Suicide Pure Botting On Linux Ubuntu Mint w/ AutoKey

Discussion in 'RuneScape 2007 Cheating' started by PowerLevelServices, Jan 17, 2024.

Suicide Pure Botting On Linux Ubuntu Mint w/ AutoKey
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 17, 2024 at 1:36 AM
  2. PowerLevelServices
    Mar 12, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    PowerLevelServices Member

    Suicide Pure Botting On Linux Ubuntu Mint w/ AutoKey

    These steps are designed to get 99/99/99 range/mage/strength as fast as possible for fresh 1 def pures using the Linux AutoKey program (basically AHK in the Python language for Linux Operating systems).

    Tip with BTC: bc1qsnvyh62qavqgn4xgq2qravy2uysav3z0qp4nym
    Tip with Litecoin: ltc1qx4dsvmrddg6rgefcy22ts0hamjene8a9mvmyma
    1. Transfer 100m (bond, buy 300k cballs and 134k yewlongbows/nature runes)
    2. Witches potion quest(325magic xp)
    3. Imp catcher quest(875 magic xp)
    4. Enchant sapphire bolts (til low alch lvl)
    5. Dwarf cannon quest
    6. Autoclick alch-fill/click cannon at castle war ogres (test banrates >12hrs/day) (wear tome of fire+crossbow)
    7. Repeat steps 1-6 if banned. 100m gets you 99 mage 90 range (verify)
    8. Restless ghost
    9. Priest in peril
    10. Dbone wildy alter desired prayer lvl
    11. Get 10 fletching
    12. Doric’s quest
    13. Knights sword
    14. Witches house (optional)
    15. Tourist’s trap
    16. Grand tree (shark->guthix rest @Moss giant if 10hp)
    17. Monks friend (QP’s for antifire)
    18. Waterfall
    19. Vamp slayer
    20. Tree gnome village
    21. Grand tree
    22. Fight arena
    23. Death plateau
    24. Bar crawl (optional)
    25. Horror from the deep (optional)
    26. Scorpion catcher (optional)
    27. Mountain daughter (optional)
    28. Auto-click infinite prayer orb and train str on desert bandits in the bar with god item on so they are always aggressive. (could get bring i from duel arena) (could buy book of war)
    29. Mage arena I & II
    30. Start dragon slayer for antifire
    31. HIGHLY recommend 62con spec pool and mounted glory. (Doesn’t take as long as you think and construction minigame gets you 10 con quick) (have someone make you tea for boost in w330) (use duel rings to get planks and tele to house with auto building mode enabled)

    50 attack gang. Can insta gmaul by ahking special atk orb with rune cbow/air staff

    Hide combat styles with runelite plugin after trained up.

    Test ban rate with vanilla client versus runelite (runelite might be cucked with spyware)

    Test ban rate at bar bandits when fletching a dart between prayer flicks (I read training multiple skills might reduce flags)

    If banned before 99range&mage, try adding one more quest before training. Sometimes more quest points means less likely to be flagged.

    Also heard firecape is a less ban rate, could bp fight caves real quick before str training.

    Up to you to choose between 50/60/75atk.

    78k magic/hr or 1200 natures/hr or 14,400nats/day to minimize ban rate.

    Stopping at 97 mage 90 range after running 12-18hrs/day. Gold is so cheap it seems better to suicide bot and find what doesn’t get you banned. Getting 95 str/88hp will put me at combat 76.

    Autokey Script For High Alch-Load/Fix/Repair Cannon for Ogres Near Castle Wars on Old School Runesca - (I use spacebar as the hotkey to start the bot)

    2x double maul (no prayers enabled) -
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
  3. Unread #2 - Mar 29, 2024 at 3:11 AM
  4. PowerLevelServices
    Mar 12, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    PowerLevelServices Member

    Suicide Pure Botting On Linux Ubuntu Mint w/ AutoKey

  5. Unread #3 - Jan 10, 2025 at 6:44 PM
  6. PowerLevelServices
    Mar 12, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    PowerLevelServices Member

    Suicide Pure Botting On Linux Ubuntu Mint w/ AutoKey

    I found it best to wear some iron armor and granite hammer and train str and range at experiments. There is a tile all the way on the west side that lets you cannon two. With regen brace, you do not have to eat so you can afk train for 8 hours per session.

    Also, Chatgpt can convert these to autohotkey scripts if you are on windows.

    If you are making a fresh Jagex account, I personally would see if you can ahk on top of a virtual machine window that has the jagex client inside. This way, the jagex client (spyware) cannot see that autohotkey is installed on the guest machine, since ahk is on the host machine.
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