Rediculous Ban(Marc Ciarallo)

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by unregistered M. Ciarallo, Mar 8, 2011.

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Rediculous Ban(Marc Ciarallo)
  1. Unread #1 - Mar 8, 2011 at 5:15 PM
  2. unregistered M. Ciarallo

    unregistered M. Ciarallo Guest

    Rediculous Ban(Marc Ciarallo)

    This is a dispute about a permanent ban that I received.

    Username: Marc Ciarallo
    A person by the username irev3nge, began this scam report thread about me.

    I only spoke to this person once, and it was in a single exchange of private messages, where he offered to buy my xbox live account, which never happened because I did not want to use a MM. I understood why he wouldn't trade, and simply got out of his business, and kept trying to sell my account. I didnt think i would ever speak to him again until he began to post in my thread. He said he filed a scam report (link above), and that I tried to use a fake MM. In his report, he showed screenshots of an msn conversation with someone by the username "valdo" and the msn: [email protected]

    First of all, our conversations never made it to MSN, or anything at all other than 2-3 private messages. Secondly, if you check all of my previous posts and threads on my profile, , I have never claimed to have any vouches(especially from any MM). By looking at my history, you can also see that I have always used the msn: [email protected] or [email protected] . I have no clue who "[email protected]" belongs to, or why irev3nge decided he was going to try to get me banned for no reason, but I hope this can be cleared up soon.

  3. Unread #2 - Mar 12, 2011 at 11:57 PM
  4. n4n0
    Jun 17, 2007
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    Rediculous Ban(Marc Ciarallo)

    That was a mistake on my part, I got too hasty. I would like to give my sincerest apologies. That's a first for me... And hopefully the last.
< To giddy | IP Dispute >

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