[Main] [Level 105] RuneScape 3 Account [Min-60, Win-$100 or 400m]

Discussion in 'Characters: Levels 150 - 200' started by Qverdose, Aug 6, 2014.

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[Main] [Level 105] RuneScape 3 Account [Min-60, Win-$100 or 400m]
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 6, 2014 at 3:20 PM
  2. Qverdose
    Jul 30, 2014
    Sythe Gold:

    Qverdose Member

    [Main] [Level 105] RuneScape 3 Account [Min-60, Win-$100 or 400m]

    I'm the original owner and I would like to sell this account. It seems that it would be good for starters really. It doesn't have membership and don't feel like buying it so thats why I'm selling it. I know I'm trade with caution and I understand that you might think im sketchy but I'm willing to go first to the trusted or we use a middlemen. It has an email set, including recoveries and jag but authenticator isnt enabled. Will not give any of the following until payment was made. It might seem a little far of price for the gp etc but the bank is good and RuneScape put the combat back to regular so that I think bumps the price up.

    Auto win: $100 or 400m
    Minimum: $60 obo


    Heres my skype - overdosesythe

< [SELL] Cb.109. Total 1731. QP 181. ~affordable~ | selling 2595 total account almost comped >

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