Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by iExposePeople, Mar 29, 2023.

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Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 29, 2023 at 11:35 PM
  2. iExposePeople
    Nov 3, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    iExposePeople Newcomer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    Scammer's profile link: @Vampyre
    Amount scammed: (initial) $4,530.00 USD (btc payment)
    Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: Vampyre#7777 - 512079187155353606
    Proof that it's their Discord: @Vampyre Profile on Sythe - Information tab.
    Explanation of the trade: I sold Vampyre 34b 07 Gp in exchange for $8,500 BTC
    How they scammed: Vampyre took 34b 07 gp off of me on 12/12/22 and told me to sit tight for a few minutes while he moves it real quick as it has been quite hot on the block of gold sales in terms of bans. He goes on his way selling the gold (going first to people mind you on his own) - and it turns out that everybody he traded was banned with the gold and so was he. The people he gave the gold to decided not to pay him and that they don't want to as they were just banned. He told me that he cannot afford to pay me at the moment and I agreed upon giving him a few days to do so. He seemed alright. He even created a group chat with the Deathmatch Middleman "Love" to monitor the process and make me feel safe. Love messaged me a few days later and said that Vampyre has confined in him that he won't be paying me, and that he was going to help me create a Sythe report if it is the case. After I scared Vampyre with a Sythe report thread he instantly said he'll payment plan me the money and sent me $1,132.50 BTC and we agreed upon every Thursday he will send me a chunk payment of the debt. Fast forward to the next Thursday (12/22) - he has deleted messages in the group and from our pms.

    As you can see from the links below - the outstanding debt is $4,530.00 USD (btc payment) that he owes. I would willingly like to hear Vampyre explain his side of things down below in the report. I believe this is more than enough proof between the deleted messages in the group chat and him not replying to me in the chat but constantly checking/monitoring/bumping his Sythe afterwards (like he has done while typing this report up). Love has also added @Yoshiki and @King to the group chats in the streamables so they were able to verify for themselves that the messages are legitimate prior to the approved antiscam.

    Other relevant trade screenshots: These will be in random order as I needed Love to send me proof that he recorded because I do not have full time access to a pc. If there are any questions or any further proof needed please message me on discord: Iapethus#9093 - 331525060504584192.

    2022-12-15 21-00-18 - pms with me before he deleted messages.
    Vampyre Loves Proof 1 - groupchat before he deleted messages. (love pov)
    Vampyre Loves Proof 2 - admits hes scamming me. (love pov)
    Vampyre Loves Proof 3 - agreeing to payment plan but deleted messages. (love pov)

    After speaking with Love he told me that I should not contact Vampyre or report him on Sythe. He told me to give him a few days to see if he can try to go for an antiscam. Love made a group chat with @Assassin, @AchillesOSRS, @Alex, @King, and @Yoshiki, and was able to receive approval for an antiscam for the name sellers that Vampyre frequently visits. Once the guys in the group chat got this approval, they went for a calculated antiscam on Vampyre and retrieved my funds. @Assassin at the moment of this report has my funds. Thank you very much to everybody in that group chat that was able to help me recover the money that was scammed from me. I have waited almost 4 months for this and I could not be happier.

    I understand that while @Vampyre got antiscammed and he no longer has oustanding debt to me, it would be extremely upsetting if he walks away with no repercussions. He has willingly and knowingly scammed me on 12/12/2022. It is now 3/29/2023. He deserves a Ban/DNT for this for a long time, if not perm. I really hope that Sythe Staff see this point and go ahead and give him a proper punishment. He should not receive a TWC. It should be far more harsh.

    If possible I would prefer that @Yoshiki or @King handle this report as they are the ones who handled the antiscam and understand the situation in its entirety with discussions behind the scenes in the group chat that was made.

    ^ Wolf, owned, Exile and 20 others like this.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:08 AM
  4. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    Hi there

    I owed the money to @iExposePeople or Iapethus#9093 (331525060504584192) on Discord. You can release the owed funds to him. In regards to what/how the story is relatively true to some capacity but the semantics don't matter.

    I took a deal, I got banned with the gold as did all my accounts (chain banned with ~30b in RSN's). I paid ~approx. 1/2 of my debt and then felt like I got the shit end of the stick and decided to not pay the rest.

    I would like to note that this is considered off-site so I'd like it to be treated as-so.

    With that being said, there's nothing more to it. I paid 1/2 the debt at the time and skipped out on the rest as I felt like me taking a $17,500+ loss and none of the other parties involved taking a loss was a bit harsh. Nevertheless it doesn't justify what I did, but rather if you were wondering what I was thinking or "what was going through my head"

    Please release the balance due funds to the aforementioned user. The balance of it please donate to the scam recovery fund on my behalf, and I'll take whatever DnT or repercussions there is. Seeing as it was off-site I don't think a ban is reasonable or possible here but who knows *shrugs*

  5. Unread #3 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:08 AM
  6. iExposePeople
    Nov 3, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    iExposePeople Newcomer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    I'd like to mention that BTC Closing Price was $17,210.66 on December 12, 2022 when I should have been paid. The damages in current market would be $7,527.27 or 0.263 BTC. This is entirely up to Staff to decide but seeing as we agreed upon BTC payment I'm wondering where this falls and if I'm actually entitled to a little bit more. I obviously don't expect this and am happy with whatever comes out.
    ^ owned and Grant like this.
  7. Unread #4 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:09 AM
  8. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

  9. Unread #5 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:10 AM
  10. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    To answer that question for you directly, that's now how the rules on the site operate unfortunately. It's been asked and requested before but it's just not how it works. Just my personal thoughts/2 cents.
  11. Unread #6 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:17 AM
  12. iExposePeople
    Nov 3, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    iExposePeople Newcomer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    • Scamming: Scamming and any suspicious behavior including attempting to scam results in a temporary ban based on the severity of the offense and a DNT.
      • This includes luring, or using Sythe as a means of finding other luring partners. However, luring done without the use of Sythe is fine.
      • This includes impersonating other members of Sythe or other sites, both on-site and off-site.
      • This includes name sniping.

    According to Sythe Rules: Scamming/attempting to scam results in a temporary ban based on the severity of the offense and a DNT. It also says in the subsection "both on-site and off-site" for one of the rules, I don't get why it wouldn't apply for the entirety of the scam rule section. You deserve a ban at the very least temp for making me wait 4 months and also admitting on discord you would not have paid me if you hadn't got anti'd.
    ^ owned, Dbuffed and Vampyre like this.
  13. Unread #7 - Mar 30, 2023 at 1:31 AM
  14. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    Sure I'm familiar with the rules, but as it pertains to the section you quoted 'both on-site and off-site' that's only in relation to impersonating other members of Sythe, or just impersonation.
  15. Unread #8 - Mar 30, 2023 at 2:04 PM
  16. iExposePeople
    Nov 3, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    iExposePeople Newcomer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    My accounts also got banned by the way for trading you the same day and I lost 20b incase I need to remind you. I lost 20b + 34b that day (54b). I think I got the bigger shit end of the stick LOL between that ban and getting scammed $4530 from you.

    I treated you with nothing but love and respect even after you scammed me. I'm merely asking Sythe Staff for a little more justice than just a 'On-Site DNT.' People have been banned before for off-site issues depending on severity. I can name drop a few cases but I'm sure Sythe Staff know this is true as they are the wonderful people who handled these situations as they arise. I waited nearly 4 months to be paid my debt and you've admitted you have no remorse for your actions; while simultaneously running around Sythe acting like you've done nothing wrong. You were going to buy a display name on a video game with the debt that got antiscammed instead of giving it to someone who you scammed. I don't think you are someone that should ever be able to deal on this site as you've proven you have no morals or integrity, which are what a trusted individual should exemplify.

    Imagine just for a moment: You get scammed $4.5k - the person blocks you. You finally antiscam him after nearly 4 months. He unblocks you and acts like hes a victim of the situation and says he would never have paid you back willingly. This is someone you want roaming on the site without a ban? Speaks volumes and I'm hopeful that Sythe Staff will deliver a ban hammer on you.

    I think @Abd said it beautifully so I'm going to quote him here:
    "I believe that every experience, whether good or bad, can be a valuable lesson for us. While the consequences of your actions may have been painful, they also provide an opportunity for you to reflect on what led you down this path and to make positive changes in your life. I encourage you to take this experience as a wake-up call and to use it to grow and become a better person. Remember that honesty and integrity are important values that will serve you well in all areas of your life. I hope that you will take this lesson to heart and use it as a stepping stone towards a brighter future."
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
  17. Unread #9 - Mar 30, 2023 at 2:06 PM
  18. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    Heard on everything you’re saying, and makes a ton of sense. I think at this point just leave it in the hands of the staff. You’re also more than welcome to individually contact them and plead your case to them as to how you want them to handle this.
  19. Unread #10 - Mar 30, 2023 at 7:50 PM
  20. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? The Glizz
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Extreme Homosex Detective Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    @Assassin the $4,530 can be released to Iapethus. The remaining will need to be returned. Please let me know when this is done.
    ^ Bert, Unjustified, Corby and 3 others like this.
  21. Unread #11 - Mar 30, 2023 at 7:59 PM
  22. Assassin
    Feb 5, 2018
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Halloween 2019 Member of the Month Winner Linoone Dusclops Spearow Fearow Barboach Purugly Detective
    Halloween 2014 Halloween 2013 Venomoth Clamperl Tangrowth Stunky Halloween 2015 Poképedia Two Factor Authentication User Pokémon Trainer
    Baby Yoda Breloom Milotic Zigzagoon Aipom Gardevoir Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Halloween 2018 MushyMuncher


    I Live To Die Another Day

    Assassin Donor

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    ^ Wolf, Mistive, Bert and 26 others like this.
  23. Unread #12 - Mar 30, 2023 at 11:37 PM
  24. iExposePeople
    Nov 3, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    iExposePeople Newcomer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    ^ Bert, Amei, President and 9 others like this.
  25. Unread #13 - Mar 31, 2023 at 12:11 PM
  26. Vampyre
    Nov 30, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here

    Vampyre Formerly known as Talent Buyer

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    ^ Bert, President and Assassin like this.
  27. Unread #14 - Mar 31, 2023 at 6:17 PM
  28. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? The Glizz
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Extreme Homosex Detective Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Vampyre Scammer $4,530.00 ANTISCAM - FT. Yoshiki/King/BOLD/ALEX/Achilles

    @Vampyre you will need to pardon. Closing this report.
< w i l l y - potentially hacked profile | [Resolved] >

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