Reproting qemo scam

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Rerpoting qemo, Aug 6, 2018.

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Reproting qemo scam
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 6, 2018 at 4:32 PM
  2. Rerpoting qemo

    Rerpoting qemo Guest

    Reproting qemo scam

    Screenshot - 4ba93ccfac78cb8a3a32193f6d2faa88 - Gyazo

    Him admitting to recovering accs.

    Hes asking to scam people with me together

    Screenshot - f021411aec05769bf1ad7004b675caff - Gyazo

    Screenshot - e5adb6c7d056307293a3c5ed90ad8dcd - Gyazo

    Screenshot - 01f4d867a7cb3793064b57317d672cd8 - Gyazo

    Screenshot - bb48168fc8c76a76602d8ea2b96b0a49 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - 73cd60ef07393a68636930dd322c9277 - Gyazo
    Screenshot - bfae7fb663a039603b3ea72e5c894f82 - Gyazo
    he first pmed me from other acc

    Whoever makes Qemo commit suicide can pick up 500$ btc of me ;)

    Whatever happens never gonna scam people ;)
    ipker#5935 no caps

    hahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahah rip Qemo fucking braindead monkey ruining his only money income L00000000000L

    Proof of discord
    Screenshot - d8effa0459855d969cf91f931069c23b - Gyazo

    if more proof needed discord me

    ipkervandaag om 22:18


    lolavandaag om 22:18

    Lets scam together

    ipkervandaag om 22:18

    dont need 2

    lolavandaag om 22:18

    I am being serious

    I am qemo

    ipkervandaag om 22:18

    You're making me Lol,

    I've made over 40b past 2,5 weeks.

    Idc about you

    look @ date of pic

    Screenshot - b150766e9686d3aa3ab37e8b19deae4a - Gyazo


    lolavandaag om 22:19

    Thats not true and you and me both know it


    ipkervandaag om 22:19


    I have rn

    well, b4 i dumped

    That pic is like 17b

    lolavandaag om 22:19

    Okey if you dont want it np

    I can edit pics and videos

    we could be great duo

    ipkervandaag om 22:19


    lolavandaag om 22:19


    ipkervandaag om 22:19

    I'm done with Sythe

    lolavandaag om 22:19


    ipkervandaag om 22:19

    You're not even Qemo

    lolavandaag om 22:20

    Yea i am permed

    Recovered accs

    ipkervandaag om 22:20

    Ur not permed

    lolavandaag om 22:20

    after getting banned

    Unblock me

    on discord

    And youll see

    ipkervandaag om 22:20


    cant find ur tag

    whats ur #

    lolavandaag om 22:21

    Go to blocked


    and unblock me from there

    Qemo #9636

    ipkervandaag om 22:22


    friend requests

    on qemo

    lolavandaag om 22:23

    I got one idea from someone
    ^ Rooted and gambling_babz like this.
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 9, 2018 at 2:03 AM
  4. Pendulum
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    Reproting qemo scam

    This has been added to his ban reason.
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