Selling Lvl 3 65wcer , and Lvl 3 60wc

Discussion in 'RS3 Polypore Accounts' started by iT TaKE SKiiLZ, Feb 6, 2011.

Selling Lvl 3 65wcer , and Lvl 3 60wc
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 6, 2011 at 2:22 PM
  2. iT TaKE SKiiLZ
    Feb 3, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    iT TaKE SKiiLZ Member

    Selling Lvl 3 65wcer , and Lvl 3 60wc

    these are new accounts i made them MONTH AGO so u will have to login with email but dont worry ill give u the email and send u a photo of information of email im looking for offers add my msn: [email protected]




< [RSGP] Selling 1 Def Pure! [RSGP] | [PAYPAL][RSGP]Lvl 97 Zerker |99 dung|99 Agility|94 Mage|80 att| ALL CHAOTIC WEAPONS| >

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