[MOST QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE] Sythe.org Newcomer Introduction/Tutorial!

Discussion in 'Sythe.org Support' started by R, Feb 20, 2013.

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[MOST QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE] Sythe.org Newcomer Introduction/Tutorial!
  1. Unread #1 - Feb 20, 2013 at 2:33 PM
  2. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    [MOST QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE] Sythe.org Newcomer Introduction/Tutorial!

    Welcome to Sythe.org!

    Sythe.org is a large virtual goods trading forum. Here, you can conduct trades for real and virtual goods with other members or simply discuss general topics like music, real life news, or game strategy.
    The following information may be extremely useful to you so we recommend all members unfamiliar with a trading forum environment to read it carefully.

    Getting started

    Everything you need to get started is either on the homepage, Quick Links menu (top of the screen) or the User CP (top of the screen).


    Your profile can be found in the UserCP drop down menu on the top right of the page (Picture example). This is what users will see when clicking your name around the forums.
    You can customize several aspects of your profile using the UserCP drop down menu.
    We recommend you share at least one method of contact so that you are easily contactable by others under "Contact details."

    Signature & text formatting

    Your signature appears below every post you make on Sythe.org. You can use this for graphics, advertisement of your items for sale, referral links for other sites and anything else you may like.
    To edit your signature, go to UserCP as before and choose "Signature" (Picture example).
    Sythe.org uses BBCode to code signatures and text. Click here for a full guide on BBCode.

    You can purchase personalized graphics from our resident artists here: http://www.sythe.org/graphics-marketplace/


    Your avatar is the picture that appears on the left hand side of your username around the forums. The size allowed is 80x80 for non-donors and 150x150 for donors.
    To update your avatar go to UserCP and choose "Avatar" (Picture example).

    Private messaging

    You can send others a private message by clicking their username and selecting "Start a Conversation" (Picture example).

    Rules & punishments


    The forum rules can be found here: Sythe.org Member Rules. If a user commits any unconscionable act not explicitly in the rules, or has repeatedly broken rules, the staff reserves the right to punish the user in any way.
    Alongside the forum rules, some sections have rules unique to them. These are called "sticky" threads and will be at the top of the section indicated by a different colour.

    Infraction system

    Users will be given infractions when minor rules are broken such as spamming, flaming, thread hijacking, and bumping before the 8 hour timer is refreshed. Infractions expire after 1 month.
    • A user who receives 5 infractions will receive a 3 day ban
    • A user who receives 7 infractions will receive a 7 day ban.
    Habitual temp bans may result in a permanent ban. Read the rules to ensure you aren't infracted. You'll find your infractions on your profile tab labeled "Warnings" (Picture example).

    Report a rule breaker

    To report a post that breaks a rule, use the report button on the top right of the post in question.

    Threads & posts

    Creating a thread
    1. Make sure you're in the appropriate section for your thread's content by checking the "sticky" threads.
    2. Click new thread at the top left of the section: [​IMG]
    3. Posts are formatted using BBCode: Click here for a full guide on BBCode.
    4. Choose an icon to appear beside your thread and post your thread.
    You can only bump it (reply to it to push it to the top) once every 8 hours unless you are replying to a query from another user. Posts like "thanks," "you're welcome," etc. are considered early bumps and will be infracted for spam.​


    Sometimes, it can be useful to quote someone's message. To do this, simply click "Quote" on the bottom right of someone's message then select insert quotes:


    Changing your thread title

    You can edit your thread titles from the button at the top left of your thread using the "Thread Tools"



    Sythe.org offers a unique security system to prevent anyone hacking or gaining access to your Sythe account.

    What do I need?
    • A smartphone or iDevice that can scan barcodes
    • A Google authentication-capable application for said phone
    How do I get two factor authentication (2fa)?
    • To activate 2fa on your Sythe account go to: https://www.sythe.org/account/two-step and select "Add."
    • Go to your app, add a new account, and scan the QR code with the app (It may take a second).
    • Sythe.org should now appear on your app. Click the key icon next to that to generate a passcode then enter it on Sythe.
      • (If your code doesn't work it may be because you have your phone's time manually set rather than automatically synchronised).
    • Confirm and "Add two factor"
      • You will then be given a backup code to remove two factor should you ever lose your phone; keep this on your person, not on your computer.
    How will this help protect me?

    You're now protected by 2fa. Should a hacker access your account with your password, they won't be able to access anything on Sythe unless they have access to your mobile phone or other device to generate a code.​

    Using the market to buy & sell


    Vouches are what we use on Sythe.org to record trades and receive feedback from those whom we've traded. Vouch threads are created here: Vouches forum.

    Vouches are often presented as quotes. Check the vouches are real by clicking on the arrow next to the username and making sure the quote matches the original post. Picture example. If it's fake, report it here: Report.

    When using these to consider how trustworthy someone is, remember: quality over quantity. Consider this scenario as an example:
    User #1 has over 100 vouches ranging from 2$ to 27$, in most of which they went first.
    User #2 has 25 vouches for trades ranging from 30$ to 219$. The other user went first.​
    As you can see User #2, although they have less vouches, would be considered more trustworthy.​
    Middlemen / Official middlemen

    A middleman is a third party user who can ensure a trade goes smoothly when you don't want to risk going first. They can be found here: www.sythe.org/middleman-forums/.
    There are mostly unofficial middlemen but you can find official middlemen who are chosen by Sythe.org upper-staff here: Official Middleman list
    Official middlemen are identifiable by their rank: [​IMG]

    Always request a PM containing Skype username and a copy & paste of the Skype conversation. Example.
    Keeping evidence

    Whilst trading, we thoroughly recommend you either video record or screenshot the trade from start to finish. Keep these organised on your computer like so: Example.

    Before even starting a trade ensure you have the following screenshots:

    Cash > item

    • The conversation at important points as they happen (to avoid edited/deleted messages)
      • Such as price, terms of service, details given (account name, password, pp e-mail, moneypak code, WU details, bank sort code, etc.)
    • You receiving or delivering the goods
    • The confirmation of the trade being completed

    Runescape trades
    • As above with the addition of trade screenshots
      • Second trade screen
      • Chat window showing trade was then accepted
    • Don't crop these


    There are several types of scammers and ways to spot them. Never trade without a PM on Sythe - Skypes can be hacked.


    Impostors scam by pretending to be someone trusted. For example, this is Entrr's skype confirmed via PM: Picture example.
    An impostor would create a Skype similar to Entrr's such as "entrrr.sythe" and try to trick them in to PM'ing you as you talk with the impostor.
    Always triple, or even quadruple check, that the Skype username is exactly the same and not slightly different.


    These people will pretend to be someone on Sythe. If you ask for a PM they will make excuses not to PM you such as:
    • I can't log in at the moment
    • My internet is bad
    • Sythe is down
    • I'll send you a screenshot of me logged in
    • Here's a post with my Skype name in it
    If they refuse to PM you, refuse to trade them.

    Hacked/bought account

    Sometimes people hack or buy old Sythe accounts. You can notice this by a large jump in post date usually.
    For example, if someone posted a year ago and then suddenly posts 20 times in one day - avoid trading or ask a moderator to verify the user.
    These accounts are usually old, e.g. a join date of 2010 or before.​

    Forum ranks


    To keep the site running smoothly, Sythe.org promotes staff to handle reports, users, queries and anything else which may require assistance. Staff can be identified by the ranks underneath their username.

    This is the hierarchy of staff from top to bottom:


    Find out how staff are chosen here.
    View current staff here.

    Donors and donations

    Donations are a vital part of Sythe.org and play a huge role in keeping Sythe.org funded. Once you donate a specific amount, you will receive you a rank plus some special features exclusive to donors!

    You can find all you need to know about donating here.

    Donor ranks and benefits:

    • Access to the Donor's Lounge
    • A Bigger PM Box (500 Messages)
    • Hidden Mode (Appear Offline)
    • A Larger Avatar (150 x 100px max)
    • Over 30 Extra Post Icons

    • All previous perks

    • All previous perks
    • Custom User Title

    • All previous perks
    • Enhanced User Title (colors etc)

    • All previous perks
    • Custom Username Image

    • All previous perks
    • Custom Rank (you choose outer icons on donation rank)
    • Second Username Image

    • All previous perks
    • Third Username Image

    There are also what we call Legacy Ranks in donation ranks. These are only available to users who donated before July 1, 2010.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Status ranks

    • [​IMG] Banned - the user is permanently banned. This could be a temporary ban due to infraction buildup.
    • [​IMG] Trade with Caution - This user has been deemed suspicious in their market activities. Other users are advised to trade with caution.
    • [​IMG] Head Middleman - Appointed by administration to co-ordinate the official middlemen.
    • [​IMG] Official Middleman - Middlemen who wish to become OMM's must complete a rigorous application in order to attain this rank.
    • [​IMG] Java Programmer - This user has exceptional knowledge regarding programming in Java. Only awarded in rare circumstances.
    • [​IMG] vB Programmer - This user has exceptional knowledge regarding programming in Visual Basic. Only awarded in rare circumstances.
    • [​IMG] PHP Programmer - This user has exceptional knowledge on PHP programming and web development. Only awarded in rare circumstances.
    • [​IMG] Scar Programmer - This user has exceptional knowledge in creating Scar scripts. Only awarded in rare circumstances.
    • [​IMG] Head of Donations - In charge of handling and processing all Sythe.org donations via the Donations Centre.
    • [​IMG] Do Not Trade - These users are not allowed to trade with other users or view market forums
    • [​IMG] Technical Core Members - These are Sythe.org users who are on the Technical Core Team
    • [​IMG] CDT Member - These are Sythe.org users who are on the Community Development Team
    • [​IMG] CDT Leader - These are Sythe.org users who lead the Community Development Team
    • [​IMG] PR Team Member - These are Sythe.org users who are on the Public Relations Team
    • [​IMG] PR Team Leader - These are Sythe.org users who lead the Public Relations Team

    Fun ranks

    These ranks are awarded to users by the administration team for contribution and service to Sythe. In rare occasions, they may be incentives for competitions.
    Do not ask for a fun-rank.

    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
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    • [​IMG]
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    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
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    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]
    • [​IMG]

    You can find out who has each rank here: Titles & Ranks


    Miniranks are given out by Administrators. These can be for winning events and competitions or for helping out with something.

    Some miniranks are given for participating in seasonal holiday events and for posting in certain sections. Visit www.sythe.org/usercenter/ > minirank directory for more info.​
    ^ Kuzzain, Stonerguy28, Dhw ho and 41 others like this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2024
  3. Unread #2 - Feb 20, 2013 at 2:33 PM
  4. R
    Apr 4, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Sythe Awards 2013 Winner

    R Legend
    Retired Administrator Roary Donor Mudkips Legendary

    [MOST QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE] Sythe.org Newcomer Introduction/Tutorial!

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2017
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