Agile Life requesting a pardon for Raffle rigging.

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Agile life, Sep 12, 2021.

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Agile Life requesting a pardon for Raffle rigging.
  1. Unread #1 - Sep 12, 2021 at 7:27 AM
  2. Agile life
    Dec 1, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Agile life Grand Master
    $100 USD Donor New

    Agile Life requesting a pardon for Raffle rigging.

    Your profile link: @Agile life

    Profile links for all of your Sythe accounts:
    - No other accounts.

    Report/post/reason that got you banned: Agile Life is a scammer

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims:
    Aimingformax: Screenshot - a43b6e6b5815099d765cf88aff200045 - Gyazo
    Bobbbeee: Screenshot - cb78057ae5797820f94cb0880da0a793 - Gyazo
    Umsayas: Screenshot - f5170fb9bae19870179f3df6427e590a - Gyazo
    Hepan: - Andy verified re-payment on previous pardon request.
    Cooper: Screenshot - 1179cc6f09ff3b5789a63bc6f1336120 - Gyazo

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: As I previously said if being an idiot warrants a ban then I'm happy to accept it, however, I feel as I've not done anything else in which warrants for me to be punished further.

    A detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    A respected member & customer of our discord server known as Mohdlou and I were speaking within discord chat & voice call. During the time Mohdlou had stated to me that he had an idea and wanted to host some raffles within the server. 1 of which was meant to be for Staff only which was to be 3 3rd age axes and 1 of an Elysian spirit shield. As we were speaking he had stated he wanted the staff one to be just for a select few staff members within my discord. He had stated he would pay for the entire cost of the 3rd age axes as well as the elysian spirit shield. When we were sorting out the 3rd age axes I had mentioned doing it privately because I didn't want anyone else trying to enter the raffle or think we were doing a "fake" raffle and that it would be odd that 4 members of our staff team were the only people to enter. But he wanted it to be public. I had agreed to this because to me he was doing a kind gesture to the workers and giving them something in terms of a tip. Then regarding the Elysian raffle, he had stated to me in a voice chat that he wanted to "win" the Elysian spirit shield but after which do it as a give-away. At first, I wasn't all keen on this idea of rigging the raffle because I didn't want to cause any issues or have our customers who enter think that it was a ploy. After a while I had agreed to do the raffle because MM had stated after 5 minutes of doing the raffle he was going to state that the raffle was just a joke and all customers who entered were going to be refunded of their tickets as well as be compensated for wasting their time and then do the elysian spirit shield as a give-away to give back to the community.

    I had agreed to rigging the raffle to allow him to win because of what we had agreed on. On the agreement, MM had sent me a total of $1350 for the entire amount for the 3rd age axes, Elysian spirit shield and for compensation for customers. (This was all provided to Andy at the time of the first appeal however, can be provided again if access to it has gone.)

    So I had hosted the staff raffle in the server in which can be seen within our server and 4 members of our team were entered. Because of the raffle, I had made a group chat with the workers privately before doing the raffle in which MM was aware of to inform them of the raffle. Although the Raffle shows one user won 2 items and another won 1, the four of them agreed prior to the raffle to split the prize money and share it equally between them. This was as each member would receive $198 for a total of $792. (All workers have been paid these funds and can provide proof of payment.).

    Then we went on doing the raffle of the Elysian spirit shield. MM had agreed prior to announcing the raffle he wanted number 6. We had also agreed to do 10 numbers to make it easier to refund customers as I didn't want loads of customs entering the raffle and taking a longer period of time for me to refund each customer. I had messaged "Hepan, Cooper, Aiminingformax, Umsayas and Bobbeee" to enter the raffle as each of those 5 members I had a close friendship with and thought would understand after the raffle was done what was going on and appreciate the fact of receiving a slight free compensation. Each member had ented the raffle purchasing 1 - 3 tickets Paying by UK bank transfer, PayPal, Cashapp & Gold. As I was sorting out the raffle I tried to log into my Virtual private server to sort out the raffle for MM, when logging into the VPS I had noted someone was already connected to it as when I was trying to open the code for the bot it was telling me that it was already open by someone and gave me the options to recover, quit, open without editing or open and edit. (This is because the bot is hosted in Linux.) The only other person who had access to this VPS was Hepan as on occasion he was helping me with the bot development to edit and upgrade it. Or there were some occasions I would make a change to the bot and it would break it and I'd have to ask him for help to figure out what I did wrong. As I was sorting we were trying to fill in the last remaining numbers so I had messaged Hepan to see if he wanted to purchase one more number because I had another customer wanting to enter but didn't want to allow them to enter because I hadn't dealt with that user much and didn't want them to have any doubts. In which Hepan said to me that he only had enough Gold for the 1 number. At this point, I knew he was on the server and was a little worried maybe he might get funny so I had said should we change his number from the Ely Raffle to a different one later. He first confirmed. After I had got Aiminingtomax to enter another number we had 1 more number and Hepan had said no he wanted to enter this raffle. So I thought okay fine. We've been friends long enough maybe he'd listen even though I know he can see what I am doing. After all, numbers were sold I went and changed the bot to do "random.randint(6)" within the raffle bot but this didn't work. I'm not a massive knowledgeable person when comes to programming. So I thought actually cause we only want the number "6" I'll just put "6" quick and fix it after back to random.randint(0,20). Once this was done I rebooted the server and did the roll.

    literally, 30 seconds after the roll Hepan had confronted me regarding this and I had admitted I had done it, which he even stated thanks I've recorded you admitting to what you've done and going to report you unless I give him $1400. I had stated I don't care for the money and would have paid him the funds if he had actually allowed for me and MM to explain to him what was going on. He didn't want to have any of it. He even left the group chat with me and MM and continued to state that if I paid him $1400 he wouldn't make the report. I had requested that he would calm down and listen to me with what I had to say but he refused. He continued to state if I didn't pay him in this amount of time he was going to report me. I had officially refused to pay him the funds and he had stated he had reported. After which he even stated good thing I didn't pay him because he would have reported me either way.

    I had then made an announcement in my discord server which can be seen in the public chat to all my customers and contacted all users in question that entered the raffle and explained to them and refunded them. All users except for Hepan were absolutely fine with what had happened and didn't have an issue. Minus Cooper who said it did seem a little dodgy but he got paid back and compensated so he was fine with everything cause that's all that mattered to him.

    I respect I was in the wrong for what I did, however, it was never my intention to upset, harm, or cause any issues. What was meant to be a nice gesture from a member within our discord server sadly has been taking the wrong way and put some people thinking that we were scamming our customers/members which is false. I would have never done it if I honestly thought it would cause this many issues.

    I made a mistake I 100% agree and admit to it. Yes, I rigged the raffle for another user to win but as I've said it was never for profit or never to scam anyone it was more just to satisfy a customer.

    I 100% know I was in the wrong, I know I shouldn't have done it or even finally agreed to do it, however, I did. I know firsthand what it feels like to be scammed not once, not twice but multiple times. Every time I was scammed I felt this instant disgust, hatred and so much more. I never meant for any of my customers or friends to feel as if I was attempting to scam them because I value their respect above my own.

    I am truly sorry for my previous actions and I hope the Sythe staff team can give me this chance to redeem myself by showing how dedicated I want to be by growing my server and being able to give back to the community. I have learnt from my mistake and I would just like this final chance to prove to everyone that I am someone who is here to cause harm to anyone. I would like to just be given the chance to fix my mistakes and grow from them and become better.

    Since my previous pardon, I've been trying to keep my head down and nose clean. When a situation with the user Hepan came up with him recovering a high valued account from a customer I tried to do everything I could to help resolve the matter: The report which can back this up: resolved

    Additionally; as you can see from the gif video below we've worked hard to keep our reputation going within our server. This can be noted from the feedback from customers shown here: Screen capture - f8e5ca66361eb0b4170d0814481737da - Gyazo

    Finally; The Elysian spirit shield was given away within the server which can be seen here: Screenshot - e4f6c519e6ee37a8286af66c119a8c58 - Gyazo

    I am happy to provide the transcript with the winner showing he was given the item. I don't want to display it in public as it contains his username within the transcript and didn't want to just take a picture incase Sythe staff would like to view the entire script.

    Thank you again!

    Have you fully read and followed the pardon rules and requirements in this thread?
    Yes, I have read the rules for the forums & for the pardon request thread. I believe I have followed all rules as stated.

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: -Previous pardon-
  3. Unread #2 - Sep 12, 2021 at 2:52 PM
  4. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
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    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? The Glizz
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Extreme Homosex Detective Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Agile Life requesting a pardon for Raffle rigging.

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