My Request Of A High Pardon

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by lol i kill high pardon, Apr 12, 2012.

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My Request Of A High Pardon
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 12, 2012 at 6:31 PM
  2. lol i kill high pardon

    lol i kill high pardon Guest

    My Request Of A High Pardon

    So i'll get straight into it, i've been banned for approximately two years now for malicous activity here at Sythe forums (i didn't infect anyone - i know i still committed an offence, but i rekon my punishment should be a little less harsh, seeing as though no harm was done and i now know what i done was wrong, so now i can try to show you the real me) At the time i was what, 14 or 15 years old? I know i've probably added this certain point on all my previous pardons and i just wanted to say that me being 16 now has changed alot about me. I'm sure it's not just my family who think someones 16th birthday is a big thing, i guess you can almost state the fact someone is officialy and adult (seeing as though if you're from U.K/England you get your NI card - National Insurance card which allows you to officialy start a full time job and whatnot) With me growing up and all means that i've learnt new skills, i think about things more thoroughly... whether this be breaking a rule or in general making any sorts of decission. At the time when i was breaking a rule here at Sythe i didn't even think about the repercussions, i didn't think outside the box, in other words i was a dumb kid. Everyone grows up, well atleast i hope people do... anyways i've grown up and i realise what i did was bang out of order but i've learnt from my mistakes.

    If yourselves allow me to come back to the forums, i'll have one last chance to show my true colours. I'm 16, i've matured. Since my ban, i've NEVER tryed to ban-evade, and i've never tryed to commit any other offence while being suspended. However, since my ban which was two years ago, i've still come on to surf the forums and just check up on what people are up to an all, i've also even conducted quite a few trades. Ranging from buying/selling gp - buying membership pins, all trades went well EXCEPT one in which I got scammed for about 14M RSGP. I didn't take any screenies, nor did i even video record it. I was banned and could do nothing about it, not to mention he had just joined the month we were currently on, he probably had like 15 postcount and like 2 vouches, however if someone doesn't have a Sythe account, i guess you'll have to go first regardless of how many vouches the other person has.

    With that being said, apart from me not ban evading since my ban, not committing ANY offences whilst being banned, me trying to still get involved with the community by conducting trades etc theirs nothing more i can really say other then me feeling the reprecussions of something i did 2 years back on one of the biggest forums.

    If yourselves were to unban my account "lol i kill" you could maybe add something to my name which says something that tells buyers/sellers that i've been previously banned. I would not mind this one bit, you maybe could even right something in my signature that i'm someone whose been banned and the fact that the person i'm trading with should be cautious whilst trading with me, then ofcourse you can maybe disable me from editting/changing my signature, and yourselves can decide if i should permantly have it or if it's only a temporary thing. With this being said, i'll probably no doubtly would have to go FIRST in ALL of my trades meaning i CAN'T scam, so in theory yourselves win and i win. (i win because im aloud to be back on the forums - and yourselves win because hopefully you can get some donations from me) i know i wasn't banned for scamming itself but it's something you can rely on for me not making any other member unhappy. And you can add "NEVER CLICK ON A LINK LOL I KILL SENDS/POSTS"

    I truly am very sorry for my offence, no harm is intended if i was to come back, i've got good intentions and i'm not a bad guy... I hope you can make an appopriate decission.

    (waiting every 4 or so months just to write another apeal is quite dreadfull and nasty, so i'm really hoping this is my last one i write, i've not posted on sythe for 2 years or so, apart from the dispute forum, it's horrible. Just to say once more, i'm sorry and nothing will happen again i PROMISE)

    NOTE: If you would like to ask any other questions feel free to ask, and i'll answer your question as soon as possible, i'll then post another thread and tell yourselves to merge with this original thread)

    Thanks alot for reading,
    - Lol I Kill -
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 19, 2012 at 4:48 PM
  4. FireZ
    Dec 3, 2009
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    My Request Of A High Pardon

< Request for High Pardon please. | Min -> Nil Volentibus Arduum >

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