I have 150k DMM I need rs3 or osrs seap. Pm me
Have 220k DMM that I would like to swap for 07 gold. Let me know if you are interested and rate. Thanks.
i am wanting to swap my w45 dmm gp to os
Hey, selling 2,8m in DMM. Open to offers.
SWAPPING kratos dmm gp/items for 07 cash
[IMG] Eden The Best Oldschool RSPS Using OSHD Toggles Eden Offers Perfect PvP System and PvM System Eden is a quality server utilizing talented...
Looking to buy a DMM Tourney Account today to use on 06/26/2017-07/01/2017. Please pm.
I am looking for someone to swap their DMM (W345) for 07 gold. Rate will be 2.5:1 and we will do increments. Let me know if you're interested! Thanks.
i will go first to trusted ppl. 1m in stock skype: paisw-wow
I have 710k in stock atm just pm me on sythe and ill give u my skype
Hello Sythe, I am here to offer my services for DMM. I will be botting/flipping a ton of GP in the first day or two of DMM, and am looking to swap...
Hey, Selling the 600k on SDMM for 10m in osrs! pm me, or skype:Mandarinas56
selling 500k dmm seasonal gold for 8.5mil osrs gold since there is no trading in this season you will trade me 8.5mil in osrs and then i will let...