Scammer Profile Link: Discord I'd: Jimsky88#0001 UID : 470137814885859328 I hope you are all well,...
Hello I have been scammed by Skilly for 750M osrs. I have pictures of all of the chat and trade, and would like to get him banned. ⭐️Skilly...
Scammer's profile link: Amount scammed: 1.4b Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: prolific122223 |...
So I'm reporting: Storm Client/Jim ID: 202409114880573440 Discord Username: jim#6969 Buracc/burak/Jim storm for scamming 500+ EUR That I...
scammed me 750m osrs. first 500 then made it up to 750 with some excuses scammed...
Scammer's profile link: Biacc Amount scammed: 200$ Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: biacc0 | itsbiacc | 1154453922795237488 Proof that it's their...
1: amy.1226747 Amy This Player also known as Pis2ols in discord and on runescape was hosting a Black PHat giveaway. I won the giveaway and...
I realized too late what I had done. Guy contacts me through the messaging system here, asks all about the account and then later adds me on...
Scammer's profile link: the alastor 9118 Amount scammed: 200M refund Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Alastor#9118 + alastorosrs +...
Scammer's profile link: ItsKrummpy OSRS IGN: Rinced Amount scammed: $305 for 1B OSRS GP Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Krummpy#1767 Unique ID:...
Scammer's profile link: ★★ Buying 07 Gold | [BTC/USDT/LTC/BINANCE PAY] Amount scammed: 0.201ETH Discord ID + Unique Discord ID:...
Scammer's profile link: Slice Amount scammed: 34$ Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Proof that it's their...
Scammer's profile link: denisike Vouches if they were exchanged: "Vouch for Denisike! Bought very nice account for $600, I am happy with...
Scammed by Game#8527 (UID: 287947974770819073) / also goes by "Chris Kane'' on Sythe Screenshot / proof of being double spended on blockchain:...
User : LUUDE Discord Luddev#1668 Unico id 829102331948826705 ( Monto : $260 USDT Chat...
my account I bought was taken back by the owner. what do i do? it was maxxed out and like $300 I bought it a few years back. been trying to log...
Was doing a trade with Triangle#8528 (810505108773273630 - Discord ID). when i passed over the GP and awaiting payment of $575 he banned me from...
My bad, scammer used his Discord name and I was fooled like a freaking idiot. Real QBD is cool
Scammer's profile link: Lucky Charm Amount scammed: temp banned on account + 13m for questing services Discord ID + Unique Discord ID:...
Scammer's profile link: Injure Vouches if they were exchanged: Injure's Vouch Thread Original selling thread: [NA] Selling d2 Account - $85 USD...