99 DEF | 99 RAN | 99 PRAY | 99 MAGE | 14 HP | 79 QP Handmade - Main Maxed: 1568 TOTAL 88 CB RARE HP pure build [IMG][IMG] CO. X A/W 650USD [IMG]...
Hello, i am selling my low hp pure's, made and handtrained by me. All accounts currently have membership. Account#1...
selling level 44 combat with 10hp and 85 Magic pure my vouches - Omqu’s vouches! add my discord - OmquRSservices#4859 chasing around 25-30m for...
Check it out! (Legendary Seller) 11 HP PURE BEAST STATS - 90 Mage | ID 141823416 | PlayerAuctions Stats: [IMG]Imgur: The magic of the Internet...