Destiny 2 Comp. Recovery (CHEAP) (PS4)

Discussion in 'MMO Services' started by BossCompService, Jan 18, 2019.

Destiny 2 Comp. Recovery (CHEAP) (PS4)
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 18, 2019 at 3:57 PM
  2. BossCompService
    Jan 18, 2019
    Sythe Gold:

    BossCompService Member

    Destiny 2 Comp. Recovery (CHEAP) (PS4)

    Yo =)

    i offer recov services for comp. Here is my prices:

    Luna’s (from start to 2100 points) 100$, if you need the points only its 40$, if you need the quest steps only its: 80$

    2100-5500 points with NF quest step (300 Luna kills) $150

    NF from start with all Lunas stuff done first and then all NF quest (300 Luna kills) 200$

    1000 points without any quest steps 75$

    500 points without any quest steps 50$

    i know im very cheap and if i get to many orders im gonna put the prices up, i just wanna make sure i always have 1 order and i will prioritize Luna recovs first, since i can help people reaching Fabled for free on my stream while i do Luna recovs, its to hard helping people while doing NF recovs though.

    the recov is going to be streamed, when you pay you will get link to my stream and you can watch it while im doing it.

    peace - Boss =)
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