Discord is changing the way usernames work. They are removing the numbers from the end of usernames and creating unique names for everyone...
Hey, thanks for checking out my offer! Looking to sell my account from my childhood since it gets no use anymore. I am the original owner, I'll...
Hi! I AM new here, so i don't Care using a middleman Account has no offenses Combat: 111.85 The account has no offenses Selling with or without...
60 hp, 50 attk, 51 strength, 72 rnged, 43 prayer and 42 magic contact on discord for details, will go first if you have 30+ vouches and can use...
So i have a HCIM that has a total level of 1698 but no items other than untradables (this includes torso, full void etc.). It has 210 quest points...
As Tittle says selling my perfect gmaul pure, it also has high range, ready to start pking! trying to get rid of it so selling it cheap, dont care...