I was feeling nostalgic
I had a 3 year ban and now its over so that's pretty neat. What changed?
I'll get it cut only once or twice a year. I don't feel like spending money or time but my friend is a hairdresser so she does it for fairly cheap
Oh god this would be hilarious. Unfortunately, NPH already plays that part on How I Met Your Mother
Usually I go to sleep at 12-2am and wake up from 5-6am. Tired all day but I don't really care
Well if you're already dating, then I think it kinda goes without saying that you'll be going together. If you're that stuck up about it, do it in...
I lie constantly. I don't know why. I lie about things that don't really matter whether I tell the truth or not and on the smallest things....
I'm glad you're getting one that actually means something important rather than just something that looks cool. It looks pretty good
I've been waiting on Obama to tell me this for about 45 minutes now... He's late to his own meeting...
antidisestablishmentarianism The act of being against being against the church, especially during the 19th century A lot of people will say...