Exposs Scam Workers they remove from discord and never return the security we deposited, Without any evidance if any of their client blame worker...
met on eldorado about 1-2 years ago join his group sold him a few items had some kind of trust there and let him borrow a few items necro mats,sub...
A known seller removed sold me a product that is not what they promised. What can i do? i asked a few questions about their product before i...
Scammer's profile link: Dragon lavas_rs is an admin in runecino and he is the one who vouched for someone who ended up scamming me. Amount...
Purchased 70m gold and have not received a single gp of it. tryign to contact him through all means including website livechat that doesnt work...
Scammer's profile link: https://www.sythe.org/members/scooby-rsps.1725138/ Amount scammed: $65 Crypto/Solana Discord ID + Unique Discord ID:...
I was buying 22T Spawn Pk for $5.5 per Trill. The seller was adamant on me going first and refused to use a trusted MM eventually after multiple...
Scammer's profile link: https://www.sythe.org/members/kyiv-not-kiev.1241203/ Amount scammed: $320 USD Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Andddp +...
Scammer's profile link: Seems like he has already been banned but I'm making this for awareness. https://www.sythe.org/members/omgsosorry.1025067/...
Scammer's profile link:https://www.sythe.org/members/lion.1698608/ Vouches if they were exchanged: Original selling...
Scammer profile link: SUUH Amount scammed: $350 Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: suuuhx - 1217901779283607583 suuh5441 - 691641210326089788...
Scammer's profile link: Vorki12 Amount scammed: $25.20 USD (½ of the service) & $4.25 USD (TUT ACCOUNTS) Discord ID + Unique Discord ID:...
Such a sad scammer. Scammer's profile link Magic99 Amount scammed: 500m Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: magic.99 + 1149582240888660098 Proof...
I was trying to sell Near Reality Gold, his discord was saying he's buying at 1:3.5 and selling at 1:6.0 I opened a ticket and we talked for a...
Scammer's profile link:Sarah Maged Vouches if they were exchanged: Original selling thread:Sold Proof of payment: see screenshots Proof of...
These guys vouche that they have 5,000+ reviews, are vouched for, and "safe & secure". However I made an offer on one of their accounts for sale...
This person is a scammer who's selling this: OSRS IRONMAN 1900+ TOTAL |120 combat| Infernal Cape Discord user ID: 1025985198992658545 Name on...
Scammer's profile link: Cash_cow Amount scammed: Blue Partyhat Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: kashcow - 281464886306013184 Proof that it's their...
Scammer's profile link: Zenon123 Amount scammed: ~300m - Won't know full amount until bank pin expires Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Luffy - Do...
Scammer's profile link: Scammer Doesn't have one Amount scammed: Bills upon bills Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: inferno#4372 /...