-Service MINIGAME- Set Void-

Discussion in 'Oldschool 07 Runescape Minigame Services' started by Diamond Skills Service, May 12, 2019.

-Service MINIGAME- Set Void-
  1. Unread #1 - May 12, 2019 at 6:22 PM
  2. Diamond Skills Service
    Feb 22, 2019
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    OGAMI [ FIRE BLUE ]#6632

    Diamond Skills Service Apprentice

    -Service MINIGAME- Set Void-

    Please note. All regular skilling prices reflect using the most efficent method. If you are an ironman or want skills trained differently please ask for a quote using that method, Best payment method GP or BTC,
    Prices can be adjusted better, depending on how the client wants it, we do it for your best comfort.


    Novice (CB 40-69) 40M
    Intermediate (CB 70-99) 30M
    Veteran (CB +100) 25M

    I remind you that you can adjust the price for your comfort.

    for more communication contact the moderator is Discord: Diegomarchann#6632
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