High Pardon (Hopefully) for X Jason X

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Unregistered X Jason X, Nov 15, 2010.

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High Pardon (Hopefully) for X Jason X
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 15, 2010 at 4:41 PM
  2. Unregistered X Jason X

    Unregistered X Jason X Guest

    High Pardon (Hopefully) for X Jason X

    Hello, This is, or was X Jason X and I hope to explain my case as best as I can (the info I type may not be 100% accurate). I am guilty of self-vouching, then ban-evading. Also I understand and will respect the final answer. So please read and consider :D

    About 1 year, 7 months ago, when I was 12 (quite young and immature), I made an account and its name was Koda44312. I mostly used it to find someone to do my firecape and as I was on more and more I wanted to become a part of the community and help people out. The only problem was nobody would trust me. As I said, I was 12, young and naive, of course that wasn't even 2 years ago but the difference in maturity and understanding of the world is HUGE between the ages 12 and 14. So, I decided to self-vouch a couple times and have a friend of mine vouch, too. Trust was all I wanted but soon enough, people found out and I got banned.

    I'm not sure which came first here, so I'll guess. After that I told a friend of mine, in real life about Sythe, so he made an account on my computer, Raichu7825 and joined the community (he was grounded from the computer for a month so he came to my house to go on in the meantime, hahah) , but soon to get banned for ban evading MY account, Koda44312.

    You may have to switch this paragraph with the first one, as like I said, I don't remember which came first... So anyways, I made an account called, I believe either X Fender X, or just Fender and continued to be a part of the community, gaining a few vouches, and getting trusted, only to be banned again.

    Finally, just over a year ago I created X Jason X and started to become a helpful part of the community. I was up to, I think 13 vouches and I believe 300 posts, slowly making my way up to doing more things requiring more trust. After about 9 months I finally felt accepted and fairly trusted, until one day during the summer, Crispy (who is banned) asked me to post something on his behalf against xXFireZ (sorry if I got the name wrong, I'm sure you know who I mean) xXFireZ then did a background check of my account, probably checking to see if I was Crispy but found I was a different ban evader and banned me.

    To think, all this started with a simple, stupid, childish move I made when I was 12 and I still regret it. Take a look, I have done nothing to scam anyone or even ATTEMPTED to do such a thing. All I want to do is be part of the Sythe community offering my services for others, as I have been trying to do for 1 year, 7 months. I hope anyone who reads this understands.

    X Jason X :)
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 18, 2010 at 11:08 AM
  4. Pen
    Nov 6, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Pen Legend

    High Pardon (Hopefully) for X Jason X

< requested ban by theviper | High Pardon Appeal >

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