the price of the service is 100M /45 $ [BTC/OSRS GP] Contact: Discord:LegendOSRS#5376
Looking to sell my pure. Focusing on maxing my main account and would like not to worry about this account. I am OO and will give every detail to...
Hey, I'm selling this account for 50 dollars or 60m. It has 3 99's in smithing, agility, and cooking. It also has 90 fletching. The account has...
Hey, I'm selling this account for 50 dollars or 50m. It has 3 99's in smithing, agility, and cooking. It also has 90 fletching. The account has...
86 cb, decent stats, i'm making a new pure, so i don't use this acc anymore, although it's not included in the screenshots, i do have chaos ele...
I made this account to gold farm, but I haven't had time to do so, so I'm probably going to sell it. More pictures soon to come. Most notable...