Selling 3 character Tags C** C** M** Og tags S**** S****E SL****R L*** Have semi tags also $20-$200 KIK Mascara.OG
hmu on twitter @Underrated__2k or on here looking to buy OG accounts 3-5 letters
I'm looking for an OG or a 3 letter/character gamertag. I have some 4 letter gts I don't want/need. I'm willing to sell them or we can trade. I...
GT: T*G Hint: The Mini Gun Kik: ODST_Lasky Selling it for $25 Xbox Card only
GT: K*B Hint: 1, 2, 3, * GT: Sl*ck Hint: Slick hair today man kik: Tympah
Im looking for an Xbox OG msg me on Xbox with GT and Price! GT: WH0 or Kik: Possezion
$5 kik @ outofIove
I copped a few OG and Semi OG Tags recently and want to sell them. If you want me to provide proof or ownership just message me on skype:...
NICE 4 LETTER TAG FOR LOW price and other semi OG tags available. Message on kik - OGShining
(Kik:II_Mouse_II) Guys message me on kik to buy an og gt ill be selling it for pretty cheap, havnt been on in a while i can message etc for proof....