I'm down to do this for you. I'll add your msn.
Looking for a job!
Will be doing a job for John when he is ready.
Looks extremely legit..Good luck with your business guys!
Guess I am no longer doing quests for Freeeze since he logged off msn. Still looking for a job.
Yeah i suppose i could do a few capes for you, add my msn we will talk there.
Wide open for a job!
Looking for a job to keep my occupied all night!
I can get it from 96 to 99 if you like would take a little bit but i would be happy to do it for ya
I'll do it...Probably take me like 4 hours or so i'll do it and won't get off until it's done. add me if you choose me msn is [email protected]
http://sythe.org/showthread.php?t=148431 READ THEM ^^^