Hey guys, I came back to WoW but all my rl friends are too cool for it, so I have no one to arena with. Anyone here interested in running some...
VO / VOO. S&P500 and total market Should probably be weighted small cap value if Fama French is to be believed but couldnt be bothered
Rsaccounttrader has reported a post. Reason:Completely unsubstantiated and I havent traded (other than buying gold off R2P this week) for...
There should be a declassification system so oldfags can see the old staff logs...would be interesting to see if my multiple mod noms were vetoed...
shit if this is still up for sale i might have to make an offer
hahaha definitely agree with you on this one. nice to see you're still an active admin : ) hope all is well
who put the time in to make that video LOL
Ahh, I remember being involved behind the scenes working to get finn exposed / hammered for this and the other devious shit he was doing at the...