Hi, i am the original owner of this hand trained hcim listed on PA where i have 4 account sales already including a maxed main, med level iron,...
For sale: 2 voidwaker hilts 1 voidwaker gem 1 dexterous prayer scroll 1 arcane prayer scroll 10 dragon pickaxe ISO: Sang staff Ring of endurance...
Selling 2 60Attack/60Strength/60Defence/48+prayer accounts All skills have been leveled with my own PRIVATE scripts a few 20s/30s in...
Hi, selling this main. by sythe OR add discord Charro#5492 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG][IMG] [IMG] Offers [OSGP] are welcome to my...
I'm interested in giving someone a big task. I am after Dragon Slayer 2 on one of my accounts. It needs a lot of skills and a lot of quests to be...
Hi guys im trying to get d imps for glories. Will to pay over 600k per imp on my ironman
I'm willing to sell all of my Flight Rising items, which include many rare/old exclusives such as Boneyard Tatters, a Sunguard Chest, Magmatic...
looking to buy a HCIM Starter that has opened crates from WT and received a Dragon Axe. No specific level required! Has to be... 1) Hardcore...
Im at assault part of ds2. Who can finish and how much?
Okay, so, I have been doing this damn quest since Aug 2nd, and have died over 40 times, I'm beyond frustrated, this account is mobile only and the...
Barbarian Assault Torso = 7.5m Rune / Dragon Defender Rune = 5m Dragon = 7m Quest Services Requirements: Bank pin / Money / Armor / Food...
Hello guys! We've been musing over Dragon Hound - an upcoming game that you puts you in a fight against colossal beasts except here, you're...
hello friends, can anyone help to complete dragon slayer 2 osrs? if yes, quester will be using his armour and weapon can pay 20m in osrs gp or...
Pleas remove this. Account is no longer for sale. I had a buyer and told likzje it was sold and the buyer backed out so now likzje says it's a...
I used to be a rank in Dragon Dyce. Paid 200M+ to get in and 166.6M+ to upgrade to a 2-bar. I was deranked today without being provided any...
1k gold = 10$ Skype: turbo_melek
SOLD Hey Folks! As time flies I am leaving Runescape and would like to sell my great main starter account. It has a cash stack of 17.5m and many...
Feathers 2gp Green dragon hide 1500gp Blue dragon hide 1850gp Black dragon hide 3000gp Message on here or email [email protected] with...
Hows it going Sythe community! I am a new member to the forums but I have been playing RS for years now. I have purchased gold, accounts, items,...