[Paypal] Selling 76k/26 Tricks .35/.25c ea [Paypal]

Discussion in 'Buy RuneScape 3 EOC Gold (WTS threads)' started by Gift card, Aug 16, 2010.

[Paypal] Selling 76k/26 Tricks .35/.25c ea [Paypal]
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 16, 2010 at 8:23 PM
  2. Gift card
    Apr 19, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Gift card Forum Addict

    [Paypal] Selling 76k/26 Tricks .35/.25c ea [Paypal]

    I am selling 76k tricks as the title sais for 35 Cents each and 26k tricks for f2p for .25 cents each!

    My Msn- [email protected]

    My Vouches- http://www.sythe.org/showthread.php?t=828582

    Q and A

    Why are 76k tricks good? These are good because if you have high ep you usually get a 300k + Drop! Which is amazing!!!!.

    Why am I doing this? To earn trust on this site and to earn a bit of cash.

    What levels are your accounts

    I have a level 52, 121, 59 for p2p
    And level 83, 100, 87, 111 for f2p.

    Sorry for the in convenience if you are not in the combat range =/ .

    Do you do any other tricks?
    Sorry, but for now i currently am ONLY doing 76k and 26k tricks, please do not ask for d boot tricks etc.

    If you want to buy from me make sure to either post here or add me on msn!

< [Paypal] [10¢ 76k TRICKS] Cheapest Tricks Around~ | free accounts allot of things >

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