Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

Discussion in 'Client Plugins' started by OverpoweredKos, Dec 19, 2020.

Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 19, 2020 at 2:10 PM
  2. OverpoweredKos
    Dec 19, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    OverpoweredKos Newcomer

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    --Archiving this completely--

    The LMS script has evolved into a great solo project and I really just don't care enough about maintaining any of my other plugins. Should of done this months ago TBH since the discord was barely open before it was already invited to full slots.

    I'm just asking those that have them please don't crack/release them to the public since I'd just need to kill my backend API to make them useless. All plugin keys have been upgraded to "lifetime" which is year 2023 in which time my old dedicated server hosting runs out.

    I just want to say thanks to all the people that put their trust into me. Biggest shout outs to 0xCF & DaleHome for debugging my horribly optimized code.

    Hello and welcome to the Overpowered plugin shop ran by myself, Kos. Our scripts are an monthly purchase with any cryptocurrency that is supported by Coinbase.
    Please note you gain all tiers belows the tier you purchased. (EG; Tier 1 has both Tier 2 & 3 features as-well)
    Tier 3 ($15 monthly)
    --[PVM Content]--
    Automatic Prayer for TzTok-Jad (Chooses the right prayer to prevent taking damage)
    Automatic NMZ (Supports Rock Cake, Absorption & Overload potions)
    Automatic Eating (Choose what to eat depending on HP Thresholds)
    Automatic Praying (Choose when to drink Prayer potions)
    Automatic Prayer Flicking (Drastically reduces Prayer potion usage)
    Automatic Cannon Reload (Reloads when under # of Cannon Balls left)
    Automatic Basic Special Attack (Uses special attack based on %)
    Automatic Combat (Attacks NPC's within your area)
    Automatic Alcher (Automatically high-alch items that are in your bag)
    Automatic Looter (Automatically pick up items that are on the ground and visible)
    Automatic Rooftop Agility
    Automatic Power Skilling (Woodcutting/Fishing/Mining - No bank support)
    Automatic Bank Skilling (Herblore, Crafting, Fletching, Magic)
    --[PVP Content]--
    None besides the basic PVM Features that also carry over towards PvP naturally.
    Tier 2 ($30 monthly)
    --[PVM Content]--
    Automatic Gear Swapper (Automatically swaps to the correct attack style gear for Demonic Gorillas / Zulrah)
    Automatic Prayer for GWD (Chooses the right prayers for Kree'arra, General Graardor, Commander Zilyana, K'ril Tsutsaroth. Supports prayer flicking minions after bosses death)
    Automatic Prayer for Demonic Gorillas (Chooses the right prayers depending on attack style and has predictive guessing based on next attack style if within melee range)
    Automatic Prayer for Zulrah (Chooses the right prayers depending on the stage of Zulrah & Also supports JAD phase)
    Automatic Gather Skilling (Allows you to build your own route to bank for Woodcutting / Fishing / Mining)
    Automatic Thieving (Automatically Pickpockets / Blackjack from various NPCs with banking support)
    Automatic Hunter (Automatically catch Salamanders / Chinchompas)
    Automatic Bank Skilling T2 (Enables Cooking / Firemaking / Smelting / Smithing to be selected)
    Automatic Wintertodt (Automatically completes the Wintertodt Minigame)
    Automatic Rogues Den (Automatically completes the Rogues Den Minigame)
    Automatic Pest Control (Automatically completes the Pest Control Minigame)
    Automatic Blast Furnace (Automatically completes the Blast Furnace Minigame)
    Automatic Ranging Guild (Automatically completes the Ranging Guild Minigame)
    --[PVP Content]--
    Automatic Prayer Overhead (Switches prayer based on your opponents equipped weapon with very human-like customization possible with "fakeout" detection)
    Automatic Special Cancel (Cancels special attack if opponents overhead prayer is the same as your equipped weapon)
    Automatic Macro PVP (Create your own macros which be used to equip items, switch prayers, preform spells and use trigger special attacks. All within a single tick is possible!)
    Tier 1 (Private access)
    --[PVM Content]--
    Automatic Prayer for Inferno (Chooses the correct prayers based on what's attacking with predictive mode and advance prayer flicking priority's)
    Automatic Mules (Allows you to have a "slave" character to trade various items to other accounts)
    Automatic Zulrah (Will automatically kill Zulrah - Mules supported)
    Automatic Runecrafting (Will automatically uses runes at an Altar - Mules supported)
    Automatic Zalcano (Automatically completes the Zalcano Minigame)
    Automatic Fishing Trawler (Automatically completes the Fishing Trawler Minigame)
    Automatic Quester (Can complete up-to 68 quests currently by itself! Note: Required 1,000,000GP to be traded to the account)
    Automatic Skiller (Automatically train brand new accounts with creatable profiles for when to stop)
    --[PVP Content]--
    Automatic Last Man Standing (Automatically joins last man standing and fights another player to the death with no switching/prayers)
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  3. Unread #2 - Dec 19, 2020 at 6:02 PM
  4. Donald Trump Jr
    Oct 11, 2020
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Username:

    Donald Trump Jr Member

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    You have no way in contacting you.
  5. Unread #3 - Dec 21, 2020 at 6:40 PM
  6. Fury
    Jun 27, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    St. Patrick's Day 2017 Pokémon Trainer Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Valentine's Day 2018 Easter 2018 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2017 Easter 2016 Easter 2017
    <3 n4n0

    Fury Formerly known as 2Riotz
    $200 USD Donor New

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    Just created your profile yesterday. Who are you working with that’s reputable here on Sythe? Proof you have these plugins?
  7. Unread #4 - Dec 21, 2020 at 9:33 PM
  8. OverpoweredKos
    Dec 19, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    OverpoweredKos Newcomer

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    TLDR; Probably posted this thread too early so it'd be safe to let it necro for a bit. Juggling a bit too much right now in-between working, online lectures and homework.

    Still working on creating an global authentication system. (User friendly website with handling cryptocurrency payments, invite system, library streaming service, adding built-in proxy purchasing, access to payment logs, ability to gift/extend subscriptions, and some other anti-naughty features for those leaking)

    Mostly just learning ELM/GO right now to get the basic core features online for my other future projects will rely on this foundation to handle providing cheats for other games using the same backend.

    However once I'm done an weekly rotating Public Discord Server link will be available and once purchased you'll gain access to one of the main servers.

    Also having an some conversations with existing farm owners that don't want this to go public at all due to how reliable they've been able to keep accounts unbanned.

    Its not like you're being forced to purchase them, not exactly sure why you're acting so hostile. Especially when I haven't even publicized any information to contact me.

    But just to satisfy you, the Discord Bot will send pre-recorded .mp4 files if requested. (Such as ~120second long intro about how to install the master plugin and authenticate. Along with 30 second clips of each specific plugin in usage.)
    ^ Fury likes this.
  9. Unread #5 - Dec 24, 2020 at 10:06 AM
  10. desite
    Oct 19, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    desite Newcomer

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    do you have a discord?
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  11. Unread #6 - Jan 2, 2021 at 11:50 AM
  12. tradingwithpink
    Mar 28, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    tradingwithpink Member

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    Im looking for tier 1
  13. Unread #7 - Jan 9, 2021 at 4:17 PM
  14. zerofoxes
    Dec 15, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    zerofoxes Newcomer

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    How much does the tier 1 cost?
  15. Unread #8 - Jan 10, 2021 at 8:52 PM
  16. CheytacRS
    Apr 8, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:

    CheytacRS Member

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    How do I buy tier 1
  17. Unread #9 - Jan 20, 2021 at 9:42 PM
  18. zerofoxes
    Dec 15, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    zerofoxes Newcomer

    Overpowered plugins shop [OpenOSRS]

    Think this maybe fake,, It was posted and no work from the author about the release or discord for the plugin and no screenshots of any the plugins
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