Playstation Trohpy Hunter for Hire

Discussion in 'Playstation' started by zmankiller, Feb 13, 2017.

Playstation Trohpy Hunter for Hire
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 13, 2017 at 5:24 PM
  2. zmankiller
    Feb 13, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    zmankiller Newcomer

    Playstation Trohpy Hunter for Hire

    Are you someone who wants a platinum trophy on Playstation but cant seem to get one? Well I have some good news for you. My name is Zmankiller777. I have 100 platinum trophies and have decided to try to sell my services as a professional trophy hunter. I have the platinum to every souls game and many others. If you have a particular game you would like me to platinum I am open to requests. I can do both PS3 and PS4. Here is a list of games I have platinumed for myself and others, along with rates. If you do decide you want to go through with this just know I do charge half up front.

    Dark Soul 2 $150
    Dark Souls 3 $150
    Bloodborne $150
    Salt and Sanctuary $100
    Doom $100
    Wolfenstien $100
    Until Dawn $75
    Alien Isolation $150

    My Trophy Card: zmankiller777's PSN Profile
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