[Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

Discussion in 'Denied Suggestions' started by Damn Im Evil, Sep 21, 2018.


Should doxing scammers be allowed?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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[Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed
  1. Unread #61 - Sep 22, 2018 at 4:42 AM
  2. tigeris
    Dec 2, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
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    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    The point of doxing a scammer isn't to punish him, it's to warn others to know what is going to happen in my eyes, you sacrifice a few and save tons of ppl from getting scammed
    ^ Damn Im Evil likes this.
  3. Unread #62 - Sep 22, 2018 at 4:44 AM
  4. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    I fail to see how doxing has permanent irreversible damages. I think many of you are under the impression that every person who is doxed is swatted. You're also under the impression that every scammer is a teenager who has only done it once. That's not the case.

    Not one person has mentioned how posting dox's could be used to take someone to small claims court and attempt to retrieve their funds.

    I would question the character of anyone who seems to think it's okay for people to scam and get away with it. There's already multiple sites that allow dox's to be posted, so clearly it's not an absurd idea.
  5. Unread #63 - Sep 22, 2018 at 4:51 AM
  6. Program
    Sep 17, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    FuukinAndy #6867

    Program Formerly known as Andy Samberg
    Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    No one said it'd cause irreversible damage every time. And there's a lot more than just SWATting someone that can be damaging, I listed a few already.

    I never said EVERY scammer is a teenager, but if a rule like this was passed then scenarios like I mentioned would most definitely occur with people like 16 y/o teenagers since it's a blanket rule.

    Looks to me like you're the one who made a lot of assumptions.

    People have tried bringing legal action against others with doxes before for scamming, almost never leads anywhere. You said yourself, the point for you would be to humiliate the scammer.

    That's exactly the type of behavior that disgusts me. Taking revenge out on someone at any cost of collateral damage and overkill damage to the scammer.

    No one is saying scammers should get away with it, we do our best to fairly punish scammers here on Sythe. Not condoning collateral damage and potential ruining of lives is not sayingthat scams are okay.
    ^ Pendulum likes this.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
  7. Unread #64 - Sep 22, 2018 at 4:54 AM
  8. NoCap
    May 29, 2018
    Sythe Gold:


    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    What point are you trying to put across here? I simply stated you are/WERE a scammer based on the previous scams you did commit, which is a 100% factual and valid statement.

    I never said I knew anything about you, nor did I say the imposter impacts you, infact the only thing I do know about you is that you used to scam people.

    I don't need to know about the scams on this forum, I simply deciphered the fact that you called someones comment which used your previous scams as a perfectly valid example "irrelevant" and "unnecessary" when they were infact, the opposite, that was my whole argument, you've simply gone into defensive mode and exposed yourself for being the clueless one.

    Instead of actually reading and trying to understand the points I was making, you lower to the standard of making cliché 14 year old insults because you have no actual knowledgeable or reasonable response to my comments, therefore there's literally no point in conversating with you any longer.
  9. Unread #65 - Sep 22, 2018 at 4:59 AM
  10. www
    Oct 21, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Dragon Claws

    www Guru
    Ghost Face $25 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    Support, because scamming is a criminal offense and you should get punished from it. That's what they do when someone does a murder or a robbery, they post his face to the news.
    ^ Damn Im Evil likes this.
  11. Unread #66 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:01 AM
  12. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    It is irrelevant, because as I pointed out before, these scams took place 7+ years ago. The average scammer does it on numerous occasions, ban evades, and shows no remorse (I paid back my debts).

    I SCAMMED SOMEONE BEFORE, when I was 12 years old. You keep reiterating it, so I'd thought I'd put it in caps so you can enjoy it even more.
    But guess what? Since then I have done tens of thousands of dollars in deals, established a reputation across various forums, and started multiple successful businesses.
    I'm more trusted than you'll ever be in your entire life, whether its among friends/family or through my online presence.

    Anyone who feels the need to point out someones scam and hold it over their head is insecure and craves attention.
  13. Unread #67 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:04 AM
  14. froopy
    Sep 22, 2018
    Sythe Gold:

    froopy Member

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    We’d be stooping to their level. Instead of fighting fire with more fire, let’s focus on tackling scammer prevention. Highlighting and distributing safety tips when trading.
  15. Unread #68 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:11 AM
  16. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    I never said that. I said the main goal would be to publicly shame the scammer. This would make them more likely to pay back their debts and clear their name, and also serve as a warning to those who are considering scamming.

    The ultimate point I'm trying to make is, there's no severe punishment for scamming on this forum. Someone scams, they get banned, and they simply make a new account on a vpn and repeat the process.

    Explain to me how stealing money in person is different than it is online. In one case, you go to jail and essentially get shamed for your actions by having it written on every job/college application you fill out. In the other, you're off the hook with no consequences other than having your account banned.

    There is no sympathy for criminals in real life. What about the mother who cannot show her face in public anymore because her son went to jail for stealing. The mother is innocent and still has had her life and reputation ruined due to someone elses actions, did she not? I suppose you think he should have been let off with a warning and a slap on the wrist.
  17. Unread #69 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:20 AM
  18. Flipz
    Apr 12, 2018
    Sythe Gold:


    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    I voted yes but I would like to see OP's face posted first with the title "this nigga scammed $35"
  19. Unread #70 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:24 AM
  20. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    How about this. I'll do a $35 giveaway if you film a video of yourself showing your face saying "My name is Flipz and I'm poor as dirt."
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
  21. Unread #71 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:28 AM
  22. Program
    Sep 17, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    FuukinAndy #6867

    Program Formerly known as Andy Samberg
    Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    Facepalm.....humiliate = "make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly."


    Difference is the mothers identity was never protected to begin with, here on Sythe doxing is an explicit act and as you've repeatedly said, the intent is to harm the scammer. Government public record is not intended to harm thieves, it's a matter of transparency and responsibility to the public.

    Also, generally speaking, even if thieves criminal record wasn't public, the information is covered by the media anyway. So it isn't really up to the people doling out punishment to decide what reputation damaging information is released.

    Also Sythe is not the Government. It's not a correct equivalency to begin with.
  23. Unread #72 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:32 AM
  24. Flipz
    Apr 12, 2018
    Sythe Gold:


    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    You literally scammed $35... you're not in a position to call anyone 'poor'
  25. Unread #73 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:47 AM
  26. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    Humiliating someone would be centered around embarrassing them.
    My notion of public shaming (the exact terminology I used) would revolve around shunning them for their actions in hopes that they come to their senses and repay their debts, not making them a laughing stock for Sythe.

    Referencing a dictionary to try and correct me, when in fact I never used the word humiliate, just looks to me like you're avoiding responding to my points and maintaining an intelligent conversation.

    So if public records are meant to be transparent and uphold the governments responsibility to it's people, does that mean Sythe has no responsibility towards protecting its users? Banning someone does nothing aside from making it slightly inconvenient for the scammer to return back on Sythe with a new identity.

    I see very few circumstances where relatives of a scammer would be harmed, especially if they do not live together.

    Also, if a scam large enough occurred on this forum and law enforcement were to get involved, the identities of the scammers would be revealed and articles would be written about them. This happened on another forum and just shows how the amount of the scam is more important than the principle itself in the eyes of admin.

    Regardless, it seems like this debate is going nowhere. We're all entitled to our opinions, so the poll results will speak for themselves.

    Impostors will continue to scam others and sleep well at night knowing they wont face any consequences.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
  27. Unread #74 - Sep 22, 2018 at 5:49 AM
  28. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    Yes, 7 years ago when I was 12 years old, as I mentioned 3 times in this thread.

    I take it you have problems with your eyesight.

    PM me your BTC addy and I'll send you some money to visit the optometrist and get a pair of prescription glasses.
  29. Unread #75 - Sep 22, 2018 at 6:00 AM
  30. Program
    Sep 17, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    FuukinAndy #6867

    Program Formerly known as Andy Samberg
    Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    I referenced the dictionary because you exactly defined the humiliation when you said you weren't trying to humiliate. And you just did again.

    Also, I've refuted every one of your "points", you're the one who has been cherry picking what you want to respond to. It's clear who is having an intelligent debate and who is just trying to get revenge at any cost. lol.

    No responsibility to users? That logic doesn't follow at all, huge leap. We do our best to protect our users. Again, we just don't condone collateral damage and potential ruining of someone's life.

    Even if it was only a few people hurt as collateral damage, that'd be unacceptable. Hurting any number of innocent people to get revenge on a scammer isn't worth it. And that's after you've already subscribed to the idea that hurting the scammer in this way is acceptable, which I don't.
  31. Unread #76 - Sep 22, 2018 at 6:26 AM
  32. Damn Im Evil
    Aug 28, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Damn Im Evil www.EssayBuddy.org - #1 Homework/Essay Service
    $50 USD Donor New

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    My last point, you discuss "ruining peoples lives" an awful lot. Did you ever think about the impact scamming has on the victims?

    Perhaps a gold seller desperately needs money to pay for his medical expenses or rent. The action of the scammer would not only affect him, but also everyone around him.

    Scamming affects the victim and his family (more frequently) while doxing affects the scammer and his family (less frequently).
    If you had to take one side, which would you choose?

    You also seem to be putting words in my mouth. When did I ever state that I'm trying to "get revenge at any cost"?
    re·venge noun 1. "the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands."
    I made it pretty clear that my intentions are not to inflict harm on the scammers, but to implement a way to reduce them by adding punishments.

    I haven't been cherry picking what I've been responding to at all. I've addressed each one of your points.

    I respect you as a mod and I've emphasized that on your feedback thread.
    However, our personal views are entirely different and the fact that you feel the need to throw small, witty jabs throughout our conversation and create assumptions is uncalled for.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
  33. Unread #77 - Sep 22, 2018 at 6:40 AM
  34. Program
    Sep 17, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    FuukinAndy #6867

    Program Formerly known as Andy Samberg
    Retired Sectional Moderator

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    No matter what a scammer does, it doesn't excuse collateral damage of innocent bystanders.

    Publicly shaming/humiliation is harming someone. And to me not caring about collateral damage is about as "at any cost" mentality as it gets.

    In my post here: https://www.sythe.org/posts/32814316/ You responded only to something irrelevant to the discussion and completely skirted everything else I said. And then accused me of "avoiding responding to points and maintaining an intelligent conversation". And now you go on to say I'm making jabs when you say I'm not having an intelligent discussion. Lot of irony there.

    But yeah. I think we've went the rounds and we've already had this discussion previously on Discord. And it's ended the same here as it did there.

    You think collateral damage is an acceptable price. You think the potential extreme damage you can cause someone directly or indirectly is an acceptable price. You think doxing has anything to do with refunds.

    I disagree with all of those things for the reasons I've stated.
  35. Unread #78 - Sep 22, 2018 at 8:10 AM
  36. Rasmus
    Dec 1, 2015
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    Rasmus Click here for all your gold needs!
    $500 USD Donor

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    You do realize that publicly posted information cannot really be ever taken back right? They can pardon but the information will always still be out there.

    I hate scammers but this is probably the dumbest suggestion I have seen thus far. If this were to happen this site would just become a competition of blackhats trying to ruin eachothers lives/businesses. We have advanced as a society where we don't just kill off people who have broken the rules of our tribe but we rather try to help them better themselves and get back on their feet. Let's be humane, rational and not go back to the practices of the old times.

    The justice system and random blackhats are vastly different things. There are some terrible people out there who would do terrible things with this kind of information, scammer or not.
    ^ Pendulum likes this.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
  37. Unread #79 - Sep 22, 2018 at 10:01 AM
  38. Josik1
    Aug 11, 2017
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    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    I have a strong feeling a lot of people in this suggestion are giving scammers more credit than they deserve , making it seem like they are an unstoppable force taking over , when in reallity at least 95% of the scams can be avoided by informing yourself. For example if you are going to trade with Discord learn how it works before using it.

    The only thing doxing people/scammer will do is create hate , if any of you here truly belives that someone will repay his debt because he is getting doxed , Im afraid you are completly wrong. We as human when we feel under pressure or that our family can be at risk will do anything to get out of this situation.
    If you dox a scammer the most problable thing to happen is the scammer doxing you back or something even worse.

    Lastly , approving doxing so users feel "afraid" of scamming will not work. Human response in the face of fear is not to obey , is the complete opposite , there is a reason why 90% of the world lives in a Democracy.
  39. Unread #80 - Sep 22, 2018 at 2:24 PM
  40. Ricky114EL1T3
    Aug 1, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Ricky114EL1T3 One Stop Shop for Anything OSRS!!

    [Denied] Suggestion: Allow Scammers to be Doxed

    This is probably one of the most mind numbing things ive read in a while. You want to make an example out of WHATS MOST LIKELY A KID because he took some gold from you. Yeah, fuck the trauma his younger siblings go thru when someone swats him, we need to make an example outa someone :shrug:
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