Temp Banning - Again

Discussion in 'Archives' started by RIIK, Jan 23, 2008.

Temp Banning - Again
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 23, 2008 at 8:47 PM
  2. RIIK

    RIIK Guest

    Temp Banning - Again

    Wow, After about 20 minutes, i found a proxy that isnt ip banned... lawl..

    Seriously , what the fuck..

    im over this..

    i help out, n score a temp ban..


    my guess its phil infracting me..

    I Offered MY MM service? i got fuken asked to post..

    *sniff* setup?

    fuken bs, what were the 2 infractions for?

    they were reversed ffs?

    agghh well... lawl @ sythe.
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