Selling Hunger Games book set + Mockingjay Pin! RSGP Only.

Discussion in 'Non-Virtual Sales' started by bellekitty8, Apr 2, 2012.

Selling Hunger Games book set + Mockingjay Pin! RSGP Only.
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 2, 2012 at 4:29 PM
  2. bellekitty8
    Nov 28, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    bellekitty8 Active Member

    Selling Hunger Games book set + Mockingjay Pin! RSGP Only.

    I am selling The Complete Set of the Hunger Games books including a Mockingjay Pin.

    I am looking for 80m for the book + pin.

    If you look on Ebay the book + Mockingjay pin goes high.

    Picture Proof that I do have it sorry its upside down I took the Picture with a my phone.


    When the pins first came out last year ( When it got really popular ) my teacher was selling these pins for up to $150.00 each. She has a website that currently sells Hunger games lessons for class rooms.

    I am only looking for 80m which is only $40.00 at .50c a mill.

    I will ship by UPS or by regular mail. I will pay for shipping if there is any.

    I am not going first.
    I will ship this by either UPS or Regular Mail USA only cost more for out of country.
    We can either go Half/Half or you go first.r
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