ACCOUNT SOLD Welcome everyone:) So I'am selling my alt that i dont need anymore. Account got over 1500+ total and alot of untradeables. Monkey... has an offense: “bot busting”
STATS: (Has one offense on account) Slayer:74 Strength: 78 Att: 78 Def: 75 Range:75 Mage: 70 Hit:79 Prayer:60 Rune:...
Slayer:74 Strength: 78 Att: 78 Def: 75 Range:75 Mage: 70 Hit:79 Prayer:60 Rune: 14 Construction:50 Fletch:60 Craft:70 Thieving: 38 Herb:60 Agil:...
So I'm basically selling my old ironman that I have been playing as a main for some time. Now that I've restarted on a new ironman I'm looking to...
Hey, im a fresh account trainer willing to do fast, cheap and reliable service. Pm me on Discord or Sythe. Feel free to leave a comment about my...
Hey, quotes for 120 slay? I need 60m xp roughly.
I quit playing runescape ages ago since I simply don't have the time required to put in anymore. The account has elite void, all diaries done,...
Hi guys, I am selling my almost maxed combat 116 account with 96 slayer on it that I worked really hard for. The account was hand trained and has...
Feel free to email me at [email protected] or PM me if you have questions about the account. Will take offers for OSRS gold and cash, but OSRS...
Includes original email and rare name! Has 100QP, 650 PC points, slayer helmet unlocked with 75 slayer! Needs Fremmy Trials/Heroes for 42def....
Imgur If need more details pls let me know with a MP. Crypto or osrs currency. Only with MM. start at 100$ AW 250$
NO BOTS! This acc is a zerk with 81 range 79 hp and 52 pray. You may NOT use the defensive attack style. 83 cb so no Nieve. If you use wildy...
Hello Everyone I am starting up my own service, I've used this site many times to buy gold, and I've been training friends accounts, doing their...
Selling great starter main. Has B gloves, firecape, full graceful, d defender. Slayer helm and b ring are both imbued. The account has 10 days of...
selling my hand trained level 3 skiller with 107 slayer untrimmed cape keepsaked. 0 xp in all combat stats and over a years worth of membership...
Selling self-trained slayer staff obby. Was my original account and didn't plan on selling until recently. Don't have time to play this account...
Looking for someone to get to 1 to 55 slayer on a fresh account that will be an obby mauler. You can do it however you want, but range and mage...
* Selling the MOST Incredible Zerker * C/O: None A/W: 600M [Price Could be Negotiable] *-*-* 100% HAND-TRAINED *-*-* [SPOILER] [SPOILER]...
Selling my slayer alt 1 becouse i dont rly use it any more. it has 12 day member left. Taking offers, add me in disc for more info: Ronsu #8729...