Personalised/custom AHK scripts for PKing - Anyone interested in this?

Discussion in 'RuneScape Scripts, Botting, and Plugins' started by Aaron C, Aug 23, 2019.



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Personalised/custom AHK scripts for PKing - Anyone interested in this?
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 23, 2019 at 7:46 PM
  2. Aaron C
    Apr 4, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    Aaron C Member

    Personalised/custom AHK scripts for PKing - Anyone interested in this?

    Hi :)

    I just realised that I have a skill which I could use to make money, I can create AHK (AutoHotKey) macros for pking.

    As an example, I created an AHK script which 1) switches to d thrownaxe and book, activates spec and throws d axe instantly, 2) activates d bow spec then immediately throws d axe afterwards, 3) eats food, 4) uses the teleport tab, which is great for quickly escaping when someone rushes you or you see a spec coming that will kill you, 5) launches runescape and then hides taskbar and sets the size of runelite to all four corners of your screen (true fullscreen, like in 2008+) with a toggle as well which returns it back to normal size and shows the taskbar.

    I'm very good at perfecting the script (as in creating it so that not a millisecond extra is wasted), also the scripts will NOT get you banned whatsoever, no matter how quick you do something or if the mouse jumps around (thats another thing, I create it so that you dont see the mouse move, its as if the game uses keybindings not clicking).

    I have also investigated the RS client, and spotted how they prevent certain things such as clicking on the ground or the character to move (as an example, the fix was that the mouse needed to hoover over the target area for 50-70ms - depends on ping - for the click to be registered).

    Does anyone have anything in mind? Is there a spec combo which you struggle to pull off, or you would dominate if it was pulled off perfectly everytime? Post here or send me a message.

    I won't overcharge, if anything I will probably undercharge at first until I start working out the fair price that I should charge.

    Let me know if you're interested :)

    (Keep in mind I am by no means a professional coder who can, for example, code a bot which works for everyone and has multiple combos, I can simply create single/mutiple combos for your build and screen size only - this is good though - it's why bans never happen because the script is private).

    I can demonstrate my AHK scripting knowledge to you via teamviewer or a video or anything that you would prefer.

    Note: I will need access to the account whilst I make the script, but I can do this via. teamviewer with you watching at all times

    An example of something I can do, is create a script which is basically an instant spec restore key, it will change world, teleport outside your house, switch to using a house with a pool, recharge spec, and then tele back to the GE, all with one key press.

    Anything where it does not require reading the game client (I.E. seeing where a walking NPC is located) I can code, if its in the same place all the time then I can code a script which will do it in the fastest time possible and with ease.

    Edit 2:
    I also created an undetectable script which trains range via cannon ogres, it was literally about 10 lines of code but it got me from 1 to 90 range with 0 bans... The secret ingredient was using BlueStacks (an android emulator) to bot on mobile, all it does is click the cannon randomly, it's impossible for jagex to distinguish it from a real player due to being so basic and following simple anti-ban protocols, anything which is extremely simple I can code it and it will be fully undetectable... (this is why Jagex had created randoms, to prevent this kind of botting).

    For anyone who wants to DIY, search Pulover's Macro Creator, it all begins with that :) for those of you who find it too complex or would rather someone else make it for you, send me a message or post here
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 25, 2019 at 6:57 AM
  4. nooonooon
    Mar 9, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    nooonooon Newcomer

    Personalised/custom AHK scripts for PKing - Anyone interested in this?

    If anyone actually uses this guy, you're retarded xD
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 26, 2019 at 2:38 PM
  6. Joejoeb
    Aug 26, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    Joejoeb Newcomer

    Personalised/custom AHK scripts for PKing - Anyone interested in this?

    I want a gmaul to obby maul
< ✅✅✅✅Selling G Maul/Obby 1 Tick AHK✅✅✅✅ | SINGLE PAYMENT NO MONTHLY FEE.⭐PvP & PvM Friendly ⭐AHK SCRIPTS⭐ >

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