Pandora's Box Legal High

Discussion in 'Personal Support' started by RecklessMatt, Jul 30, 2013.

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Pandora's Box Legal High
  1. Unread #21 - Aug 20, 2013 at 7:29 AM
  2. pachaleigh
    Aug 20, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    pachaleigh Newcomer

    Pandora's Box Legal High

    Im 15 and have been taking legal highs for a while now, recently I have been taking Pandora's box and managed to have 3g in a day bare in mind it was my first time in trying it the new substance. I must say I didn't realise the effect of the drug would be so harsh so I consumed quite alot in my first try, me and my friend was having a chilled smoke until starting to epically space body kept flopping and my eyes were basically glued to the floor, I couldn't talk or move to try to stand up or lie down I was frozen. I had noticed that every word that i could hear from a distance was repeating in my head and thinking about the word so deeply was draining me and made me feel numb. Every texture was a new and crazy feeling..I hated the feeling of the floor and my clothes but didn't have the energy to sort myself out. The feeling almost came across as a dark and horrible magic spell had been casted on me or was unrealistic. Everything around me didn't look a way it looked like i was in a cartoon and the people that was with me didn't actually look like normal people, they stood out to me alot my eyes were deeply focusing on everything at once. Noises that I wouldn't usually take notice to or hear were louder kept getting louder, all I could hear was people talking but not making much sense. Not long after I decided to have more of the Pandora's box and now I can not get enough of it...I hate the effect it has on me but i love how differently it makes me see things and how deeply it makes me think about everything. Unfortunately im still consuming large amount of Pandora's box along with other legal highs like Exodus, Red Exodus, Fury Extreme, Rapture and many others. I find myself regretting even touching the unknown..but i am greatly in love with what feeling it gives me.
  3. Unread #22 - Aug 20, 2013 at 12:21 PM
  4. Inigma
    Aug 3, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    Inigma Newcomer

    Pandora's Box Legal High

    Legal Highs are bad. Stick to mary. It just get's that simple.
  5. Unread #23 - Sep 1, 2013 at 12:26 AM
  6. UpgradesnSuch
    Jul 21, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    UpgradesnSuch Forum Addict

    Pandora's Box Legal High

    you need to keep taking less and less everyday and then see a doctor, it will help.
  7. Unread #24 - Sep 15, 2013 at 11:55 PM
  8. AnonHighMan

    AnonHighMan Guest

    Pandora's Box Legal High

    Jesus fuck, this stuff is the bees knees of legals. Don't touch unless you are well versed, even then. Execute caution.

    I'm not a noobie to drugs by any means, I regularly trip on the 2C range, nBOME, LSD etc, safe stuff. I regularly take MDMA at parties. I smoke weed all day err' day. Even ended up smoking heroin a couple of times (not by choice, some wankers laced a joint). So bear in mind that my experience had a lot of history behind it, I know the difference from actual pain and regular old paranoia. But holy fuck this stuff blew my mind to a totally new level where body and mind were entirely irrelevant for most of the time anyway.

    This was only a couple of hours ago so my thoughts aren't entirely clear yet.

    I smoked a bong hit of it after trying a sprinkle in a joint and quite enjoying the effects. Woah nelly. Before I knew I was coming up I lost contact with reality and started a rapid march through thought processes. As best I can describe all my thoughts were flashing up for a split second or so each (non sensible babblings) then morphing into the next to a melody of some kind. Think jungle dubstep vibe but with no dubstep. I managed to realise that my body was asking for water so made an effort to sense my body in my vision. It worked, though everything that defined anything in my vision (sounds, edges, smells, general feels) was still exploding into my thoughts as well. I learned that sending messages to your body sorta stunts the stimulus input and let's you perform tasks. Got a drink, all was well.
    But it hadn't come up fully yet.

    Not too sure what happened for the rest of it, though I remember stumbling around in my kitchen having no idea what in the flying blue fuck was going on. Also remember crawling up the stairs into bed after having a realisation that I was now insane and would have to communicate that fact with my family with a series of incomprehensible rants. This was during a point where the trip was barely affected by walking, just intense mental journey after intense mental journey. After a while I was concious enough to realise I had the TV on loud as hell down stairs and it was midnight. So I had to get up (maybe this was only 10 minutes later). Noticed it was American Dad and realised that had been influencing EVERYTHING I was seeing. Continued to watch, the trip kicked in again but this time it was a lot more fun. I think after realising that I was still able to look after myself and make (slightly) intelligent decisions about the source of what the brain was spewing ino my consciousness helped a lot. I think having a show on and KNOWING its on helps a lot while OD'ing on this stuff.

    In conclusion it's a hell of a scary drug that I will be taking again in a similar dose (however well I can judge it), though not for 3 weeks. I remember deciding that was a good idea (while I was tripping) so I'll stick to my high personas conclusion since he had way more access to my consciousness than I will ever have.
    The end. For now.
  9. Unread #25 - Oct 6, 2013 at 2:58 PM
  10. speedy1395

    speedy1395 Guest

    Pandora's Box Legal High

    I have been smoking pandoras for months doing bong hit after bong on a daily basis I Have probably had every bad trip known on this stuff I've tried almost every herbal insence out there at the momenti wouldaadvise that you don't bother with a doctor there pointless and they do nothing to help I've been threw every trip from thinking that jigsaw off saw was controlling my mind to feeling like bones in my. body have actually shattered when I've been smoking it to being spaced out to the point were I feel like I'm not even there to the room constantly spinning around its a very adictive drug you start forgetting things not even important things just stuff in your mind starts to disappear but the best thing to do with legal highs is to just ride it out there's not much else you can do
  11. Unread #26 - Oct 6, 2013 at 3:42 PM
  12. n4n0
    Jun 17, 2007
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    Pandora's Box Legal High

    Closed per OP's request.
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