[PAYPAL] Selling: 108/105 CMB w/ 99 Fletch - 1618 Total

Discussion in 'RS3 Main Accounts: Levels 3-99' started by Iceman, Jan 2, 2010.

[PAYPAL] Selling: 108/105 CMB w/ 99 Fletch - 1618 Total
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 2, 2010 at 3:40 PM
  2. Iceman
    Apr 23, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Iceman Active Member

    [PAYPAL] Selling: 108/105 CMB w/ 99 Fletch - 1618 Total


    My MSN is [email protected]

    This account has quite a few holiday items, rubber chicken etc, not sure if they're all in the bank, but I have none from past 2 years.

    I have attempted to sell this account twice, but both times I was scammed.

    I am accepting paypal only on this one, we'll probably be using an official MM unless you want to send the paypal $$ first.

    I will require a claim and cancel of course, because 100% of the time the money gets claimed from me.

    I have every bit of information for this account, I created it my self. It has Runescape Classic as well, any other questions just post here. If you'd like the contact me on MSN PM me on sythe otherwise I wont logon.

    Apologies for posting this thread twice, Sythe's server has been giving me hell.
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