vorkath acc! https://prnt.sc/iutY9lYtAv5y https://prnt.sc/9xXTAqeCFXJ8 https://prnt.sc/pmkd4FH52NeU Zulrah acc! https://prnt.sc/vga5PJgCim-3...
ZHAPORETHE'S ZULRAH ACCS I'm currently selling zulrah accs whit the follow stats. 1 in stock(70 def 80 range 80 mage 50 prayer) PRICE : 85M...
NOTICE: ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SOLD Hi guys, Looking to sell a zulrah ready main, has a username login and is 5+ year vet. Willing to go first...
Accounts on stock: 0 Fully quested, god cape, ava's and horror from the deep done for BoD, 900+ total. Delivered with original email. Stats:...
[IMG] Untradeables: Screenshot - 15383d1bea03e92a4d8425cdf31b019f - Gyazo Stats: Screenshot - 45b8043321fb8624568fd7158a5bbb14 - Gyazo Regicide...
its a solid account, was the first account i created when i got into osrs. shortly after i discovered the world of pvp and created a new account...