Comments on Profile Post by Dbuffed

  1. Jacky
    @Dbuffed imagine running a little shit service discord after years of being in the community and having no money. I didn't call you a retard , everyone else did. No one cried , worker just thought you were a retard which you are
    Sep 4, 2022
  2. Dbuffed
    oh babe, sorry forgot to respond to this as I was having too much fun with you on Discord.

    Don't you think instead of bragging about how much cash you're making, respect your fucking customers more you scumcunt? I understand you Chinese kids cant understand simple concepts so if you need help with general respect,
    Sep 4, 2022
  3. Dbuffed
    and not ignorance because you cant do anything beyond making money (such as getting a girl to come near you) hit me up
    Sep 4, 2022
  4. Dbuffed
    Small dick all ego lmao.
    Sep 4, 2022
  5. Jacky
    nothing else to back your own success or self up but racism and made up life story about me to make yourself feel better ? LOL
    Sep 4, 2022
  6. Dbuffed
    Truth is not racism, it's facts. If I was going to say more than the obvious Chinese stance with money you would understand what racism is. Such as me calling you a cotton picker, or a rice picker, or a anime wanker.
    Sep 4, 2022
  7. Dbuffed
    I thought you was too busy for all this anyway, seems like i'm living rent free protecting those people from having to make scam reports on you for trying to rob em for their hard earned money.
    Sep 4, 2022
  8. Jacky
    entertaining a nobody doesn't take up too much of my time since it's just all entertainment to me. Thing is I traded more in 07 gp then you seen in a year this week
    Sep 4, 2022
  9. Dbuffed
    A nobody that's living rent free in your head each time you type. And there you go again, bragging about GP like it means something lol, stop scamming your customers you ratcunt
    Sep 4, 2022
  10. Dbuffed
    my boy calling out @pingy y yet you got a history of doxing and shit yourself lmao. And clearly a effort to try lie/deceive your customers as well. You actual anal bead, you should be ashamed of yourself.
    Sep 4, 2022

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