Sekidou's Skiller | OFFERS | B gloves | Mith gloves | Bests timefrates and quotes

Discussion in 'Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training' started by Sekidou, May 16, 2022.

Sekidou's Skiller | OFFERS | B gloves | Mith gloves | Bests timefrates and quotes
  1. Unread #1 - May 16, 2022 at 4:30 PM
  2. Sekidou
    May 15, 2022
    Sythe Gold:

    Sekidou Newcomer

    Sekidou's Skiller | OFFERS | B gloves | Mith gloves | Bests timefrates and quotes

    Sekidou's Booster is here, ask for skill and quest quotes, want lms points, or maybe a torso, or even a void?
    we can do it, we can do almost everything in osrs, just dm us and ask for it.
    Our disc is: Brosandrune#4162
    We have juice offers.

    Gotta add some t.o.s in advance to avoid any inconvenient.

    Terms of my service.

    - You provide everything to get your service done.
    - Bank is no needed if is a service like LMS
    - We aren't responsible for any bans or mute.
    - Everything is done byhand
    - Can provide pics every time u ask, screenshare, etc.
    - We provide a timeframe but this isnt a deadline.
    - All payments will be received upfront, atleast that u are a trusted user, if this the case, we have no problem in getting paid at the end.
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