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Discussion in 'Personal Support' started by Guest...., May 13, 2019.

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  1. Unread #1 - May 13, 2019 at 5:20 PM
  2. Guest....

    Guest.... Guest

    Merge w prev thread

    I’m happy things worked out for you. Idk what to do, I’m trying to be social, although I can have fun for short periods of time I am not really happy. If being social and meds/theraphy won’t help me, what can?

    @Coin Finishing my degree, start a family with my girl.

    @LogoGambling That was actually amazing. Appreciate the advice, I have tried for almost 20 years, I dealt with depression since 1st grade. I don’t see myself ever being happy, much like @TheAnubis joy/happiness is not a consistent/lasting thing. However I appreciate you taking the time writing all that, least I can do in return is try.

    A bit of backstory: I was born with subdural hematoma which could be linked to my depression. Seeing as it started at age 6 which is abnormal that’d make sense. If what I am saying is the case it’s all in my head. Things are not really going my way as of late. Lost my drivers license for an uncertain amount of time due to a seizure last year, will have to take some tests (EEG) and consult with a neuro surgeon to get my license back, which adds weight to my shoulder. It’s pointless really but I should probably mention my depression and anxiety once I’m at it.

    @Manly Hall Inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
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