Struggling to study

Discussion in 'Personal Support' started by StrugglingStudent, Apr 20, 2024.

Struggling to study
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 20, 2024 at 8:28 AM
  2. StrugglingStudent

    StrugglingStudent Guest

    Struggling to study

    So I noticed when I go to the library, I actually get something done, but there's no method to what I'm doing. There's so many fucking slides, how am I meant to learn all of this, damnit. If anyone knows an effective way to study, please help.
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 21, 2024 at 5:55 PM
  4. Frost
    Nov 18, 2016
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    Struggling to study

    Hi, I’m not sure if you’re asking the right question, but I'll try to answer. I’d start with trying to break down your material into smaller chunks and focus on one topic at a time instead of trying to tackle everything at once. Most importantly, when you’re studying topics, focus on the practice questions as 9/10 it will be in the exams. We are creatures of habit. If you want to study effectively, you need to condition yourself to perform a schedule. You can use apps (I personally use routine flow) to help you build habits you want to follow.
    An example could be:
    • Go to library
    • Spend 15 mins reading slides
    • Take 10 min break
    • 1 hour watching lecture video
    • Take 10 min break
    • 1 hour practice questions
    Things to consider:
    • Uninstall distractions (Apps/games that are addictive)
    • If you find yourself procrastinating when studying, change your environment. For example, I don’t study on my gaming PC; I’ll only study on my laptop when I am sitting on my dining bench. This way I know when I am there it’s only for studying and nothing else.
    • Understand and visualize your long-term goals and what you are hoping to achieve. There are plenty of resources on YouTube, but I’d strongly recommend you read or listen to the book Atomic Habits.
    ^ Rustyy93 and abyyy123 like this.
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 23, 2024 at 7:05 AM
  6. abyyy123
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    Struggling to study

    I think @Frost is spot on.
    I like to reinforce that if you struggle that much you start with small steps, read a couple slides, take a small break, I would even suggest 5 minutes instead of 10 and then repeat.
    If you go on a long study session you could even take a longer break halfway and do something you really enjoy so you can actually reward yourself.

    Good luck, don't rush things as in forcing yourself to go from 0 to 100 in a short timespan, start small and then gradually take steps to expand.

    I wish you all the best OP
    ^ Frost likes this.
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