Hey, We'll talk after I finish your current request! :)
TorsoHunter's Questing Services! [Quick and Easy] Am willing to do some services for free to gain vouches/trust to build my Sythe rep. With that...
View the link in my signature! I do not need Tbow and I can do with bare minimum stats as I will be venging + trading food over to the account if...
Tom, I'm willing to do it for cheaper and I will also get you started for free so I can gain trust! This would really help me as I am looking to...
Willing to sell this for OSRS Gold or to a trusted member for free!
How does one build trust if no one is going to use his services because no one trusts him? thanks
Is this done yet? message me if not, i'm willing to work with you on the price etc.
I can do all of this. First off what's the combat level of the account? Full Void with 1 Helmet = 16m Defender = 12m Torso = 10m Angler = It'll...
That's fantastic. Wow such fast
Can start now and will be finished in 6 hours. 12m cost