Looking to buy - Piety Mid Level 60+ att, 90+ str, 90+ range, 94+ mage, 70/75 def, MM2, B Gloves

Discussion in 'Med Level (1501-1999 total level)' started by flop, Dec 25, 2021.

Looking to buy - Piety Mid Level 60+ att, 90+ str, 90+ range, 94+ mage, 70/75 def, MM2, B Gloves
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 25, 2021 at 9:33 AM
  2. flop
    Jan 3, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    flop Newcomer

    Looking to buy - Piety Mid Level 60+ att, 90+ str, 90+ range, 94+ mage, 70/75 def, MM2, B Gloves

    Looking to buy a piety mid level from a trusted sythe seller / unset email etc.

    60-75 att
    90+ str
    90+ range
    94+ magic
    70+ pray (preferably 77 with rigour/augury)
    Quested B gloves min - preferably MM2, DS2

    Inferno, F Cape, Void, Avernic all bonuses.

    Open to offers, will be paying in OSRS or Bitcoin.

    My discord: Franwan#6942

    Thank you!
< Selling nearly maxed main cb 120 | PERFECT ENDGAME MAX MAIN TOB READY | 1600 Total | 205 QP | 80 HERB | 73 Slay | RIGOUR | FIRE CAPE >

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