[RSGP] Account Level 48, Good skills & Combat stats [RSGP]

Discussion in 'RS3 Polypore Accounts' started by Indistinct, Dec 11, 2011.

[RSGP] Account Level 48, Good skills & Combat stats [RSGP]
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 11, 2011 at 6:34 PM
  2. Indistinct
    Aug 5, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Indistinct Forum Addict

    [RSGP] Account Level 48, Good skills & Combat stats [RSGP]


    I am the second owner of the account, has been in my possession for nearly a year. I have a list of all passwords, date created, date moved, etc.

    Never had recoveries, never been member. Has a couple quests done.

    RSGP only, taking best offer.

    My plans were to make it either a g mauler, or a dds'er. Ran out of time for this account.

    Contact me via MSN if you are interested, we can talk there.
< Selling 136 Cmbt Main 200m+ ovls+93dung 6 99s | [RSGP] Looking for Mauler >

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